Need 25-35 yr old peeps!

I've recently joined and don't have any friends on here! I'm 28, very busy and have about 36 pounds to lose. I've been hitting this head on for a little over two months. I started out with a very strict cleanse diet. Tried weight watchers again and ended up here. It's honestly been a slow and somewhat agonizing process considering any other time I've dieted the weight has come off much quicker.

I'm in a loving relationship, so all you chubby chasers can back right up :P

I just need a little help from my friends!


  • ahelland21
    ahelland21 Posts: 48 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have about 50 pounds to lose...
  • SBlost
    SBlost Posts: 90
    Welcome, I will be 25 this weekend and I am trying to lose 125lbs. Feel free to add me. I have known I need to lose weight all my life but it never really bothered me until my doctor told me if I want to have a healthy pregnancy and baby one day, then I need to lose weight. So I am trying to lose the weight now. This is my second time being on MFP and I have noticed the second time around I am making friends and sticking to it.
    good luck on your loss :)
  • missmayeb
    missmayeb Posts: 182 Member
    Hey good to meet you! I am 30 and on here because other diets and weight loss plans weren't working. I have been on for about a week and half and already have lost 2.6 lbs. It really keeps you accountable for your actions. You are more than welcome to add. I also post mini challenges on my page for the ladies at my office which you are more than welcome to take on too. Today was 200 jumping jacks. I will have to come up with something for tomorrow.

  • Me too!
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    25 over here. my first goal is to lose 50lbs, then I'll see how i feel from there. feel free to add me!
  • Feel free to add me! I'm on daily and trying to lose!!!
  • ChrisFitPro
    ChrisFitPro Posts: 32 Member
    I'll answer any questions that you send my way.

    Apparently, I'm "not nice" to people that struggle with discipline and committing to their goals.

    I may not be a good "friend", but I know that I am a great resource. Feel free to PM me, or put your questions on my feed - maybe your question can help someone else as well.
  • TennisQtpye
    TennisQtpye Posts: 110 Member
    Feel free to add me I need to loose 45 more pounds
  • Raw07
    Raw07 Posts: 206
    Feel free to add me :D Im 28 with 48 pounds left to lose.
  • kiekokay
    kiekokay Posts: 101 Member
    Im 29 and have about 25 more lbs to lose. Add me if you want!
  • Hi I'm 30 and I haven't been on here very long. I want to lose 130lbs. I will send you a friend request. I don't have any friends on here yet either. I could definitely use the motivation.
  • 35/Male. 65 down, 60 to go. Been here on MFP over a year-- very committed. Add me if you like.
  • hthrld
    hthrld Posts: 125 Member
    27, mother of one, so much more to lose. :) (50lb+)
  • okeedokee5
    okeedokee5 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi! I'm 29, with about 40 pounds left to lose. I've already lost 60 with the help of a personal trainer and some serious dedication to the gym. I'm on MFP to help with portion control and to meet some people in the same boat. Anyone can feel free to add me- the more the merrier!
  • blackgold86
    blackgold86 Posts: 171 Member
    Add me if you like :) Im 25 in Australia and have a very suporting partner as well. Have about 30 pounds to lose to hit my first real goal :)
  • heykaraoke
    heykaraoke Posts: 191 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me :) I'm 26 years old and have lost 12 pounds since joining MFP two months ago. I'd like to lose at least 33 more. I hope you find this community as supportive and awesome as I have! It really is a great place to start your weight-loss journey.
  • Hello! I can totally relate to your situation. I'm also 28 and married. I lost about 20lbs for my wedding 3 years ago and gained it all back. I've been on weight watchers and have tried other "diets", but ww just didn't seem to be helping as much as it once had. Not to mention, being a living-on-loans grad student, I hated paying for something that wasn't working. I'm hoping to create some good habits before the busy fall semester starts, so it will be easier to make better choices when I'm stressed/sleep deprived. Feel free to friend me, because I also need a weightloss buddy to help me stay accountable.
  • robynkep
    robynkep Posts: 11 Member
    Hey I'm Robyn! I am 25... I started with needing to lose 65lbs! I have lost 40 so far!! MFP is a tremendous help feel free to add me :)
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I'm new, 33-year-old female, trying to lose about 65 pounds! Please feel free to add me!