over indulged in pimms and bbq food... advice needed!

So this weekend....

Friday - i didn't eat much but i had a fair few vodka, lime & sodas
Saturday - i ate ALOT of bbq food (sausages, poato salad, chicken drumstick, kebab etc and i didnt calorie count) and drank alot of pimms & lemonade.

I was doing SO well and i feel like i have really messed up all my hard work, i feel so guilty and very annoyed with myself.

Will i gain weight?


  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    You will be A-ok. Get back on track this week. A couple "red days" aren't such a terrible thing, it might give a boost to your metabolism. Just don't make it a habit.
  • robisawesome
    Don't worry unless you ate over 3500 Calories in food (which is really unlikely) then you won't put anything back on. You might see a spike for a day or so from the sodium in the food causing you to retain water but thats all.
  • smithy85
    smithy85 Posts: 104 Member
    Just do a little more exersice and drink plenty of water to get the toxins out. Chances are you could gain, I wont lie, but if you do get right back on it.

    Good Luck x
  • amysteves
    amysteves Posts: 6 Member
    Same here! I'm guessing you're in the UK by the Pimms comment - we've got to enjoy the nice weather while it lasts! Don't beat yourself up too much, one slip up isn't gonna make a huge difference, just be good this week. The worst thing would be to decide you've ruined it now and just give up.
  • misslou7
    misslou7 Posts: 42 Member
    Not necessarily! I tend to look at my weekly average so it works out eventually. The scales might read higher but I wouldn't worry about it - just do better today. Lots of water will help reduce any bloat too.

    If I were you, I would log religiously, good AND bad. This has to be maintainable long term so it's about cutting down, not cutting out :-)
  • ScarlettIsSpiffing
    ScarlettIsSpiffing Posts: 121 Member
    it's doutbful one day of indulgance will give you a gain if you're making sensible choices on other days, but even if you do have a small gain it'll come back off again & you have to be able to live a normal life with social situations-birthdays, bbq's etc & enjoy them without thinking you've blown it & falling completeley off the wagon.
    ps I love pimms lol, have a good week ;)
  • Maddyjoe
    Maddyjoe Posts: 8
    Well, if you had logged, you would know if you ate 3,500 calories for the day or more. If you did, sorry, chances are you did gain, especially if you didn't workout. No need to freak out though. Nothing you can do about it now except work harder and stay on track.
  • Gail_1970
    Gail_1970 Posts: 4 Member
    Let's hope you don't, but if u find you have done then put it down to a fantastic weekend, and be extra good this week, everyone needs to have a weekend like that once in a while, don't beat yourself up about it, your doing great...keep smiling ;-)
  • mirandamayhem
    Same here! I'm guessing you're in the UK by the Pimms comment - we've got to enjoy the nice weather while it lasts! Don't beat yourself up too much, one slip up isn't gonna make a huge difference, just be good this week. The worst thing would be to decide you've ruined it now and just give up.

    Yes don't worry, it'll be back to peeing down weather by the end of the week. No opportunity to bbqs and pimms. Hmmm pimms! The important thing is did you enjoy your weekend? That's the judgement of whether it is worth it! Now get back to your usual plan, get some work outs in, and lets aim for a lighter more toned you by the end of August!
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    You'll be fine. Seriously the main thing is getting straight back to the programme asap. It wont do your hard work any damage and sometimes a good feed IS good! This is also meant to be a lifestyle change and not a 'diet' so there will be occasions where you might over-indulge at parties, weddings, christmas etc. So long as you stick to the programme the majority of the time you will get results.

    Stop beating yourself up. I don't know anyone on my friends list who hasn't had the odd slip up or day off. xx
  • DietandVlogsense
    DietandVlogsense Posts: 48 Member
    So this weekend....

    Friday - i didn't eat much but i had a fair few vodka, lime & sodas
    Saturday - i ate ALOT of bbq food (sausages, poato salad, chicken drumstick, kebab etc and i didnt calorie count) and drank alot of pimms & lemonade.

    I was doing SO well and i feel like i have really messed up all my hard work, i feel so guilty and very annoyed with myself.

    Will i gain weight?
    You may well do, in the short term, but my advoice would be to record it all, as you normally would, and get straight back on the plan.

    Last weekend was my birthday and I also went to a freinds birthday party. I blew my calories BIG TIME on Friday and Sunday, but still managed to do well.

    Sometimes you need to let go, but just don't make it the norm, but keep it to the exception.
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    I would log it all (or what you can remember ;)), draw a line under the weekend and move on. One bad weekend is not the end of the world. Next time go prepared - Take chicken kebabs with you, scoff the green salad, avoid the bread and Pimms is VERY do'able with diet lemonade about 83 cals for 50ml of Pimms with 250ml of Sprite Zero.
    Just remember you are not doing this to punish yourself, you are doing this because you are worth looking after :)
  • Buksh12
    Buksh12 Posts: 203 Member
    Ive got a question then.... if you go over your target for a day mine is curerntly 1500... but my BMR is 2000.

    If a cheat day doesnt exceed my BMR is that ok? basically at the weekend both days were over...but still under my BMR. i also burnt 800 cals on each day.

    Is that ok? my weekends are my biggest hurdle :(
  • Sid1988
    Sid1988 Posts: 170 Member
    thanks everyone, i have just made my diary public and logged what i can remember, could you tell me if i will gain?

    thanks :)
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    .....Don't fret about it! Seriously. I doubt you will gain, just crack on as normal today and weigh in Friday to see if there's any damage or not (as I would suspect). Use how you're feeling now to motivate yourself to have a damn good workout and stop fretting the numbers! xxxxxx
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Well shoot, now I want some Pimms. I hope you at least had it with cucumber. Or is that only in New Orleans?
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    eating off plan isn't the end of the world. drink water, exercise, be glad you enjoyed your food, and move on.
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Will you gain weight? Almost certainly. Will it be fat? Almost certainly not (or at least, not much of it). When I have those types of "indulgence days", I find that I wind up retaining an extra 2-3lbs of what appears to be water weight, but it goes away within a week or so of normal eating.
  • Sid1988
    Sid1988 Posts: 170 Member
    cucumber and strawberries :)