Will you be my friend ?????



  • toez79
    toez79 Posts: 63 Member
    Hey all, feel free to add me - I am on every day and on track to lose 100 lbs. (Lost 50 before, gained it back with baby.)
    I have been doing much better this time thanks to the friends I have so far. I think it helps a lot!
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 721 Member
    You can sure add me the more support the better. I know what you mean about when you tell someone you are on a diet that are always watching what you are eating!!! I have 40 lbs to lose and struggle every day with eating right. I love to exercise so that has not been the problem. good luck
  • Earthshine
    Earthshine Posts: 18 Member
    You can add me as well. I'm in the same boat. I need to lose 50 lbs. too and I've recently restarted this program. This is the first time I've looked into the community section - seems like an amazing group!
  • movn4ward
    movn4ward Posts: 69 Member
    Sent you a friend request, I will gladly add to the support you receive from others. This site is really great tool for those of us that want a support system. I would also suggest trolling the groups and challenges that pop up from time to time. I have found that you get a more intimate support system when you set up with people who are working on a short term goal together with the addition of accountability. You can always start one yourself as well. You can do this!
  • llpleslie
    llpleslie Posts: 53
    You can add me to the list! I need all the help & support I can get.
  • hmtito
    hmtito Posts: 15
    Add me if you like.
  • Feel free to add me...I joined about a month ago and need encouraging friends as well. I am on here everyday and share results with my small group...the more encouragement the better.
  • sylwheat
    sylwheat Posts: 125
    I can use all the support too! Let's be support buddies !
  • Sam03Joh
    Sam03Joh Posts: 8
    I would love to be your friend!! And, anyone else looking for some support and able to give support please add me as a friend.

    I started this site a little while ago, and like so many others just logged in my food and excercise a few times. Then the motivation dewindled and now I feel like I am floundering. I do not have support at home and really need a community of friends that can offer suggestions, help, be uplifting and give me the opportunity to do the same.

    I know that with help from each other we can all achieve our goals.

    My goal is to lose 87 lbs. by next July and reward myself with a fishing trip to Alaska!!!
  • Hiya You Can Add Me Too If You Like And Anyone Else Can I'll Give You Support Could Also Do With Some Too :)
  • suerabah
    suerabah Posts: 1 Member
    Hi you can add me too, if you like. I need encouragement as well and am new myself!
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    I'll send a friend request your way. Anyone else feel free to add me as well. I have about 50 lbs to lose and can always use a good kick in the butt. I love Jillian Michaels and am trying to make myself a runner by using C25K (if I could make it past week 5!)
  • add me as well pl...as i need to see others food plan as well...more than happy to share mine
  • kechelle71
    kechelle71 Posts: 10 Member
    The response has been amazing, thank you all so much, please dont be offended if I dont add you as a friend.

    Over a hundred people have responded to me and although I would like support that may be a little too much lol:laugh:

    I really appreciate all offers of help and am just randomly accepting people.

    Again thank you all and I wish you well in your journey :love:
  • rlombardd
    rlombardd Posts: 5 Member
    will add! motivation is the key xx
  • Feel free to add me! Always looking for new friends :)
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    Yes I will. I will be ANYONES friend!
    I love having new peeps to support.
    Let's do this.
    GO HARD!
  • Sappy320
    Sappy320 Posts: 77 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • lish0710
    lish0710 Posts: 11 Member
    feel free to add me!
  • breezy_ny
    breezy_ny Posts: 9 Member
    I will send you a request. Also add me...I need all the support and motivation I can get!