Anyone Give up WW to join MFP?



  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    I've done WW twice before. The first time, I was a junior in high school and lost almost 40 lbs in 2 1/2 months. The second time I didn't stick with it for more than a month. When I decided I wanted to lose weight again, I have been hearing a lot of complaints about the new points plus from WW so I was researching other options to track the progress and found MFP. Rather than spending $45 a month on WW I wanted to try this out for a few months and see how it goes, I LOVE IT! It is so much easier than weight watchers, and MFP teaches you to keep track of other things than just points. I'm loving the progress I am showing and it keeps getting better. I think MFP teaches you a fitness strategy that will always works, rather than in WW, every 6-12 months, their changing things up and you have to get use to a new way of tracking and planning your meals. 100%, MFP is the way to go, but that is just for me.
  • Rosemaryelizabeth
    Rosemaryelizabeth Posts: 4 Member
    YES! I did...I was doing WW for 2 years I dropped 15lbs and gained it back. I had to redo my budget so WW is out and MFP is in ! its free and its working! just remember fruit is NOT free
  • emilyclaire000
    I think the food database here is WAY better, and it's free. :) I lost weight with WW six or seven years ago, but I had absolutely no success with the points plus at all.
  • taralc1
    taralc1 Posts: 98 Member
    I am still a WW member, but testing this out. I do like how it shows my sodium, fat and carb intake on a daily basis. I will end up cancelling my ww membership and switch totally to this, but I'm not ready..yet. For me right now I feel accountable getting weighed in front of someone. I've been with ww since jan and here a few weeks and I have lost 40lbs. Love this site, and the support is awesome.
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    I used WW entirely online when I started my journey and it worked great, dropped 63 lbs. I gained back 20 lbs due to having abdominal surgery. Both MFP and WW are doing the same thing, of course the bonus is MFP is free. I like that with MFP I have an idea of how much proteing, carbs and fat I should be consuming. Of course all this info is available free online as well. Tracking is what helps me and WW did teach me a lot since information was easily available on their website. I made the switch after WW went to Point Plus...I know eating more fruits and vegetables helps me lose but I feel I need to track it to make sure I'm not going over a certain my calorie intake.
  • MegdKel
    MegdKel Posts: 96 Member
    I've done both calorie counting and WW in the past - I see much better results with counting calories and MFP is my fav calorie counting tool by far!
  • julietfayexo
    I've never tried weight watchers but as soon as I heard about/started using MFP my first thought was that it seemed like a better version of WW. It's free, plus I think it has a much better feeling of accomplishment to be doing it all on your own :)
  • tlo23
    tlo23 Posts: 68
    I did...just this month! I plateaued on WW and decided to come back to MFP. Lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks! MFP has a lot more of the foods I eat. Let's not forget that MFP is also FREEEEEEE!!!!!
  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    I used weight watchers - took around 6 years to gain back the 20 odd pounds. I liked it but then the program kept changing it seemed to derive some sort of "secret formula" for weight loss- something they could sell. THe old formula that a point was effectively 50 calories became too well known so they changed it - effecitvely "more points" but the points were now 40 calories. All seemed foolish really. I also disagreed with the "snack" line of granola bars and carbs that they were selling for $5 a box. Unhealthy snacks and i thought it was in poor taste and it kept people eating the junk that got them over weight in the first place (just in smaller portions and charge you twice as much). enough of my rant. I was stagnant on WW - i can do that on my own! I do give them props though for helping me learn how to eat better - more fruits and vegs. Good luck!
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    I quit WW when they instituted their "new plan" & I started gaining weight on it. Besides, there were some real MEANIES on that site who were verbally abusive. Have been very happy here at MFP.
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    I originally used WW to lose 38 pounds. After exceeding my goal, I got lazy and gained a few pounds back. Have been using MFP to lose the pesky pounds I gained back. I see many similarities in the two, but MFP is free so I use it. Either one will work as long as you log your information truthfully.
  • findingavision
    I quit WW b/c I hate how the points system punishes "real food" as opposed to processed WW snacks and WW frozen meals etc. - I think that this site helps me make sure my diet is balanced, and doesn't punish me for eating mainly whole, unprocessed foods! I love it - I have a long long way to go, but I wouldn't go back to WW if they paid me - LOL!
  • recee96
    recee96 Posts: 224 Member
    I gave up WW to join MFP. Frankly, I got tired of tracking points and not really know how many calories I'm consuming. And I got bored pretty quickly of going to the weekly meetings...only to gain here and there. So hear I am. I must say that I really do love this app...and it's free! I like to see my calorie in vs. calorie out. And also, I used the phone tracker on WW and it took forever to track my food..based on the internet connection. MFP is very easy to put in and doesn't take long. I think you made a great decision!
  • fitpilatesqueen
    I once was doing WW except it was very expensive and very far a way from me, took me almost an hour with the bus to get there so after almost a year I gave up and gained all the weight back.
    Now I´m using MFP and I have to say it is easier than WW. That is how I feel about it.
  • sheenades0804
    sheenades0804 Posts: 52 Member
    I like to see if It's worth joining WW and this topic made me realize MFP is almost the same but better :)
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I used to do WW - I loved the way the meetings were ran in Stamford, CT and it fit into my schedule nicely. Tried it again here in FL and hated they way the woman let the particpants run the meeting. Then when I got a job I couldn't make their meetings plus I work about 60 miles from my house and the franchises are different so I can't join one near where I work and then go to one on the weekend near the house if I don't make it during the week near work. That was a total turnoff. Then, on top of it, I met my now husband and we bought a house, etc. and WW was just too expensive. So a friend told me about this site and I love it. It is basically the same thing but I like this more and it fits into my schedule and budget better.:happy: (especially now that I have a smart phone). However, it all depends on what you enjoy. My parents do WW and they love it. My mom was interested in this site and she loves to hear about but she needs to know that she is going to stand in front of someone else and have that person weigh her and have to be accountable to someone other than herself.
  • bellabijou
    bellabijou Posts: 82 Member
    I did WW a few years ago when my mom was on it. She had all the tools so she got me a set and I did really well, lost about 10 lbs ( all I needed to at the time) and she lost 45! This was in a couple of months.
    Then I went through a huge breakup that involved a move, leaving a control freak etc and gained it back. Over the last few years I have gained about 10 lbs a year give or take, and am now about 25 pounds more than I would like to be. So last year I decided to try weight watchers again, except they had switched to their points plus program. I can't get to meetings, so I did it online. I followed it daily, tracked, planned great meals, exercised when I could - and only lost 6 pounds in the 3 months I paid for. I finally got so discouraged after not seeing the scale move for over a month, I quit.

    Imagine my surprise when I find MFP - a FAR superior website, than was FREE! I was angry at myself for paying the $60 some odd $ for WW which had a ****ty website that was always crashing. Since devoting myself to MFP 3 weeks ago, I have lost 8 lbs - 2 lbs more than I did in 3 whole months on WW.
    So yeah, I'll never pay through my teeth for WW again.
  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    Just as I was trying to figure out whether to return to WW or have surgery, I found MFP and am extremely happy. Have done similar programs twice before with pretty good success, but then I just stopped when I felt better. Will not do that this time. I've learned my lesson that this will require me to maintain my weight after my success. Can't wait.

    Oh, and the best thing - It's free! It's allowed me to have more money to spend on good, fresh food. And, I weigh every single day so that I can understand the processes that my body goes through. But, I may stop by WW to pick up a few of the shake mixes.

    Good Luck.
  • JuliaGoolia919
    JuliaGoolia919 Posts: 4 Member
    I've done WW off and on for about six years. It's been mostly successful but I sometimes get sick of tracking points.

    I never really liked that I was constantly being sold something at the meetings, although I did find the support helpful. I've been on MFP for a week and really like it. I'm especially impressed by how much of a difference it makes to be able to see my food's nutrition so easily on the iPhone app. It never occurred to me that I needed to eat more iron and potassium until MFP.
  • Dalacombe
    Dalacombe Posts: 30
    Lifetime member of WW and left for MFP. So much easier to use, encourages "real" food rather than pre-packaged processed foods, and...FREE.