Stupidest fight you've ever had with your SO



  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    i ate his fortune cookie after we had chinese one night. they only gave us one. plus I had paid and i got less food than him. apparently it was a huge deal lmao
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    The stupidest fight I ever had with an SO (I'm currently single but working on it LOL) was whether or not Great Britain is an island. There was much printing of satellite maps!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    We're to females, so pretty much once a month (we are syncronized when it comes to TOM) we have some crazy, silly arguments and fights that makes no sense in hinsight.

    Two girls on PMS - one which can't even have chocolate because it will be bad for me - yeah... There's drama...

    Beautiful pictures. Your a lovely couple! I'd hate to imagine what it'd be like with 2 of you with pms at the same time. I get very emotional rather than angry though lol x
  • jad54
    jad54 Posts: 192
    Whether or not Chipotle is "authentic" Mexican food. Blew my mind when she stated that is was in fact authentic. I then took her to a real Mexican joint in the city. Needless to say, her opinion has changed.
  • mamafish2313
    Female SO's tend to save and bank their 'fights' until it's a Super Bowl or a play-off game..then they unleash their venom with every single stored fight they can create,rev call and also fabricate. timing is *everything*

    FOR SURE...

    When I say something and she says, "ya, well give me an example" my response is always " I don't know, I don't remember specific things just to bring them up in a fight"

    HAHA I thought I was the only one who had this argument with my hubby, he can't remember what I said or did only that it happened.....but I remember:mad:

    PS Butter knives for us.
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    We're to females, so pretty much once a month (we are syncronized when it comes to TOM) we have some crazy, silly arguments and fights that makes no sense in hinsight.

  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    One of our dumbest that I can recall.. because there have been several.

    I was once making a shopping list for my then boyfriend (now husband) and had wrote "milk" on the list.. or thought I had. I had wrote "mike" by mistake. I worked with 3 men named Mike at the time that I had to email all the time. When I gave him the list he was looking over it and then stopped.. he looked up at me all red in the face and said.. "Who's Mike?" I look at him all confused and said.. "What? Not sure what you are talking about.. I work with 3 Mikes.. as you know". He then showed me the list and I started laughing because it was a dumb mistake... he got so mad and thought I was seeing someone named Mike behind his back and this was my slip up. The more he got upset about it.. the funnier I found it, which made him even more upset because I wasn't taking his feelings seriously. A three hour period was lost trying to resolve the milk/mike mistake. To this day, for fun my husband will write mike on our shopping list instead of milk. Thankfully we both laugh about it now.
  • abaka123
    abaka123 Posts: 48
    OHHHH, and another time we were eating his awesome grilled barbque chicken ( at home). Very messy. Well, i cant stand when he eats like a cave man and has all this food on his face. So, I gave him some time but finally said ' hey, dave, you have so BQ on your face.' He says' i know ill wipe it off when I am done.' I says ' well, wipe if off now b/c it drives me crazy to see a mess on your face. you eat like a cave man.' And he got SOOO mad so he says ' YOU KNOW WHAT, as he smears his whole face with BQ sause, i DONT GIVE A *kitten* ANDREA, LET ME ENJOY THIS JUST ONCE!!!" and continued to eat the chicken with BQ sauce from his forehead to his chin. I had to smirk b/c he has BQ ALL over his face, even his forhead. So, I said, in a clam matter, ' please wipe your face, ' then I stared at him until he picked up his napkin and wiped it, swearing at me the whole time. he didnt talk to me for about 3 hours after that..... I won :laugh: we laugh at that all the time now. i love him. he is a great guy:love:
  • abaka123
    abaka123 Posts: 48
    Most recent stupid fight? Hmmm...probably about a movie. We were at the store with our kids and a friend of mine and wandered into a music/movie store, and I saw a standee of Robert Downey Jr. in Sherlock Holmes:Game of Shadows. I made a comment about how I hadn't seen that one yet and my husband began to get very agitated and saying "we saw it at the saw it!". It went back and forth for telling him it must've been his other wife (ongoing joke with us) and he was really getting upset because he SWORE we saw it. the first one in the theater, not the second. Our 11 year old son solved the disagreement by informing his dad that he too HIM to see it, not me.

    Needless to say, this weekend, I got to revisit it when my husband rented the second Sherlock Holmes and I kept saying "oh, that's great...ya know..since I haven't SEEN that one yet!". :P

    ^^ very funny
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    Excluding the ongoing fight for the last year of trying really hard to make the other person happier ( I did this because this is what I thought you wanted, both of us) messy stuff.

    When we were first dating, we got into a fight over a sports related theme song (either NBA or NFL, can't remember) on tv, which is really funny because neither of us are fans of either of those sports.
  • KristysLosing
    I don't remember specifics, but they always revolve around TOM/PMS. And they aren't stupid at the time. :smile:
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Always about money. I don't worry about it and she does,LOL.
  • LonLB
    LonLB Posts: 1,126 Member
    Female SO's tend to save and bank their 'fights' until it's a Super Bowl or a play-off game..then they unleash their venom with every single stored fight they can create,rev call and also fabricate. timing is *everything*

    FOR SURE...

    When I say something and she says, "ya, well give me an example" my response is always " I don't know, I don't remember specific things just to bring them up in a fight"

    HAHA I thought I was the only one who had this argument with my hubby, he can't remember what I said or did only that it happened.....but I remember:mad:

    PS Butter knives for us.

    Of course you do. You bank those away (in detail) for the perfect time to bring them up.:tongue:
  • Cathy7794
    Cathy7794 Posts: 223 Member
    Celebrating 20 year anniversary on 8/15. Can honestly say we have never had a fight. Stupid or otherwise.
    Same with my husband and I. :smile: 8/27 will be the 18th anniversary of when we met, and we've never had a fight. Sure we disagree about things, but there's a huge difference between disagreeing and fighting. We both were previously married before we met and both of our previous marriages were full of nothing but fighting, so we both make a conscious effort to keep an open line of communication and not take each other for granted.
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    I'm sure we've had a "stupid" fight, but at this moment I can't recall one.

    We've had disagreements and some of them have been heated but usually it's over something that needs to be worked out. It's a strange and interesting thing, learning to be in a relationship.
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 276
    Most recent as of Saturday afternoon: Madeline cookies

    We were at the grocery store and I suggested dessert, he sent me to the bakery section to find a dessert while he found some steaks. I got his supposed 'favorite' cookie. Once we get home (he's joking apparently) but he starts complaining about me getting those cookies and how 'cookies aren't dessert' I finally told him to shut the f*** up about those cookies. I threw them in the garbage because he kept on harping about it...was I wrong?
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    OHHHH, and another time we were eating his awesome grilled barbque chicken ( at home). Very messy. Well, i cant stand when he eats like a cave man and has all this food on his face. So, I gave him some time but finally said ' hey, dave, you have so BQ on your face.' He says' i know ill wipe it off when I am done.' I says ' well, wipe if off now b/c it drives me crazy to see a mess on your face. you eat like a cave man.' And he got SOOO mad so he says ' YOU KNOW WHAT, as he smears his whole face with BQ sause, i DONT GIVE A *kitten* ANDREA, LET ME ENJOY THIS JUST ONCE!!!" and continued to eat the chicken with BQ sauce from his forehead to his chin. I had to smirk b/c he has BQ ALL over his face, even his forhead. So, I said, in a clam matter, ' please wipe your face, ' then I stared at him until he picked up his napkin and wiped it, swearing at me the whole time. he didnt talk to me for about 3 hours after that..... I won :laugh: we laugh at that all the time now. i love him. he is a great guy:love:
    Okay I need to quit reading these at work! It's hard to laugh silently when I'm imagining a man with BBQ sauce all over his face!
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    Hubby and I just had a day long argument (that went from stupid to many other issues) via text messages over whether or not the ham he ate was what I bought that weekend or before. He adamantly denied that it was the ham that I bought over the weekend, but I had the receipt to prove it. It was so stupid. One of the stupidest arguments we ever had (been together 7 years coming December)
  • Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt
    Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt Posts: 226 Member
    We've had very few fights, but the stupidest I can remember is a fight we got in over him not thinking that I fight people enough.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    When I was a kid, my mom and dad always got into the BIGGEST, most awful arguments. On one such occasion, something started an argument (I can't remember exactly what started it, but it was probably money related), by the end of it they were screaming in each other's faces and calling each other horrible names over...wait for it...who started the argument! :huh: :noway: That was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I had to step in a be the parent in that situation. I threw my bedroom door open and screamed over both of them, "SHUUUUUT UUUUP! :explode: :mad: Do you HEAR yourselves?!!! If one of the boys (I have three brothers) and I were arguing over something so ludicrous, you'd tear our butts up! It may only take one comment by one party to START an argument, but it takes at least TWO people to perpetuate it. No matter how right you THINK you are, one of you needs to be the bigger person and let it go. I'm tired of hearing the arguing all the time. Either get some counseling, or get a divorce." :angry:

    FYI: I was sixteen at the time this happened, so I wasn't a six year old using words like "ludicrous" and "perpetuate". LOL