30 Day Shred



  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    I did every day for 30 days and lost my 9 lbs. I also continued to do my normal workouts. You can do it! and do it every day!

    WOW!!!! Great job!! I'm gonna try everyday she kicks my butt or rather makes me kick my own butt but it is so worth it haha
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I just started it last week, but am fitting it in every other day. I'm not letting up on my other workouts, so just adding to my routine. I know I won't see the results as fast, but it's a great boost, plus it is a start for strength for me. Good luck!

    That is awesome! I think its great that she uses our own body as a weight to strength train. Good job and good luck to you as well :)

    You need hand weights, too, for the 30DS
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    I am doing the 30DS along with running and weight training and my rest days are on Friday so will continue to rest on Friday so my body can take care of itself :)

    Always listen to your body! Great job :)
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    Today will be my first day. But I say listen to your body. You may need to break once a week. Good luck!

    I have to start over again so today will be my first day too lol for the third time haha
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    I'm attempting to do it for 30 days straight. I'm on day 15 now. I've read that others have taken at least one rest day and still seen results, so I'd say do what your body is telling you. The only reason I'm trying to do it everyday is because I'm starting my "journey" over again for the 900th time, and I'm afraid if I take a rest day it will turn into 2 weeks. I'm also walking 3 days a week and walk/running another 3 days. Good luck! It's hard, but I've already lost 8 lbs and quite a few inches.

    WOW in 15 days that is WONDERFUL!!!! I feel the same way if I rest I get lazy. I have not worked out since I think thursday but thats because I was extremely busy this weekend (company came) and I can't work out while others are here. The part I have the hardest time with is the jumping jacks so far and I forget the other one (but it kills my feet for a few days) so I am trying to do it but I know I could be putting more OOMPH into it but because I am on my feet all day for my job I don't want to hurt them more lol.

    The first week was water weight, I'm sure, but I'm still happy with the results so far! I was really sore the first 4 days. The jumping jacks weren't too bad for me, it's the plank stuff on level 2 that I still have to modify that may kill me :).

    *wonders what a plank is guess I will find out eventually haha *shakes in her boots*
  • cspicher
    cspicher Posts: 3
    Today is my first day also! :) but im just adding in this extra 20 minutes to my normal routine. Good luck everyone!
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    I am on day 15 ( I took one day off & felt guilty, it is only 20 min). I am not going to take another day off of it. I am doing level 2 now (this is day 7 on it) & I also do either jogging or walking on the treadmill for at least 20 min after everytime. I also throw in some extra ab exercises & some extra push ups for 10 minutes too. I have not lost a pound since doing it.. but I am not concerned at all because I can see that my legs & stomach are already changing. Good Luck & stick with it... it is only 20 minutes, so don't make any excuses to not do it every day, even if you have to do the modified version!!

    Out of curiousity what is the difference between pounds and inches lost? Where do the inches go? Why is it more important to lose inches than pounds? Good for you for doing it every day :) Your right, no excuses my whole life was excuses (Oh, I will work out tomorrow) and tomorrow never came hense why I am as big as I am lol. Excuses are only lies.
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    I just started it last week, but am fitting it in every other day. I'm not letting up on my other workouts, so just adding to my routine. I know I won't see the results as fast, but it's a great boost, plus it is a start for strength for me. Good luck!

    That is awesome! I think its great that she uses our own body as a weight to strength train. Good job and good luck to you as well :)

    You need hand weights, too, for the 30DS

    I own tiny weights lol 2.5 wish I had 5 pounds but I do what I can with what I have :-)
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    I'm going through it for the 2nd time - my first round was last summer.

    I take rest days when I'm feeling worn down or super sore. I had to take take a rest on my 3rd day this time around because my quads were dying. After that rest day I was able to feel much more energetic and my form was so much better. I went from barely doing the movements to being able to do the advanced poses (very deep lunges, parallel to the floor, etc.)

    I just took another rest day after going to Level 2. Again, I was SO sore - my shoulders this time - and it was severely affecting my form. After a day off I can get into it and do it with 100% of my ability.

    The results are quick. I already look so much trimmer, just ten days into it. I'm also walking several days a week, in a very hilly area with steep inclines. Not seeing a change on the scale yet, but my clothes are looking WAY better on me and I've gone down at least a 1/2 size already.

    eta: I am seeing results much faster this time than last. I have been active for the last two years, but had been focusing on cardio this last year and had slacked off on strength training. 30DS kicked my butt getting going this time around, but I was able to advance MUCH faster than I did my first time doing it last summer and my results this time, aesthetically, are coming quicker. But also, my form is better this time around. I was never able to do the advanced moves when I did the 30DS before.
  • Vitamin_K
    Vitamin_K Posts: 47
    You can lose pounds & get "skinny" but it will not look as good as if you are thinner w/ muscle! I "toned" fit body is better than a jiggly, dimply skinny one!
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    Today is my first day also! :) but im just adding in this extra 20 minutes to my normal routine. Good luck everyone!

    Maybe I will do that to because I found the last time I did the video I didn't sweat as much but I felt it in my muscles but I like the sweating part makes me feel like I worked out hard lol.
  • bump
  • jezzi16
    jezzi16 Posts: 128 Member
    I've done this workout twice in the last year- both times lost a 10lbs, both times I did it 5 x a week along with 30-60 minute of extra cardio. I have a two year old and work FT. Sometimes it's just impossible to do it everyday for myself.
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    You can lose pounds & get "skinny" but it will not look as good as if you are thinner w/ muscle! I "toned" fit body is better than a jiggly, dimply skinny one!

    lol I love the way you worded this... Okay, so inches lost with the 30ds= more toned but if I didn't do the strength I could still lose weight but more likely to have lose skin got it!
  • osubuks92
    osubuks92 Posts: 10
    bump.... am starting this program tonight. I have planned on doing it everyday for 30 days along with
    my normal weekly routine
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    I'm going through it for the 2nd time - my first round was last summer.

    I take rest days when I'm feeling worn down or super sore. I had to take take a rest on my 3rd day this time around because my quads were dying. After that rest day I was able to feel much more energetic and my form was so much better. I went from barely doing the movements to being able to do the advanced poses (very deep lunges, parallel to the floor, etc.)

    I just took another rest day after going to Level 2. Again, I was SO sore - my shoulders this time - and it was severely affecting my form. After a day off I can get into it and do it with 100% of my ability.

    The results are quick. I already look so much trimmer, just ten days into it. I'm also walking several days a week, in a very hilly area with steep inclines. Not seeing a change on the scale yet, but my clothes are looking WAY better on me and I've gone down at least a 1/2 size already.

    eta: I am seeing results much faster this time than last. I have been active for the last two years, but had been focusing on cardio this last year and had slacked off on strength training. 30DS kicked my butt getting going this time around, but I was able to advance MUCH faster than I did my first time doing it last summer and my results this time, aesthetically, are coming quicker. But also, my form is better this time around. I was never able to do the advanced moves when I did the 30DS before.

    Thank you for sharing this I agree I had to break a day from it the first time because I had never worked my thigh muscles like that before but after 1 day of rest I did it again and was able to do it better. Ooooo I wish we had hills lol I live in the prairies haha. Very inspiring!
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    I've done this workout twice in the last year- both times lost a 10lbs, both times I did it 5 x a week along with 30-60 minute of extra cardio. I have a two year old and work FT. Sometimes it's just impossible to do it everyday for myself.

    This is my case too almost 4 year old, working mom etc. So basically go to work come home make dinner, work out (which bless my daughters heart) she likes to work out with mommy now lol, bath her, shower, do dishes, find time to play and do something kid fun friendly, bed time lol.
  • Vitamin_K
    Vitamin_K Posts: 47
    I have 3 kids at home & work full time & my husband is out of town all week.. So I make time for myself & get my butt out of bed an hour early... the results are totally worth it!!
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Jillian doesn't say but I'm sure your meant to do 30 days straight, 10 days at level 1, 10 days at level 2 etc. I started on Wednesday and didn't get round to doing it on the weekend, now i regret it! I feel so lazy as its only a 20 minute workout.. I'm starting again tonight and seeing the 30 days through to the end. Wish me luck!

    She doesn't specify, but I have heard her on some of her DVD's (not sure which one because I have almost all of them) to remember to rest your body on rest days. So, what I took out of her 30 DS was to do it for 30 days, but she doesn't suggest straight, just from start to finish. I have read some on here that some people took 45 days to complete the 30 DS. Good luck and enjoy.
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    I have 3 kids at home & work full time & my husband is out of town all week.. So I make time for myself & get my butt out of bed an hour early... the results are totally worth it!!

    That's a great idea to wake up an hour early. This way I have the evening with my baby girl. I am going to try going to bed earlier so I can wake up refreshed and not dread getting out of bed at 530 hehe.