Need to lose a couple of people but willing to gain friends

My name is Tom and I currently weigh 482 pounds. I have lost 55 pounds since I started my program on June 15, 2012.

At 46 years old, I now have a bad back, 2 bad knees and high blood pressure. I have been unable to work for quite a while.

I have been married to my sweetheart for 24 years and I want a lot more years with her. At my largest (that I am aware of) I weighed 537 pounds. I have been a "semi-professional" dieter most of my life. I have tried everything at one time or the other. Everything that is except portion control. Being addicted to food, I realize learning portion control is probably the toughest way to go but it is working out well so far.

I wanted to do lap-band but my wife's insurance company doesn't cover such "cosmetic" surgeries. I got tired of waiting for them to change their minds and I am now taking charge of changing my eating habits.

I weigh every Friday on the loading dock out behind the post office because I needed a scale that would go up to my size. The folks at the post office are always very encouraging when they see me come up. I have 180 folks following my progress on my facebook page also.

I have a long way to go in my journey so I broke my weightloss goals up into managable chunks. I first wanted to get to 499 pounds. I succeeded in that goal on July 9th, which was on a Monday and yes I know I only weigh on Fridays but you have to cut me a little slack... I was dying to know and Friday was soooooo far away. LOL

Once I hit 499 (for the first time in at least 3 years!) I have set goals of 25 pound increments. I find having a closer goal keeps me from being discouraged. I hope to hit my next goal either this coming Friday or the next!

That is enough for now. I am glad I found the forums and groups section on MFP!


  • MrJamsieboi
    Hey Tom,

    That's great going sure you will get there and start enjoying life again. Not been on here long but if you want to add me feel free.

    Good Luck
  • BuhbyeBooty
    That's really awesome! Keep up the great work! Small goals seem much more attainable to me too. Don't forget to celebrate the non-scale victories too!

    I added you as a friend.
  • doddrose
    doddrose Posts: 5 Member
    Wow!!! Congratulations on your progress!!! Remember you gained one pound at a time - so we have to lose one pound at a time too....keep the faith and your reasonable increments will add up! I wish you the very best and I hope to keep watching your progress!!
  • davids122
    davids122 Posts: 38
    Well Done Tom, smaller achieveable milestones is definitely the way to go. Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    Hey Tom!! Welcome to MFP!! Stick with this and it'll change your entire life!! You're going to do something amazing, I can just tell by your attitude! Feel free to add me :)
  • nsmoker24
    nsmoker24 Posts: 21 Member
    congrats on your success so far! :)
  • KeepGoingTommy
    KeepGoingTommy Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you all for the kind words. I will keep you all updated on my progress.

  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    Feel free to add me...we can all use supportive friends :)
  • kotcherr
    kotcherr Posts: 34
    I've been on MFP for a month and it has completely changed my outlook on fitness. I struggled with defining "healthy" throughout my teens - tried a lot of diets and that kind of thing. Here, I have finally found a tool to track my fitness and be healthy while still enjoying life and not torturing myself with it...It really has changed my life quickly. I'll definitely send you a friend request
  • kotcherr
    kotcherr Posts: 34
    Your story is so inspirational by the way! I'm sure that you'll find MFP to be a really helpful tool as you continue your fitness journey :)
  • happythermia
    happythermia Posts: 374
    You rock! Feel free to add me :D
  • iloso
    iloso Posts: 156
    Wow congratulations :D your story made my heart swell. Congrats on your current losses and good luck on your future endeavors :) Feel free to add me. I just cleaned up my friend's list also and would like to replace the inactives with actives :D
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    I'm in as a friend, my friend!
  • jayne12469
    jayne12469 Posts: 52 Member
    Congratulations on your fantastic progress!
  • Papayamaya5
    Papayamaya5 Posts: 45 Member
    oh my goodness, your story is so inspiring–im rooting for you! please feel free to add me as a friend and I will support you anyway I can!
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
  • CopyCat97
    CopyCat97 Posts: 75 Member
    Good Job on loosing 55 lb already. I am always looking for friends. Feel free to add me.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    You go! Amazingly inspiring. I'm pulling for you!
  • StaceyG221
    StaceyG221 Posts: 31
    What a wonderful inspiration you are! Many blessings as you continue on the road to success!
  • bellabijou
    bellabijou Posts: 82 Member
    You already have such an amazing start! You can do this!
    Feel free to add me :-)