Any other Dads out there?

Family is a big part of why I'm working to get to a healthy weight once and for all. Have played sports (football, rugby) for many years, but fatherhood has meant I don't have time for team activities for now.

Working on running, tracking calories. Would be great to connect with others dads working to be positive role models for their families.



    CDMAGS Posts: 150 Member
    Hey Man, I am also a Dad to a little 6 month old boy. I am working on losing a little weight and get healthier. I also need to be able to have the energy my son will require in the next year or so when he starts walking and running...I don't want to be that guy that is stuck in the chair out of breath because I can't keep up with him! Good luck to you! Feel free to add me!
  • firebird7171
    It goes by so quick. I didnt do hardly enough with my two boys and now they are teenagers. I never had enough energy, hurt to run around and keep up with them etc. Too many excuses i know and i should of done something years ago. But anyway all you can do is work on it now and do your best to stay healthy. Good luck in your journey to stay healthy.
  • HeDeZhong
    HeDeZhong Posts: 1
    Hi Mike,

    I'm a father of five. Our kiddos range in age from 13.5 to 6. In contrast to you, I've not been very physically active for most of my life. During the past few years I've picked up racquetball and golf as occasional pastimes, but I started to take my weight, my health and my example to my family much more seriously around November of last year.

    I've always despised running, but I've learned to start enjoying it in the past few months. The greatest thing is that a few of my children like to join me on my runs and, as it turns out, my 9 year old loves it and is really good at it! We're going to pick him up some decent running shoes in the next few days and let him work on developing this new found talent.

    I want to create a legacy of healthy living and vigor in my family to replace food addictions and poor health that have continued for generations.

    Good luck in your quest!
  • bennysammysofie
    Hey Mike, CD....being a dad is tough with the weight department, especially when the kids are young! I got 3 kids (2 boys then our girl) and though they keep ya busy, its tough taking time away from them to focus on yourself. My wife and I are still trying to find a good way to do that!
  • ThomasFMendiola
    ThomasFMendiola Posts: 38 Member
    I'm a dad of 3 boys, ages 10, 9, 5. The good thing about them is that they are old enough now to go on hikes, bike rides, and even runs on some occasions with me. Even if I decide to work out on my own I found that either early in the morning or later in the evening works best for me to get a run in. My children eat healthy because I do, when we talk about foods they often chime in and acknowledge that a food is beneficial or not. By no means are we food nazis but we aware of what we eat. Welcome aboard!
  • reojames
    reojames Posts: 96
    I'm a proud father of two. My daughter is almost 21, and my son is 16. When they were five and newborn, I started gaining a bit of weight, but have been working hard to get it off lately....
  • mixtaplix
    mixtaplix Posts: 74 Member
    I quit smoking when my son was born, and put on quite a few pounds, which most I lost through watching what I eat. The last few have been tougher, and this site has definitely helped me realize what else I can do to start shedding those last few. Also started exercising with inspiration from this site. Welcome, and feel free to add me up, as it's always great to share support and motivation! Cheers!
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I've got a son on the way, and I've raised my girlfriends daughter since she was 2.
  • chaser1977
    chaser1977 Posts: 70 Member
    Proud dad of 10 yo boy, 4 yo girl. working hard to be an example to my boy and i've got to be in shape when she brings home her first boyfriend. Always open to new friends, send invite.
  • grkfire
    grkfire Posts: 152 Member
    I'm also a dad of a 3yo girl. Life & family did slow me down @ first, but now they are one of the reasons why I found renewed vigor & getting back in to shape! Welcome aboard! I'm always open to like minded friends as well. Please feel free to add me.
  • SickSkilz
    SickSkilz Posts: 40
    I am a father of 3. Agest 8, 6 and 3. When I got Married I was 175 but that slowely degraded beign busy with work and the kids.

    Last year I was at 216 and decided to lose weight and got to 181 but then some family issues distracted me and I yo-yoed up to 207. I've been working hard at it the last month and am down to 195. My wife and I have our 10 year anniversary coming up and are going on a trip in 11 weeks and I am aiming to get back to 175 by then

    I soved my time issue by going to the gym at 8:30 after my kids go to bed and I have taken to my gym's Precor AMT machine.
  • g0tr00t
    g0tr00t Posts: 192 Member
    Welcome Mike!

    I am a dad of 3 (7 boy,12 girl,13 boy).

    When I got married, I was 165lbs and in great shape. Weight lifting and biking. Then 2.5 years ago, I hit 210lbs and could barely keep up with my kids playing soccer.

    Now, I am 170lbs, back to the gym and biking daily. I can out run my kids :) .... Well, at least keep up. My oldest is faster than me, but I am working on that.

    I have totally changed the way I eat. We all eat healthier.
  • F1R3W4LK3R
    F1R3W4LK3R Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a father of four boys, ages 17, 5, 3 & 3 months and I'm a full-time student and work part-time. I used to be Superman to my oldest son, but in the last 5 years I've picked up more weight than I'm comfortable with, so now I'm trying to make a change. I'm still active in playing with my younger kids, but I can tell the difference, and I don't want to shortchange them, my wife, or myself with being less than the best me I can be for our family. I haven't been able to find a set time to work out consistently (especially since our newest addition), but I have been trying to watch my caloric intake, and get in at least 10 - 15 minutes of workout time. It has been producing some results, but I know I can do better. I'm looking for encouragement and examples, so I can thwart the temptations of overindulging in tasty treats, and the excuses of not exercising.

    Feel free to add me, and let's encourage each other as we attempt to reach our goals.
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    I'm a father of twins (boy/girl) and another boy. I love being a Daddy!
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Single Dad here 12, 14 with me. Mom is not in picture.
    23 yr old has moved back home with his baby. So I have my hands full.
    Stopped smoking also.

    Bottom line is, I want to be around along time for them.

    Edit; add me if you wish.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Welcome Mike! I am the father of a 5 and 3 year old. Feel free to add me if you'd like and good luck!
  • Monstertrel
    Monstertrel Posts: 33 Member
    Father of 2 (5yrs and 11yrs). We are an eating family and it's tough to change eating habits of everyone in the house. We do get weak but i encourage everyone to stay athletic and active. We also try not to have too much snacking. Stay encouraged Dads of MFP>
  • ndetmer
    ndetmer Posts: 18 Member
    Dad of 2 daughters. First one heading to college now, getting in shape and hiking a fourteener with her was huge for both of us. She had an ACL rebuilt and me just out of shape so it was kinda our goal to knock out before college. Now it is becoming an annual goal for both of us to do a fourteener each summer and will force both of us to be ready each year.
  • alpha2omega
    alpha2omega Posts: 229 Member
    Hello, I'm a father of 4. (Twin 6yo girls, 4 yo boy, and a 2 yo boy.) I came on to this site a few months after my last son was born. I was 230 lbs with high blood pressure and was required to take meds for it at 31! I have since lost 30 lbs and have gotten off the meds. I work out daily during my lunch break and loosely follow the P90x program as I have completed it once. I love to play basketball and try to do so on a weekly basis. It definitely keeps my conditioning up and has kept my resting heart rate below 50. My wife is amazing and we definitely have both embraced the healthy life style for us and for our children. I feel I have more to offer to my children now than I ever have. I look forward to enjoying my time with them as they grow up and being an active participant and not just a spectator. :drinker: A drink to all you attentive fathers out there. There definitely arent enough of us around. Feel free to add.
  • Dave_MFP
    Dave_MFP Posts: 32
    I am Dad of two boys - 14 and an 11 years old. I don't exercise much really but I am able to stay relatively slim by eating healthy and watching calories.