30 Day Shred tomorrow 7/23/12



  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Day 4 level 1 done. Already starting to forget what day I'm on lol.

    I also forgot to turn off my HRM after the workout so I don't really have an accurate calorie burn. Ah well :-)

    Ran 3 miles this morning....did 30 DS this evening. I guess it's Jillian in the morning since it's a non running day.

    Take care all!
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Day 5, Level 1 done this morning....though I don't think I put in as much effort. I was so tired..... I need to really work on getting more sleep.

    Still, I did it. I can tell my endurance is up a little....some things are getting a little easier. I still struggle with the jump ropes and those side lunges with barbells (I can't remember what it's called).

    I can't believe I'm halfway done with level 1.

    I'm debating on taking a rest day on Sunday like I normally do. I work out like 8 hours a week (between walking, running and 30 ds)....may need some rest in there somewhere lol.
  • 80Ben
    80Ben Posts: 119 Member
    Level 1, day 5 done! Half of level one is completed, let's go people!
  • jhner
    jhner Posts: 66
    Ok,so I'm several days behind, but would like to do this with you all. I've tried 30DS several different times, but never for days in a row. I will probably not do it everyday, because I walk/jog and do Zumba so I'll do it as much as possible. Good luck to me!
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I'm starting Sunday, 7/29... WOOHOO
  • During day 5 of level 1 i was really feeling the burn in my legs and arms!!

    Im also starting to remember where she says what lol...half way to level 2!!
  • fat214
    fat214 Posts: 109
    Day 4 Level 1 Done!Still hard but alittle better then day 3.I think it helped to take a day off .Yesterday was my sons birthday.Didn't have any cake for me and didn't miss it either!
  • Kess31
    Kess31 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm will start Monday .... Looks like everyone is trying it... Ive had the video for a while.... Are you logging the exercise under general circuit????
  • Kurrsteee
    Kurrsteee Posts: 72 Member
    I'm doing Day 3, Level 1 today and so far I just feel so, so sore! I need to motivate myself to do today's but I'm still determined!
    I had to take loads of breaks on day 1, yesterday I took half as many, so fingers crossed that today I won't need to take any, it's just the 'jumping jacks' (I still feel the need to call them Star Jumps!) that really make me need a break. :(
    Good luck & well done everyone. :)
  • I'm about to start Day 8 Level 1 and the soreness is completely gone!
  • msisis_12
    msisis_12 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in, but I'll be starting on Monday, 7/30/12!! Good luck to everyone. :-)
  • tjk71
    tjk71 Posts: 167
    I'm in!
  • so im new here and i would love to do this with you.
  • mcquilna
    mcquilna Posts: 8
    How does it work? do you do the same level everyday? or do you switch it up?
  • Just did my first day and im so beat. But i feel better and im just hoping tomorrow is a little easier!
  • Thaton
    Thaton Posts: 12 Member
    i "started" on friday could only manage 10 minutes. tried again this morning and only lasted 15 minutes. So i'm officially gonna start tomorrow. Wish me luck
  • 80Ben
    80Ben Posts: 119 Member
    How does it work? do you do the same level everyday? or do you switch it up?

    10 days of level 1, 10 days of level 2 and 10 days of level 3.

    Level 1 day 6 done! Keep at it people, it does get easier (somewhat...)
  • 80Ben
    80Ben Posts: 119 Member
    Level 1, day 7 done!
  • mema_king
    mema_king Posts: 52 Member
    I'm in! I'm on day three at the moment but it would be good to know that other out there are also going through it!
  • Mysonmyreason
    Mysonmyreason Posts: 7 Member
    On day three im not going to lie im feeling it but if i can be closer to my goal by day 30 i'll be happy