Migraine Sufferers on MFP

I have been a long time sufferer of migraines. Since about 1st grade I would get hormonal driven migraines. Traditional symptoms, I used to get an aura followed by nausea, vomiting, light and sound sensitivity, vision loss and excruciating brain pain for 5-7 hrs. (I was unable to do anything but lie in a quite dark room and hope to fall asleep) Over the years the migraines have pretty much have gone away in terms of those symptoms. Although I am thinking I do still get them regularly but not the same symptoms I used to get and so I never picked up them as being migraines. Now what seem to happen is I will get an intense dizzy spell. The kinds were I am pretty sure I will lose consciousness but don’t, followed by nausea, and some form of light sensitivity and brain pain. But not the kind of pain I used to get. I am still able to function. I have asked to refill my Imtrex to see if it will help.

Has anyone who has been a long time sufferer of migraines experienced this symptom transition? Do you get these intense dizzy spells at the start and do you take a prescribed medication to help?


  • Missmissy0003
    Missmissy0003 Posts: 250 Member
    I have migraines but I do not get the dizzy spells that you talk about. I do get dizzy spells not related to my migraines though. Sometimes fOlliwed by a brief sensation of nausea. I think mine is low blood pressure upon standing.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    Yes! I my case, the vertigo and vomiting was frightening! I began taking all kinds of medicines & ended up with terrible side effects. When I remembered that my doctor had identified a wheat sensitivity years before (that I had ignored) I decided to start my elimination diet by getting rid of gluten.... It worked really well! I was still getting minor barometric migraines until I began to take feverfew twice a day on the advice of a friend who is an herbalist. Now I am pretty much symptom free. FINALLY! Feel better!!!
  • 33neenaj
    33neenaj Posts: 306
    increase your magnesium
  • SolarRun
    SolarRun Posts: 1
    Talk with your doctor about Amerge. I take it for my migraines. It's my wonder drug.
  • horsepullerlovesme
    horsepullerlovesme Posts: 228 Member
    magnesium helps the migraine as well.........i suffer migraines hate them!!!!!!!!!
  • AC417
    AC417 Posts: 56 Member
    When I was a teen up until my 20s I used to get a huge migraine every month with intense vomiting, to the point where I couldn't even take a sip of water. Now that I'm in my 30s I might get two huge ones (usually barometric-related) a year. I used to take Imitrex when they were more regular. Now I just take Excedrin Migraine when I feel one coming on and it usually works. I don't get dizzy, just an aura.
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    We sound very similar, down to how young we started getting migraines. I don't get them nearly as often now (maybe 1-2 truly intense migraines a year), but I do get what I call mini-migraines. Like you explained, I get the intense pain and nothing helps to get rid of it. Not sure how old you are (I'm 42), but when I was younger they really didn't have anything for migraines, so I've never tried prescriptions for them. With my mini-migraines, I can function, but the pain is still intense. I do not suffer from the dizziness you describe, but symptoms are not always the same for migraine sufferers (my husband has never had the aura with his). Sounds like you are experiencing something similar to my mini-migraines, just some different symptoms. Curious if your prescription helps with this type.
  • I used to get very frequent migraines. No vertigo in my case, but I had the traditional symptoms. I was on imitrex for a while, but it never seemed to work for me. I had to cut out gluten because I breastfeed my daughter who was diagnosed with a gluten intolerance, and my migraines disappeared. I believe someone else had mentioned that as well. Maybe try going gluten-free for a while and see how things go. There are tons of GF options. Amy's organic and Udi's are two of my favorite brands :)
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    As other people said, magnesium can make a difference. I've always had migraines, but have had them more regularly since I started birth control two years ago (I always get them during my "period," but I get too many benefits from the BC to stop or switch). Since I started taking magnesium more regularly, I'll get the migraine... but it'll never get fully bad? Like, "really bad heachache" or "bad headache," instead of, "Omg, I can't walk without wanting to throw up."

    I definitely get the dizziness right before its onset.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,363 Member
    I was under the care of a neurologist for years for migraines. Ugh. Mine were triggered by hormones (I'm female) on a monthly basis, and also by Barometric changes - usually lows.

    Have you changed your form of birth control since these symptoms changed? Have you given birth? Some forms of birth control affect the symptoms by changing your hormone levels.

  • bltrexler
    bltrexler Posts: 180 Member
    Thanks for the great responses. I will definately try the Mg. I try to eat low carb so I definately can go gluten free to see if that helps.
    In the past IMtrex worked great to help reduce the serverity of symptoms but I will look into some of the others mentions. I am curious to see the mechanism of action.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    I have been getting migraines since I was very young as well (probably my whole life, it just took until I was about 7 or 8 to pinpoint what was going on as doctors were very cautious to diagnose a young child with migraines back then, maybe they still are.) My onset symptoms have changed over the years, quite drastically in the last year or so. I used to have similar onset symptoms as you did as a child and sometimes it still follows that pattern, but lately I've been getting a sharp pain in my scalp (like I got hit and it’s forming a goose-egg, without the lump), followed by dizziness/nausea/vomiting followed minor loss of motor and cognitive function (like a mini stroke.) I nearly always have light and scent sensitivity, regardless of which pattern my migraine decides to follow. Sometimes the headache portion of my migraine is not too severe, sometimes it is. I went to my doctor (and then another doctor just for a second opinion, since the stroke symptoms were pretty scary) a couple months ago and they both said that it is common for migraines to morph as you get older since your hormones fluctuate throughout your life. Imitrex didn’t work very well when I was younger, but it works much better for me now- I don’t know why that is. When I was younger I used the injectable kind which worked better than the pills, but now the pills work pretty effectively. I would get a refill on that if I were you, for sure. I’d also go to the doctor just so he can check you out to make sure there isn’t any other underlying issues, you don’t want to risk it when it comes to your brain. Good luck!
  • ohmykai
    ohmykai Posts: 210 Member
    I have been a migraine sufferer since I was 18. I am 32 now... I actually am getting Neuroblock shots in my neck in 2 weeks, not looking forward to it but I heard they work. The headaches were more hormonal for me. I cannot take BC at all. And for the pain I take Treximate, but their more under control now..... Way better.
  • bltrexler
    bltrexler Posts: 180 Member
    I was under the care of a neurologist for years for migraines. Ugh. Mine were triggered by hormones (I'm female) on a monthly basis, and also by Barometric changes - usually lows.

    Have you changed your form of birth control since these symptoms changed? Have you given birth? Some forms of birth control affect the symptoms by changing your hormone levels.

    I got my mirena replaced a few months ago so perhaps that could influence it. No new babies.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    I suffer from migraines and they seem to come in waves. I might get one day for several days, then none for six months. Mine are triggered by sunlight, smells and sometimes just looking at a light from a certain angle. Weird. I get the aura, then the massive headache. Never dizziness or nausea.
  • RedVelvetCurls
    RedVelvetCurls Posts: 304 Member
    Yep, guilty. Heat, sunlight and stress trigger mine, sometimes smells as well. I don't use medication anymore other than painkillers when it strikes... A migraine completely ends the day for me, the moment I have one, I'm in bed until the next morning. :/
  • bltrexler
    bltrexler Posts: 180 Member
    I have also decided to bring a hat to work b/c these lights kill me. Yup I will be dressed in business casual and a hat/ visor.
  • Relpax has been my lifesaver. I've had migraines as long as I can remember, all the way back to grade K. It's the same class as Imitrex but in pill form and doesn't make you feel as flushed and gross as Imitrex and I think it works better.
  • Ginger Tea :) I just found this cure and it has helped a ton :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Migraines run in my family at least back to my great-grandmother. I never had them as badly as you did, but eating right and regular exercise have definitely made a huge difference.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Migraines run in my mother's side of my family. Interesting fact: We've recently discovered that they were caused by food sensitivities!

    We each found out what food bothered us, and we've removed them from our diets. So far, we've been about 6 months migraine-free! This is involving about 4 people.
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    I've had migraines ever since I can remember. My doctors wouldn't name them as migraines though, they called them headaches, which aren't even close to being the same thing. I used to get them so bad that I had to have a dark room, a cold wash cloth, and I would puke almost every 5-15 minutes depending on how bad it was. I know someone who ended up getting bloody noses and dizziness though with them. They have gotten better over the years, where I can handle them to a point. Light no longer bothers me as long as it's not directly in my eyes, and sound doesn't bother me at all either like it used to. Unfortunately I've learned that Migraines are a neurological disorder, if you have them, you have them for life, but I've learned that they do get better to handle with age.

    Seardefilip...there is no cure for migraines. There are preventative things that can help for some people, you just have to find it. But even then, you will still get migraines.
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    i suffer from regular migraines. I would operate at a low level pain daily, and about once a week, got the aura, the vertigo, etc. For 5 years i was on topamax prophylactically and maxalt-mlt abortive. i had to change the topamax because of a built up toxicity from it, and now i'm on gabapentin (an antispasmodic actually) and the maxalt. I now only get one really good migraine a month, but mine are not hormonal, they are triggered by smell, barometric changes, extreme thirst or hunger and sometimes heat. I've heard feverfew is good for migraine sufferers, but i never had the guts to change from what works.
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    Migraines run in my mother's side of my family. Interesting fact: We've recently discovered that they were caused by food sensitivities!

    We each found out what food bothered us, and we've removed them from our diets. So far, we've been about 6 months migraine-free! This is involving about 4 people.

    It's awesome when food is the only trigger, and you find that food that triggers them. Unfortunately there's too many triggers that I have that I can't really get rid of. Sunlight (if it's really bright) Movie theater noise usually always brings on a migraine, Heat is a huge issue and I dont even have AC in my house X.X
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    i suffer from regular migraines. I would operate at a low level pain daily, and about once a week, got the aura, the vertigo, etc. For 5 years i was on topamax prophylactically and maxalt-mlt abortive. i had to change the topamax because of a built up toxicity from it, and now i'm on gabapentin (an antispasmodic actually) and the maxalt. I now only get one really good migraine a month, but mine are not hormonal, they are triggered by smell, barometric changes, extreme thirst or hunger and sometimes heat. I've heard feverfew is good for migraine sufferers, but i never had the guts to change from what works.

    I say if it works, don't change it! Unless it stops working, of course.
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Been a migraine suffer since my late 40's, mine are menopausal migraines, was on Imatrex and it worked for about 5 years and then it stopped working, now Im under the care of a neologist and Im on Topamax (200 mg a day) and a low dose of nortriptiline, overall it manages them but for those rare exceptions I take pain killers (codeine, tramadol and Alieve), mine are KILLER Migraines!!!

    I do take magnesium everyday but I don't really know if it makes much difference, Im hoping when Im post menopausal the migraines will stop!
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    i suffer from regular migraines. I would operate at a low level pain daily, and about once a week, got the aura, the vertigo, etc. For 5 years i was on topamax prophylactically and maxalt-mlt abortive. i had to change the topamax because of a built up toxicity from it, and now i'm on gabapentin (an antispasmodic actually) and the maxalt. I now only get one really good migraine a month, but mine are not hormonal, they are triggered by smell, barometric changes, extreme thirst or hunger and sometimes heat. I've heard feverfew is good for migraine sufferers, but i never had the guts to change from what works.

    I say if it works, don't change it! Unless it stops working, of course.

    I tried feverfew and it gave me a migraine!
  • jones137
    jones137 Posts: 89 Member
    That's amazing.....I went through the same transformation.

    What's even more amazing is since I've started on this site over 3 months ago I have only had 1 vertigo/dizzy migraine.

    It all came down to two things for me.......and MSG sensitivity which triggered the only vertigo spell I've had and not drinking enough water. I was constantly dehydrated along with eating fast food that was laced with MSG.......not saying MSG is bad but for migraine people it can be a huge trigger. Wine's a trigger for me as well but I've always known that one.

    All that being said, hormones play a role in migraines as well.
  • carriparton
    carriparton Posts: 62 Member
    I have been diagnosed with Daily Chronic Headaches, getting a headache every 2 weeks to a month. I have tried many different prescriptions to battle them. I would suggest going to a neurologist and finding out if he/ she can help you. My neurologist and I have run the gamut with different prescriptions. We have a list going in my file so he doesn't put me back on something that didn't work or that made the pain worse. I have been seeing mine for 15 years now. He also suggests Mg to help. I have also found that BeKool Migrane Soft Gel Packs help. You look stupid wearing one, but they do help. Unfortunately for me, my symptoms are different for every headache.
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    I am sorry you suffer from Migraines. Let me ask you a few questions.
    When was the last time you had a MRI done on your brain?
    When you exert yourself do you get the sharp pain and that is when the dizziness happens?

    The reason I ask...I to suffered from migraines from young youth and had been misdiagnosed for 30+ years. Not until I had one ER doctor run an MRI on me. He then showed me the test....my brain looked like a tadpole....I have Chiari Malformation. It is a birth defect that is there from birth but starts getting worse the older you get.

    If you have not please have a MRI run, again your brain will show if you have this. Mine was so bad I was diagnosed on a Monday and was having surgery on that Thursday.

    If you have any questions, please let me know....Also let me know what you find out