What do you picky eaters eat?

I have to admit I am very picky, but I have ventured out to try some new things. I don't like broccoli and I am not a seafood eater. I have started eating the Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds, and they are so good. What are some good suggestions????


  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I grew up on deep fried chicken nuggets and fries. Ow and homemade bread. I think the only thing that kept me going was fruit lol. Couldn't get me to eat a vegetable. Then I started dating my bf who travels the world and ended up trying some interesting things since. I HATE fish. It's my enemy. But there's some I'll eat now

    Conch (the thing that lives in the shell that the guy in lord of the flies blows in) - Fantastic
    Catfish - tastes like dirt
    raw oysters - apparently, I will only eat oysters raw lol
    calamari - I don't like onion rings and these remind me of them but better
    fogra (duck liver) - tastes like dessert to me
    lamb - Still don't like it but I'll eat it now
    Salads (apple spinach with goat cheese and a dressing made of all things I hate (balsamic vinegar, mustard, mustard seed, oil)...I also didn't like cheese till him which is probably a bad thing lol)
    that thin bacony looking stuff that I forget the name of

    Things I picked up that I actually like that are different then what people usually eat here:
    Lentil Salad with mung beans
    Homemade Ezekiel bread (the stuff you buy in stores are tasteless)
    Okra - it's a veg
    real coconut water, the stuff in cans taste aweful, only stuff out of good coconuts are good.
    anise - though I hate liquorish I like this fresh by itself
    passion fruits are deliciousness
    avacado instead of butter on toast. That happened up in australia because my friend didn't carry butter but she 'kept' some for me...it was bright yellow on top and white on bottom lol)
    pumpkin seeds
    roasted pine nuts you have to try...yum in salads
    Cilantro - If you have a certain gene, it tastes like soap, otherwise it tastes good lol

    Things I tried because of this forum that were good:
    kale chips instead of potato chips
    frozen bananas instead of ice cream
    Kim28NASHVILLE Posts: 33 Member
    Okay. Thanks!
  • KristenCook2
    KristenCook2 Posts: 57 Member
    I don't know about anyone else but I feel like I eat alot of the same things over and over because I'm so picky. I'm not a fruit eater, only eat certain veggies, and no salads. Hmmm, not so great for a healthy diet, right? :wink:

    But, I'm trying new things all the time and trying to venture out of my picky palette every so often. I try to eat fish at least twice a week (Mahi-mahi and tilapia are my faves), lots of chicken, lots of turkey, and I throw in some red meat every so often. I limit my pasta to only once a week. I load up on veggies at dinner - peas, edamame (sp?), broccoli, cauliflower, beans, corn, etc. I really only eat apples, in terms of fruit, so I try to have those in a smoothie twice a week so I can just blend them into oblivion (it's the texture I don't like).

    For snacks, I like nuts of any sort, cheese paired with some sort of snack meat (turkey, smoked meats, etc), bowl of cereal, smoothie, chocolate milk when I'm needing something sweet.

    I feel like I'm the pickiest eater there is, so if I can be successful at losing weight, I know that anyone can! Good luck! :smile:
  • Cordy1228
    Cordy1228 Posts: 245 Member
    Like what?

    I am fairly picky, but I like enough of the basics so that I can pretty much go anywhere and end up with something I enjoy.

    There are certain flavors I just don't like, no matter what they're in, so if I'm looking to try something new I just stay away from them.
    Kim28NASHVILLE Posts: 33 Member
    I try to eat atleast a salad a day. At one time I would only use Olive Garden Italian. I am now experimenting with the Balsamic Vinegar and Olive Oil and Vinegar.
  • Cordy1228
    Cordy1228 Posts: 245 Member
    I actually don't eat salad at all! LOL. Mostly because lettuce and spinach tend to tear up my GI tract, but I can't say I'd be all over them otherwise.

    I do eat plenty of vegetables, though. Carrots (raw), broccoli, apsaragus, green beans, red/orange/yellow bell peppers, zucchini/squash, eggplant, sweet potatoes ... tons of options!

    I also like tomatoes, so anything tomato-based usually works for me.

    Chicken, fish, and beef are usually safe for me too, because I like pretty much anything garlic-, lemon-, butter-, and/or wine-based.

    I don't like milk, but I do like yogurt and cheese. I love eggs.

    I don't like much fruit, which is a combination of smell, taste, and texture. So I just eat more of the veggies I like and call it a day.