I have a keggerator and a treadmill I need friends



  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I think I might know you ..... do you work for a brewery?? We may have talked shop at Falling Rock...

    Anyway, go to groups and search Mile High MFP - we get together monthly (at least we try), and beers are often involved. There's also a group of folks that frequently do weekday hikes!
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    You had me at keggerator. I'm in Denver too. Congrats on your success so far.
  • NaeNaeJanae
    NaeNaeJanae Posts: 261 Member
    Hi! I'm near Denver! And I LOVE beer!!! Feel free to add me! I'm excited to hear about the Mile High MFP...I'm going to look it up too
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member

    Nice to meet you.
  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    I won't give up wine or chocolate. I hear you! In fact, I was just on vacation in Montreal where I ordered poutine and a salad with dressing on the side. LOL! I think it's the best way to be healthy even if it does seem at odds. :O)
  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    I question is...did u hook up the keggerator to the treadmill? Because that would be epic

    I like the way you think! :O)
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    When I was younger, my buddies and I would hit weights on the rusted bench press that was sitting on our apartment patio whilst pounding 40s of Mickeys.

    Sadly, that no longer works for me. A couple of beers in the evening should be fine, though. I know that I've had to make sure to workout BEFORE having any drinks once I graduated from skateboarding to work and eating Costco corndogs three times a day.

    Good luck man!
  • mc5daisies
    mc5daisies Posts: 14
    ah, beer (homer simpson) :drinker:
  • cindyj7
    cindyj7 Posts: 339 Member
    Sorry to hear about your loss. It can be so hard come back from, and sounds like you're doing a great job.

    I am also a proud kegerator and treadmill owner - everything in moderation. Feel free to add me as a friend - I'm a pretty good cheerleader.