Previous injury affecting weightlifting?

I just started picking up the weights recently! I'm very excited, but I have a problem. A few years ago I fractured my wrist in two places. Since then, it would be slightly painful to even do push-ups. Going through my workout, the pain increases. However, it'll stop hurting soon after it's over and doesn't pick up again until I start my next one. Is there something I can do to alleviate the pain? Or do I have to just tough it out and it'll eventually get stronger over time? Thanks!


  • _Cheyanne_
    _Cheyanne_ Posts: 97 Member
    aw nobody?!?!
  • BLSaw
    BLSaw Posts: 216 Member
    wanting to see the answer too
  • dr3wman
    dr3wman Posts: 205
    It seems like you have had more then enough time to fully recover, so it may just be something you need to put up with. Some drugs like Advil can be used to lessen the pain...but keep in mind that pain is also a useful alert for your body being damaged. You can buy wrist support straps for lifting, and those might be your best option
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    As someone with a screwed up wrist.. (exploded in car accident.) Let me give you one piece of advice.
    Assuming that picture is you - Don't flex your wrist under the bar in a squat. Do the low bar position, with your hand OPEN on top the bar. This completely unloads the wrists and relies on the leverage of your hands and tight traps to wedge it in place.

    For push ups, I have to do knuckle push ups. Basically, whatever exercise - the straighter I keep my wrist the better. Any kind of flexion/extension can cause issues.
  • buudharich
    buudharich Posts: 50
    I ended up doing something to my rotator cuff when I was in Basic Training for the Army in 1994. It still feels a little funky when I do push-ups or bench presses. Now that I'm a bit older, not as built, I feel a little more uncomfortable in that spot. I'm building muscle around it again as I'm getting ready to get back into military service, I hope.

    I was told after snapping a tendon in a finger and this rotator injury, that if you did all of the physical therapy and followed the exercises to a tee, that you would have no trouble returning to "the field" or "the gym" or what have you. There is no reason for me not to trust them up until now.
  • Lambeze
    Lambeze Posts: 237
    Wrist brace will help with some things you workout but there is not a lot you can do. You might try some wrist excersises. If you get on google and look some up from a theropist it might help also.

    I have a hole in the cartlidge in my right knee and broke my foot this last deployment. I just keep going.
  • _Cheyanne_
    _Cheyanne_ Posts: 97 Member
    As someone with a screwed up wrist.. (exploded in car accident.) Let me give you one piece of advice.
    Assuming that picture is you - Don't flex your wrist under the bar in a squat. Do the low bar position, with your hand OPEN on top the bar. This completely unloads the wrists and relies on the leverage of your hands and tight traps to wedge it in place.

    For push ups, I have to do knuckle push ups. Basically, whatever exercise - the straighter I keep my wrist the better. Any kind of flexion/extension can cause issues.

    I see.. thank you! that really helps. I just searched how to do the low bar position.. I will definitely try that next time
  • _Cheyanne_
    _Cheyanne_ Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks everyone!