Had a bad day

BrownlineC1731 Posts: 4
edited December 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
I can't seem to stop making myself fail in my weight loss. Somedays I do good and then I stop. I need to go on but I can't seem to follow my plan, in exercising and eating less.


  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Why? What is holding you back?
  • misty0413
    misty0413 Posts: 212
    sounds like self sabatoge. keep a journal, are you bored or lonely is something from your past haunting you?
  • CoCoBean14
    CoCoBean14 Posts: 107 Member
    Bad days happen. I believe your body reflects your lifestyle, not individual days. If your lifestyle is healthy, then a day here or there is not going to kill it.

    On the same note, one cookie does not kill a whole day. I know I've fallen victim to the "well I already had one cookie so I might as well eat the whole box" mentality. It doesn't need to be that way.

    I hope you find success and happiness :)
  • norcalrv
    norcalrv Posts: 20 Member
    I can't to any better. My wife makes such good food that I eat it. My body seems to know what is needs. Exercise (walking) helps me, but due to allergy and heat it is not always possible. My wife has done great, but not me. I totally understand and do not have answers.
  • KristenCook2
    KristenCook2 Posts: 57 Member
    The only thing that can hold you back in your journey is, quite simply, you. I came to this sad realization myself this weekend. I was out shopping and found a really cute pair of pants but didn't want to buy them because they "may not fit in a few months". Then I had to give myself a very stern talking-to because there should be no "may" there - they will not fit in a few months. Period. The only thing that will get in the way of my goals is me. Giving in to silly things like stopping for McD's because I don't feel like cooking.

    You can do this! Even if your journey is slow and uphill, it is still progress and you own that! Don't be afraid to fail. Better to try, fall down, pick yourself up, and try again a million times than not to try at all. Go look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that YOU are worth it! :smile: Because you are.

  • pkfrankel
    pkfrankel Posts: 171 Member
    Forget about being on a diet. Try to eat more healthfully. Try to cut out in-between snacks. Make a habit of logging your food. Once you learn about how many calories you eat it becomes easier to cut out the bad foods.
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    What you might find helpful is to set up a reward system for staying on plan. If you have six good days, reward yourself with one really unhealthy item on the seventh day. Try to keep it to something that barely erases your calorie deficit for THAT DAY. In time, you will find that eating really unhealthy stuff isn't all that enjoyable.

    I had two slices of pizza yesterday and felt sick about a half hour later from all the crud in my system.

    If you can have good days six out of seven times, you'll be fine and it may be a way for you to start establishing self control. You know that you only have two more days before you get your reward and stick it out. Don't know if this is a good idea for you, but it is my suggestion.
  • AllDIVA
    AllDIVA Posts: 45 Member
    We all have bad days. I did well most of the day, then ate something I shouldn't have. There was a time when the entire day would have consisted of me eating something I should have. This time next year you will either doing better than now or worse. Choose to be better not perfect. I couldn't work out this last week due to back problems. That means this week I have to work hard. I am looking forward to it and dreading it. But I have to do it. Cut yourself some slack. take each meal at a time. I am an emotional eater so I have to talk to myself a lot. You can do this. not matter how many times you fall down you can always get back up. Hell I lost over 100 pounds a long while ago. gained 80 pack. talking about falling off the wagon, try falling under it! LOL. Now I am 55 pounds down. We all struggle. it is not going to be easy or pretty. Try to plan meals when you can. try to make better food choices. You can do this!!!
  • Jackie_Paper
    Jackie_Paper Posts: 183 Member
    ah, it's true, it's really difficult to maintain the "lifestyle", especially when food is delicious and napping is much more comfortable than working out. But you have to think about what you REALLY want. And keep that in mind all the time. For example, right now, here I am 400 calories above my daily goal, and if I just get off my butt and go do my work out, I will be on target for the day...instead I'm looking around the internet for motivation when I should be my *own* motivation. Hell, yesterday I ate ICE CREAM FOR LUNCH and then at dinner I ate PIE among other things, which amounted to more than TWICE my daily limit...and so my daily log telling me "if every day were like today, you would gain 5 pounds in the next five weeks..." Do I want that? NO! So I guess you can just use past choices as learning example but instead of being stuck in the past, still try to move forward. Just focus on tomorrow. Then the next day. I guess I'm off to go do my work out video.
  • Thank-you all for your encouragement; I'm taking this one day at a time and have to realise that same days will be better than others.
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