ROAD RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
Heard today women have more tendancies towards road rage than men. Interesting.

When was your last instance of road rage? Or the last time you saw somebody just bug the hell out.


  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Well... all the instances of road rage I've experienced were at the hands of women. Just sayin' lol.

    Hasn't happened in quite a while, though.
  • Assassins_Angel
    I can agree with that! I get road rage on my mountain bike!! If someone is infront of me you can guarrenty they will end up behind me! xD I also get road rage when my Fiancé is driving too lol
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    The last time i had an episode of it was before i had kids. Nothing crazy like getting out of my vehicle and duking it out, but just yelling at the other driver while inside my car. Now i'm MUCH more mellower, and a slower driver as a result. I don't feel the need to make a spectacle of myself, and possibly put myself or my kids in danger for losing my temper. I'm more mature than that!
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    People are fearless when surrounded by ton or so of metal armour.
  • Sayoh
    Sayoh Posts: 26 Member
    Yeah i still had road rage this morning but thankfully i didn't come out fr any displays. just spread my five fingers saying 'waka'
    felt silly afterwards tho
  • Fatal1ty2k5
    Fatal1ty2k5 Posts: 333 Member
    I let it slide allot more now than I used too, but the last time I got road rage was actually last week. Stupid ***** started drifting into my lane like she was doing a lane change would have hit me if I didn't see her coming and move over to the next lane in time.

    I drive a huge truck you can't NOT see me. See that she is texting as I lay on the horn, get pissed off floor it to get in front of her a bit and chunked my water bottle at her windshield, scared the hell outta her. When we got to the next stop light I rolled down my window and started screamin and cussin at her.

    It totally blows my mind how many people think its perfectly fine to be typing or reading texts while your driving a 2000lbs potential death machine with innocent people all around you. Its a fcking text it can wait!
  • AHatFullOfSky
    AHatFullOfSky Posts: 83 Member
    I can only recal one incident. And that was in Canada, BC, when visiting a friend. Some guy threw his coffee out the vindow and hit the front of an elderly couple. Then he took a turn to the right, crossing two lanes and hit the exit while yelling and screaming, flipping fingers at the same time. Some people...
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I can only recal one incident. And that was in Canada, BC, when visiting a friend. Some guy threw his coffee out the vindow and hit the front of an elderly couple. Then he took a turn to the right, crossing two lanes and hit the exit while while yelling and screaming, flipping fingers at the same time. Some people...
  • GFab
    GFab Posts: 75
    i get mad when people slam on their brakes and there is nothing in front of them.....or they drive in the left lane and they are as slow as has gotten better but still get mad....
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,793 Member
    About 15 years ago, some guy cut me off. Almost hit me. I jumped out. He jumped out. Lot's of yelling. I looked back at my car. Saw the look on my wife and 3 yr old's face. Turned around and walked away.

    It'll never happen again.
  • rachelelizabeth88
    rachelelizabeth88 Posts: 73 Member
    this is so funny lol because yesterday this woman was going nuts behind me, flipping me off, beeping, if I didn't swerve out of her way at one point, she was going to hit me just to get around.. it was crazy!
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    As a runner and cyclist I see some very bad drivers out there! I've had some close calls with drivers and my first thought is to beat their *kitten* :wink: I usually let them know they are number one in my book and leave it at that :happy: When I'm driving I try to just let things go because if the other person is already at a point where they are showing true road rage I don't want to make a bad situation worse. That said, I'm not perfect and I have my moments but I'm pretty rational and most of the time logic wins out over stupidity!
  • ktlynesmom
    ktlynesmom Posts: 22 Member
    this is so funny lol because yesterday this woman was going nuts behind me, flipping me off, beeping, if I didn't swerve out of her way at one point, she was going to hit me just to get around.. it was crazy!

    My husband will just go really slow when they do that...
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    i get mad when people slam on their brakes and there is nothing in front of them.....

    They were probably break checking you!:laugh:

    Quite a few of my family members don't take kindly to people riding their butt while driving.

    I use to have horrible road rage. I have calmed down a lot.

    There is this one road near where I work that is heavily populated with people who shouldn't drive, blocking lanes of traffic, using the chicken/suicide lane as an on ramp to a 35mph road, pulling out in front of people, just to name a few.
  • g0tr00t
    g0tr00t Posts: 192 Member
    I just laugh when I see someone losing their mind over me. My kids crack up at me. I turn around to the kids and say, see, that stress is about 6 months off of his life...what a goof.

    I tell my kids. Never, ever, ever, in life let ANYONE control your emotions. Let them explode and move on. Life is too short.

    Now, on my bike, if they get to close to me, I'll hit their passenger side window and wake them up. Otherwise, I just ignore.
  • 2143661
    2143661 Posts: 566 Member
    this morning. *kitten* was going 35 in a 45. I was so tempted to cross those double yellow lines. flashed my brights instead and he started going 50. win.
  • LonLB
    LonLB Posts: 1,126 Member
    i get mad when people slam on their brakes and there is nothing in front of them.....or they drive in the left lane and they are as slow as has gotten better but still get mad....

    I get a funny feeling you are a tailgater.
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    i get mad when people slam on their brakes and there is nothing in front of them.....or they drive in the left lane and they are as slow as has gotten better but still get mad....

    I get a funny feeling you are a tailgater.

    I thought the same thing.

    I know where I live, cops don't ask too many questions in rear end collisions. Whoever has the front end damage gets a ticket for following to closely. I'd be careful with that, because there are a lot of break checkers in this world as well.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    ok I got a crazy story for you guys, sorry it's long but worth the read. My fiance works on a military base as a DOD. He was on his way to work one morning and this guy in a mustang is behind him, they are in a right turn lane waiting to go on base, so the guy in the mustang apparently has his little panties in a wad and whips out goes around my fiance but by that time they were moving again so he cuts my fiance off and then has to hit his breaks causing my fiance to bump the back of him. They pull over and the guy gets out of his car and looks at both of their cars and says there is no damage do they want to bother calling the cops, and my fiance says no (he is in his car with the window rolled down) So this guy says "ok well let me ask you a question why were you being such a F-ing Prick" My fiance says "Excuse me but you need to be accountable here, you couldn't wait twenty yards to make a right turn and you cut me off then slammed on the breaks". At this point the guy says "So what, what are you gonna do about it" and starts cussing and booing him (you know when you jump at someone) and he keeps taunting him saying you gonna do something about it. My fiance used to be a roughneck ( a long time ago) So he is sitting in his car and he calmly says to the guy in an exasperated way "are you gonna do something or not?" Right then the guy clenches his fists, starts going Ooo Ooo and leans in and spits in his face. Well that brings my fiance out of the car and they guy sucker punches him, he falls backward and lands on his butt, when he starts to get up the guy tackles him onto the hood of his own car and they are struggling. So my fiance grabs the back of this guys head and turns effectively planting this guys face through his own windshield. Well his face breaks the windshield and the guy slides down his car and is out cold, my fiance doesn't believe in beating someone once they are down so he calmly goes and sits back in his car and waits for the police which he knows are coming because two witnesses have already pulled over at this point. They take the guy to the hospital with shattered facial bones, a concussion and some other injuries. LUCKILY with witnesses and with even more LUCK it was right outside the gate so they caught it all on tape. The guy got charged with a crap load of stuff including assault on a government worker. My fiance's saving grace was that he did not continue to beat the guy once the guy wasn't a threat anymore. The guys serving 18 months in jail and he lost his job and security clearance I believe he was a contractor. He was in his early twenties and my fiance is in his early forties so the guy probably thought he was gonna kick his butt or that he would wuss out. It takes a lot for him to get angry and nothing would have happened............until the guy spit in his face. Hard lesson to learn for road rage, break your face, car windshield, lose your job and go to jail all because you couldn't wait 20 yards to make a right turn......Idiot.
  • peles_fire
    peles_fire Posts: 501
    I am a student of the Denis Leary school of driving...

    "I drive really slow in the ultra fast lane, while people behind me are going insane, I'm an *kitten*..."