Anyone Give up WW to join MFP?



  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    I did several months ago and I am having the most success I have ever had. I had done probably every version on ww and would have some success but nothing long term. At first I tried to follow weight watchers and do this and they really didn't match up. The data base on this is much larger as they let members add (which can have flaws as well).
    I have gotten used to this and it is easier than all the times I did WW. The forums here are good although you need to be selective. What is good for one, may not be what works for someone else and you have the flexibility to change your goals. This teaches me more about nutrition and looking at my macros and micros to make better choices. I love the charts you get if you have the ipphone app too! The friends here...welll I can't say enough good things about them. I couldn't do it without their support and motivation. Of course the best reason is that this is free!!!
  • mateogourdo
    mateogourdo Posts: 1 Member
    i have always been doing weight watchers but now i have been doing mfp since last september and i have lost 70 lbs in conjunction with working out regularly. i like mfp more because its more specific on how much nutrients we are consuming or how much sodium, witch i have to monitor as well as calories:smile::smile:
  • jforferris01
    jforferris01 Posts: 71 Member
    Yep. I had done ww for over a year and it was good to me but sick of the same stories and meetings. I was thinking about going back for the support but I can get that here just by looking a peoples great weight loss...Good luck..O yeah and this sight is free so that makes it even better.
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    When I started back deciding to lose weight, I was following the WW system. I wasn't paying for it though, there are too many free resources on the web that give you everything for it. I also joined MFP because my friend said she has had success on here.

    Well, after a strong 2 1/2 weeks of logging my meals and counting points, I can say I "roughly" follow WW guidelines. I will log my calories first, and then see what the points were.

    Honestly, they are pretty much in sync.

    I rely more on calories, but still back it up with points. It's kind of like a double check. I've lost 9lbs.
  • Masq
    Masq Posts: 191 Member
    I gave up WW for MFP as well. I liked some parts of their new point system (not counting fruit) .... but for the most part I was annoyed with the new way to figure the points. I had been on the old point system so long that I had a pretty good idea of what the points would work out to when looking at food labels.
    The new points plus was much more complicated to figure, so you had to have the calculator tool with you at all times.

    I love that MFP is free, I love that I can log everything on my smart phone, I love that it syncs with my Fitbit and I love my friends on MFP! Sorry WW, but MFP rules!
  • manderson124

    I gave up WW for MFP and I don't regret it. For the most part, the two are similar. Both have a large food database as well as a large exercise tracking database. Of course, you pay for WW and MFP is free, so there are advantages with having WW. All in all, I am happy with counting my calories because MFP makes it easy. When you exercise, you earn extra calories, which would be "activity points" with WW. I would definitely weigh the pros and cons before leaving it totally. Maybe use MFP for a week and compare the two. I'm only two weeks in with MFP vs WW, but so far so GREAT :-)
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 403 Member
    I also quit WW for MFP - although I essentially still follow the WW diet just use here for tracking and not paying the weekly or online fee. There is great support here and lots of good information!
  • effcla
    effcla Posts: 33 Member
    I signed up for MFP about a month ago but didn't start using it until today. I have been paying for WW online for months now but can't stay with it. I've never been one to count calories (I've been on WW for years and years) but this seems to make it very easy to do. I have the program on my Droid, my computer desktop and my home laptop so I have tons of way to track. I'm going to give this a shot.
  • katie4362
    katie4362 Posts: 7 Member
    I've tried WW about 4 times, and I quit each time. In addition to buying the food, you also have to pay to even use the program. And I've tried to do it by myself, but found I do better with other people. I've been using MFP for just a few days, and already love it better than WW!
  • rsellersCST
    rsellersCST Posts: 333 Member
    I didn't quit WW to do MFP, but I've done WW twice before... I did have success on WW, but when getting close to goal weight I found it hard to work with the points... and it was so tedious you start to guess a little here and estimate there... and I find that MFP is much more accurate and a lot EASIER.

    I love having the app on my phone... doesn't matter where I am... I can stay accountable. The database is huge. I love that it calculates in exercise as well. I already lost about 8 pounds before starting on MFP this go round, and the logging keeps me motivated and the access to talk to people without having to schedule in meetings etc. When I tried WW online I didn't find the same level of community that I find here.

    Good luck!
  • xaveria2
    xaveria2 Posts: 62
    In the past I tried WW points with NO success. In the entire 9 months I followed the plan I only was able to lose 1 pound. I have had way more success on MFP with all of the support and the ease of using the site. I am doing a heart healthy diet and being able to log my food and exercise on here is a breeze.
  • bronnibee
    bronnibee Posts: 65
    Love mfp so much more than ww.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I have done WW in the past, but gained back the weight … what I like about MFP is the community and that it is about fitness. People at all fitness levels with different goals at different stages make for a truly useful sight. Also, you could be on WW or any other "safe and sound" program and be on MFP as it is about sharing what is working for you.

    I will say I never enter a new food or restaurant that isn't already in MFP unless it is my own recipe. Pretty amazing.
  • lalapurple62
    I am a LTM from WW since 1977, went back in 2007 to lose 17 kilo, gained about 6 of that back and my cousin told me about MFP, have lost almost all of my gain back using this site, its all about commitment, WW or MFP in itself will not make you lose weight, you have to be committed and focused, if your brain is in the right spot, anything is possible, go for it!!!
  • MandaLeigh123
    MandaLeigh123 Posts: 351 Member
    I did WW about 8 years ago and lost 50lbs. From 180-130lb in about 8 months. I did it on my own, with a friends materials so never paid for anything & didn't go to groups or use an online support system. I found it a really effective way to lose weight... BUT it really didn't teach me to eat healthy. I went for a long time on this diet not eating any fat at all (unhealthy!)... And I didn't learn the difference between nutritious foods and unhealthy ones. Maybe when you go to the meetings or online support groups you learn this

    A lot of the things I learned nutrition wise, I didn't learn from either support group... Just a lot of reading!

    My experience with MFP so far has been ok :) I have found that I can't really trust the calories burned when I add in my exercises. I calculate my own calories burned based on heart rate and enter those. Since I have begun doing that, I have started losing. I trained and ran a marathon and eating the recommended calories by MFP, didn't lose a single pound over the course of four monthes. 6 weeks ago I started calculating calories burned based on heart rate/weight/height/age & have lost 8lbs.

    I do hope to start getting more involved in the forums so I can have some motivators and motivate other people! The group here seems friendly!
  • buckeyes502
    buckeyes502 Posts: 32 Member
    MFP > WW All Day!! and it's free

    I feel the same way!!!
  • toadfan1
    toadfan1 Posts: 7 Member
    This is a really interesting thread and timely for me, as well. I am a current WW member and have been logging on MFP for the last month as well. During this time, I have lost approx 9 lbs and I find that I like being able to see my 'macros'. I like being able to see how balanced I am with my diet and I am considering giving up my WW membership to do MFP exclusively. I might give WW another month just to be sure...

    Thank you to everyone for sharing their thoughts and experiences! :flowerforyou:
  • whitterbugCo
    I never used WW (I dislike the 'points' system. Seems silly to me when you have calories ) already integrated on the food items at the store. I did however, use, which is pretty much exactly the same as MFP, except there is no bar-code scanning (which I find AMAZING) and MFP has a way bigger community, and it's free. MFD was $9/mo. It also tracked strength exercise calories, and you could have your own 'fridge' and build your own 'recipes' so you didn't have to enter in each ingredient separately.

    I prefer this much more, despite the differences!
  • emmie0622
    emmie0622 Posts: 167 Member
    I just rejoined MFP - I am still doing Etools on line. Anytime I tried MFP and followed their plan I gained weight. You can adjust your settings in your food diary so you can easily figure out points, get a points calculator and get the food and eating out companions so you know what the points values are. It can be done on MFP just a little more work. If I follow my points values on MFP, I am below the calorie count that MFP suggests and I loose weight. If I go by calories only on MFP, I gain weight. I am still keeping ETools for now.
  • veerichie
    veerichie Posts: 214 Member
    I did!

    I started WW in August 2011 and as of May 2012 I lost 25 pounds. I got in a rut and hit a major plateau and became pretty unmotivated and found it hard to keep up with tracking.

    I switched to MFP in the very beginning of June 2012 and I was completely motivated to keep going. I find it much easier to count calories compared to points. The points system is nice but I often find it to be inconvenient. Mostly when you are at the grocery store having to calculate every single item into points. with MFP you can pick up anything and see how many calories are on it right away.

    And the best part of MFP, it's FREE. The only thing missing is the meetings, which I kind of got burned out on pretty quickly.

    Oh and did I also mention the WW app for iPhone and android was SO glitchy I could never get it running when I needed it. I find the MFP iPhone app to be so easy and user friendly. It's never crashed on me.

    And looking up food is much easier too. Since the points system has changed a few times within the last couple of years a lot of the food points have changed and it's hard to know if what you are tracking is accurate.