Anyone coming from Weight Watchers to here???



  • tweston58
    tweston58 Posts: 3
    I did weight watchers in the past, but I stopped when I was in college. It was too hard to count points when I lived in the dorms and was required to have a meal plan for the cafeteria. You never knew how anything was cooked and then there were the "mystery foods." Now that I've graduated and have a job with a normal schedule (and enough money to buy more than ramen noodles), I'm trying to lose weight again. I didn't want to do weight watchers again (mainly because I'm too cheap), but I needed some kind of a support system other than my parents and decided to try this instead.
  • thomasmom35019
    I've never tryed weight watchers. I thought about it, but i never joined. I like mfp because its free.
  • sarbar71
    sarbar71 Posts: 191 Member
    I have done Weight Watchers Online several times, but found calculating points to be extremely time consuming and a major pain. I have been on MFP for about 2 months and have had much more success with this program. I primarily use the iphone app and love the scanner - it makes tracking calories effortless. Plus the support on this site is fantastic! I think you will find this site to be excellent - the database is much better than Weight Watchers and its much easier to track on the run. I find that Weight Watchers never keeps their "competitors" in their database, so forget about find any Lean Cuisine or even any recipes from other weight loss plans in there. Good luck!!
  • paprikas
    paprikas Posts: 118 Member
    I've done Weight Watchers on and off for about 30 years... I have every brochure and booklet they ever published. You name it I've got it. I worked out every loophole possible, and lost and gained weight like a yoyo for my entire adult life.....

    I find MFP much clearer. Every gram is accounted for, and you have control over your choices. The online and app aspect of it also mean that it is with you constantly. I'm finding it way more effective and enjoyable...
  • Anola13
    Anola13 Posts: 36 Member
    I did WW for a while and after doing MFP for about 2 months, I'm upset that I wasted so much money. I love MFP and it's just so simple, a really great way to see exactly what your putting into your body, how exercise works with what you eat and IT"S FREE!!! You'll love it here.
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    I lost weight on weight watchers, used my blog on MFP to count points. I was afraid to try to totally rely on MFP when weight watchers worked so well for me. However, I don't think I was getting adequate nutrition on weight watchers previous points system and don't want to try points plus, so here I am. Seems like people are pretty happy just doing MFP so here goes!
  • ojtabor
    ojtabor Posts: 7 Member
    It's my second day here after 3 months of Weight Watchers and I am just in love with it! The tracking seems to go a lot smoother, with both a larger database and much more information than point totals. My favorite part is that MFP takes into account the amount of calories you burned working out, and adjusts your total as a result.
  • AvinashGupta
    I joined Weight Watchers over the weekend but ended up canceling my membership on Monday. In my opinion it is very difficult to follow and hard to keep track of carb amounts for each meal. Carbs amounts are the most important amount, even more than calories, for Diabetics who are dependent on insulin
  • sushisuzi2
    sushisuzi2 Posts: 111 Member
    I joined WW last Friday and still log on here, too (for now anyway). The database is bigger and WW online is being a little pain in the butt. I like the points program, being I was an old school WW in the 80's. Lots of people like MFP better and I can see why. I guess I really do need or want the program and it helps me stay focused. It certainly lit a fire up my tail!