Does your significant other think your crazy for using MFP?



  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    haha, I hear ya!!

    Yesterday we were discussing whether I should go to gym for weights or get my own weight set and he said that I could definitely do with more muscle. Coming from 6'3 150 lbs perfect skinny fat... That's uhmm... :grumble:

    Men :drinker:
  • OKmac3
    OKmac3 Posts: 192 Member
    My wife knows I count the calories on here and thinks I do not need to. She DOES NOT know I use the social aspect of it.
  • kaliso
    kaliso Posts: 42 Member
    I love this community. My boyfriend Ianthe type that loses weight very easily and I'm not. At all. He thinks I'm a little obsessed but he sees that this is working for me and is supportive because of that.
  • miss_sassyteacher
    miss_sassyteacher Posts: 11 Member
    My fiancee is supportive of me working out. But the change of food in the house and me constantly talking about calories does annoy him. He is slowly coming around. He is my only support because we moved so far away from family and friends.
  • KechiaG
    KechiaG Posts: 55
    Uhhhh.....YES!! :grumble: I was told I couldn't possibly be having fun on vacation because I was worried about counting calories. To which I replied: well, it's either me spend a few minutes making healthy choices or "enjoy" myself making bad choices and make everyone miserable because I'm unhappy with myself. To which he replied: never mind babe. Do what you need to do. And I say: I THOUGHT SO!!! LOL!!! :bigsmile:
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    He is mostly supportive. He'll eat what I want/make for meals, although more of it, and he'll mostly support me going to workout or something. But he complains of needing to lose weight (around 20 lbs) but just will not even think of going to the gym, with or without me. And I could dearly love to have someone to workout with. I'm an extrovert and get my energy from being around people. At the gym I get it done, but it'd be nice to have someone to go with. Oh well :)
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    No, she knows that it makes sense, she just won't do it herself, which is why she's not on my friends list LOL \m/
  • angeeishere
    angeeishere Posts: 89 Member
    Not at all, he's the most supportative and wonderful man....he's great...and I can proudly say this after 24 years together!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    My husband is very supportive but his eyes do tend to glaze over when I tell him about macro nutrients. Yes he thinks I am obsessed but he understands that this is the only way I can do it. He often asks what I am reading/writing about and I read out funny stuff to him from the forums but I am sure he thinks it is a bit odd that I am logging my food and excercise. He just eats when he is hungry and stays at a healthy weight.

    But he has been fantastic and has started calling me his "skinny" wife. Love it.
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    My husband just thought I would stop logging since I got pregnant. But nope I'm continuing! And he doesn't' think am crazy. lol
    I like to mention my logging once in awhile but it's not a everyday convo.