Gained weight back... Story of my life

So, my wedding was gorgeous and everything I wanted. I did not lose as much as I dreamed, but still got down to a reasonable weight. Now, I have officially gained all my weight back that I had lost from when I started trying. I need support. Between wedding, moving and getting to a new school, my health has been pushed to the back burner. I have to really start trying again and stick with it. That is the hardest thing, sticking with it. I just moved and am hoping to get my new school ID today, so I hope I can find the gym and begin working out again. Videos at home haven't been doing it for me. With school and work not yet started, I find myself filling my time with cooking for my husband. I love to cook. I guess I just need to find healthier recipes instead of this "Good southern cookin'" I've been doing.

Here's to a new start! I don't want to be one of those newly weds that gains tons of weight. I want to do the opposite! My goal is to lose 40lbs by December. I believe that is a reasonable goal and I hope to surprise my family when I come home for the holidays. :) I CAN DO THIS!!


  • Huiminlovesfood
    Yes! I know you can do it! Make your family your inspirations. All the best!
  • KateMeredith
    KateMeredith Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks!! The support is great. My husband and I have been going to our new school's gym. It is easier when you have someone to work out with!
  • akdoxrud
    akdoxrud Posts: 22
    It happens. Just jump back up. You can do it!!!!
  • nabak147112
    nabak147112 Posts: 105 Member
    i hear is very tuff and frustrating.but you can do it. not sure when you got married and had the start of your new life but congrats on everything and good luck
  • akdoxrud
    akdoxrud Posts: 22
    PS I have Social Anxiety Disorder too. My psychiatrist told me exercise is good for the brain. :smile: Please feel free to add me if you need extra support.
  • angleu
    angleu Posts: 140 Member
    Do you know what I do that really helps with goals and sticking to them is making small ones.. For example, I joined a group for 10 weeks on MFP and set a goal to lose 12lbs by the end of it..I also will make small goals weekly. Like no indulging on dinner for x-amount of days, week and a half, till next Friday.. See what I'm getting at.

    40lbs is doable but you are going to have to be super strict. That's almost 2lbs a week. You should take before and after pictures and measure yourself to see how the exercise/dieting is changing(ed) the way you look if the scale isn't being as nice as you hoped it to be.

    Keep up the good work exercising. But food is 80% of the battle. Oh, and I just got married 6 weeks ago. Gained 7lbs right after and stopped it in it's tracks lol.. well I'm trying anyway =)

    Good recipes. Add me if you would like,

  • getyourbeans
    getyourbeans Posts: 80 Member
    Story of my life, too! I am SO SICK of losing the same 10-20 kilos over and over again... After a very bad week, I'm preparing to get myself back on the wagon for what (I hope) is the last time. Trying to think that 21 days makes a habit, and that three weeks is not an outrageous period of time to fully commit to - so 21 days is my initial goal (not for perfection, just general adherence and a calorie deficit) and I'm hoping that once the three weeks are up the exercise and meal plans will feel like second nature. Maybe breaking down a smaller goal might work for you, too?
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    Same here. Back in Nov of 2011 I was 112.

    Jan of 2012- 135.

    Jan to May I kept hovering around that number.

    Was so sick of it.

    Am now 116.

    Hoping to maintain THIS! Friend me!
  • CarrieR3
    CarrieR3 Posts: 25 Member
    I do the same thing ,but don't give up . You can do this ! What helps me is to plan my meals the day before then I know excalty what I am going to eat. Sometimes I even eat something different than my husband and kids. Hang in there:)
  • mns6070
    mns6070 Posts: 1
    If you want to stop hovering around a weight, take a look at what I am doing when it comes to nutrition.
    I have been losing 10 pounds a month consistently by following this nutrition plan.

    Remember weight is just a measurement of mass and gravity. What you really need to focus on is your body composition. Lean muscle mass, percentage of body fat, and inches are a much better indicator of overall health and wellbeing.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Goals are great motivators but unfortunately once the goal has been reached or the special event has passed we can slipped back into old habits. Change your mindset and make this a lifestyle change not a race to the finish line to show everyone that you lost 40 pounds. Do it for yourself and make it a life long endeavor to be healthy and fit! And remember it's 80% diet 20% exercise (calories in/ calories out) while exercise is wonderful and has many benefits you CAN lose weight without it. Moderation, logging everything, sticking to your calorie goal will get you to where you want to be. If you can get that gym membership eventually then cool..bonus!

    Be careful with excuses - we all have a list of them a mile long, family, jobs, kids, stress. If you're looking for a reason to delay starting a healthy lifestyle you can find one. You have to change your mind set and just do it! :flowerforyou: