C25K group starting July 30



  • What is a c25k? I understand the 25K but what is the c. I would like to try and would like to know what the rules are.
  • stepher80
    stepher80 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm starting week 3 tomorrow. I would like to be part of the group. :)
  • wannaberunner75
    wannaberunner75 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been wanting to hit this program and have been lacking the motivation. I'd love to join!
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    i will be starting week 2 on Monday...would love to be part of the group if that's ok. In case there is anyone thinking they may be too old to start running...I will soon be 65 and I am determined to be a runner...LOL!

    Cheers, Carole
  • amomatt
    amomatt Posts: 41
    Me please. I've been messing around with it and am running for longer periods now but would love to join a group and actually finish this!
  • Hey! I'd love to join up too. How do i become part of the group??? I'm very new at this.....
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 582 Member
    Invite, please? I have a 5k on October 6th and that gives me juuuuuust enough time to do c25k.
  • amitybs
    amitybs Posts: 35
    If it's still open I'd like to join!! Been thinking about this a lot but kind of afraid to try running for fear of failing, having support would be great! Starting Monday would be perfect!
  • Gigglie_01
    Gigglie_01 Posts: 29 Member
    C25K is couch to 5k program, running a little at a time with periods of walking
  • abbylaine104
    abbylaine104 Posts: 7 Member
    i'd like to join as well! My sister and I are going to use the c25k app and get going....we're looking at running a 5k in either september or october! any extra support will help:)
  • ingalynn
    ingalynn Posts: 136 Member
    I am finishing week 5, but I'd love to join your group
  • gemwit
    gemwit Posts: 6
    Count me in please. I havent worked out in almost 2 years and really need to start small. I'm going to try an AM routine. Please cheer me on!!
  • LizChance
    LizChance Posts: 2
    im in! i was planning on starting monday anyway and found this group! :)
  • Ang_from_Colorado
    Ang_from_Colorado Posts: 55 Member
    Count me in please. I've been saying I'm going to start this and never do....maybe this will motivate me :)
  • motherbetty
    motherbetty Posts: 170 Member
    I've always wanted to do this program. Count me in if you have the space please! Thanks!
  • I'd really like to join. I've been wanting to start this for awhile now and I really think this group would be a huge help.
  • kscouten
    kscouten Posts: 40 Member
    Sure, count me in. I have been working on the C25K a bit already. I can do week 4 day 1 but I think I need to start over a bit first because after 5 minutes of jogging my heart rate is really close to it's maximum range and sometimes my ears go numb (weird.. I know). I could use some support!!:blushing:

    I am also having problems with week 4. Not exactly the same but my heart does feel like it is going to come out my throat lol! Also I my legs start hurting the last 5 mins of the run. I can run all but the last 2-3 mins of it.
  • rottiegirl22
    rottiegirl22 Posts: 19 Member
    Count me in! Starting my own version tomorrow and an official c25k class Aug 27th for a 5K beginning of Nov!
  • Please include me!
  • timideyes
    timideyes Posts: 2
    Count me in!