Hello Everyone!

Hi! I'm fairly new to the site. Discovered the app when I got an ITouch for the holidays and have found MFP VERY helpful. My goal is to lose 10 pounds. Down three so far, then stalled. Learned I need to eat my exercise calories, so now I'm trying that. I'm into Bikram "hot" yoga and running. I'll be running my first full marathon at Disney World on January 10th! Can't wait! Drop a note to say hi. I'd love to learn from and support all of you here.


  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Welcome!!!! I'm a runner too!... I did hot yoga a few times and I loved it but it was like 135 dollars a month so I had to stop going :frown: I'd rather spend that on running clothes haha! Enjoy the site!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • sillysallyf
    sillysallyf Posts: 40 Member
    Welcome! Good luck on your journey.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    Leash - I hear ya when it comes to the cost! I paid for the next 3 months of yoga, but who knows if I'll be able to keep that up. And I am addicted to buying running clothes! Who knew I'd have more fun buying Saucony sneaks than a trip to the local shoe warehouse for a pair (or two) of Franco Sartos!:wink:
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    Leash - I hear ya when it comes to the cost! I paid for the next 3 months of yoga, but who knows if I'll be able to keep that up. And I am addicted to buying running clothes! Who knew I'd have more fun buying Saucony sneaks than a trip to the local shoe warehouse for a pair (or two) of Franco Sartos!:wink: