Is it rude to ask for no MSG?



  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
  • Celliott411
    Celliott411 Posts: 49 Member
    I used to work at an asian restaurant and a lot of the foods that came pre-packaged such as spring rolls or soup bases all had MSG in them already, so maybe ask just to double check to see if they can help you!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    MSG doesn't make people fat. Consuming more calories than you burn makes you fat.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I would just call the restaurant ahead of time and ask if they use it so you can plan what you're going to get before you go there. No sense in asking when you're there, then making the server wait while you make up your mind and making your friends wait.
    It's fine to avoid it but plan ahead.
  • BosLady1
    BosLady1 Posts: 83
    I don't think it is offensive to ask that they not use it. I say that because my favorite local Chinese take out place lists right on their menu.. no MSG, no salt, no oil. That is available for all orders. I have never asked for the no MSG option, but I just know that I can ask for it without.

    Edit to add:
    Call ahead of time to see if that is an option as each one is different...
  • skirtlongjacket
    skirtlongjacket Posts: 41 Member
    I would just call the restaurant ahead of time and ask if they use it so you can plan what you're going to get before you go there. No sense in asking when you're there, then making the server wait while you make up your mind and making your friends wait.
    It's fine to avoid it but plan ahead.

    Ding ding ding! Call ahead, or go to a place that says "No MSG" if you're concerned, although, the other posters have already given reasons to not be concerned. Deep fried, sugary sauced chicken or fried noodles with no MSG is going to be worse for you than steamed or sauteed veggies and chicken with MSG.
  • DianneBoo
    DianneBoo Posts: 226 Member
    Trying to avoid MSG is like trying to avoid calories! Not EVER going to happen. Just make better food heavy sauces, no fried, etc. Unless you are allergic to it (which you would know by your inability to eat a variety of vegetables), you really should have not issues. Enjoy your birthday!!!!!!!!
  • goblue443
    goblue443 Posts: 50
    not at all. I am allergic to it so I always ask when eating at Asian food restaurants. If they are offended they probably don't care too much about their food or customers. You have a right to know what you are eating (coming from someone with a long list of food allergies)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    What is MSG? Sorry I still don't know a lot of stuff about nutrition. I eat chinese food once a month, never knew about this?

    MSG is short for monosodium glutamate. It is a flavor enhancer that you add to your food to boost the flavor, it is also addicting, so makes you want more of that particular food. A lot of restaurants use MSG, specially fast food places such as kfc, mc.donalds, and pretty much every other fast food. It is also widely used in processed foods. MSG is one of the factors that makes you obese. Besides obesity there are a lot of health risks caused by ingesting MSG, so I stay away from it as much as I can.

    You were doing ok until the bold part. Then your post became useless.


  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    What is MSG? Sorry I still don't know a lot of stuff about nutrition. I eat chinese food once a month, never knew about this?

    MSG is short for monosodium glutamate. It is a flavor enhancer that you add to your food to boost the flavor, it is also addicting, so makes you want more of that particular food. A lot of restaurants use MSG, specially fast food places such as kfc, mc.donalds, and pretty much every other fast food. It is also widely used in processed foods. MSG is one of the factors that makes you obese. Besides obesity there are a lot of health risks caused by ingesting MSG, so I stay away from it as much as I can.

    What is the difference metabolically speaking between MSG and naturally occurring glutamate, like the kind found in Roquefort, ripe tomatoes, walnuts etc?

    People who are prone to migraines already know the foods that have glutamate in larger amounts in them and do their best to avoid them. MSG can be sort of sneaky and you eat it without realizing it and get triggered. That would be the difference, though I grant you it may not be a metabolic difference.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    No! Not rude at all.. You are worried about what goes into your body! =)
  • lessele
    lessele Posts: 40 Member
    Heck NO...many people are severely allergic to MSG. I had a friend when I was a girl, and every time we ate at a particular Chinese restarant she would get a wierd feeling in her jaw and a headache. This was back in the '60's. We all thought she was a little nutty....but it turns out those are 2 of the symptoms of MSG allergy. I am allergic to penecillin and have no compunctions about telling anyone that I cannot have it. What is the difference? :wink:
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    What is MSG? Sorry I still don't know a lot of stuff about nutrition. I eat chinese food once a month, never knew about this?

    MSG is short for monosodium glutamate. It is a flavor enhancer that you add to your food to boost the flavor, it is also addicting, so makes you want more of that particular food. A lot of restaurants use MSG, specially fast food places such as kfc, mc.donalds, and pretty much every other fast food. It is also widely used in processed foods. MSG is one of the factors that makes you obese. Besides obesity there are a lot of health risks caused by ingesting MSG, so I stay away from it as much as I can.
    I think I should try some MSG on celery and see if I can get addicted to it.

    To the OP - never be afraid to ask a restaurant what's in their food and if you can have something modified. They are there to cater to you. You are the customer and they want your business! A restaurant with good service will happy to provide you with all the information they can about their food and to help prepare meals that you want to eat so you'll come back!
  • kmb2522
    kmb2522 Posts: 48
    I get serve headaches from MSG so I always ask its not rude and to make sure they don't lie to you say your allergic. I do it all the time
  • TayPat24
    TayPat24 Posts: 131
    exactly its your body you should know what you are putting into it!
  • bkvamp
    bkvamp Posts: 30
    If you're allergic to MSG, then you must be allergic to broccoli, tomatoes, etc.
    If you're not allergic to MSG, why is it such a big deal to avoid it?

    Because it causes cancer, among other things.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    If you're allergic to MSG, then you must be allergic to broccoli, tomatoes, etc.
    If you're not allergic to MSG, why is it such a big deal to avoid it?

    Because it causes cancer, among other things.

    O rly? And can you support that assertion?
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    Nothing wrong with asking.
    I know many people who ask because they are allergic to it.
    no they aren't allergic to tomatoes and broccoli but they still get a reaction to MSG.
  • bkvamp
    bkvamp Posts: 30
    If you're allergic to MSG, then you must be allergic to broccoli, tomatoes, etc.
    If you're not allergic to MSG, why is it such a big deal to avoid it?

    Because it causes cancer, among other things.

    O rly? And can you support that assertion?

    Yes, I can support it. Just do some research for yourself!
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    I usually ask them to steam the dish, and to put the sauce in a separate bowl.

    It has far less calories and is a bit healthier that way. :)