Anyone who is 4'9 or shorter please reply

maaleka Posts: 22 Member
I am 4'9 and very muscular I need to lose weight but what works for my taller friends is NOT working for me.. SOMEONE please help me with this issue.. I hear ALL the time you shouldn't eat less then 1200 per day and when I follow this I KEEP THE WEIGHT ON.. I have had 4 kids, 4 different pregnancies and 4 different baby sizes. I just want to drop this weight. If you are not small like me please do not comment You really have not gone through what I have gone through in a world built for Tall people.. You have never had someone say WOW your fat.. just because Your short. You have never had to pull your seat ALL THE WAY up until the last notch on your car and you have never had to diet or exercise like me. 5 pounds on my small body looks like 50 I have no where to hide it . Please someone one assist me with this. Friend me :)



  • katsuii
    katsuii Posts: 24
    I'm 4'10" so I have you by an inch.. but I know exactly how you feel.
    I am currently 143 because of all the weight I gained with my daughter (60+). I was 110/around there before and 170+ after. Stayed 155 until recently.
    This extra weight looks absolutely dreadful but I already see a huge difference from 10 lbs lost.
    1200+ typically does nothing for me and it only maintains my weight (when I want to LOSE!). Working out 3x a week and eating a little less than 1200 has been working for me.

    Oh and.. my seat is all the up in my car, I have to climb on chairs/stools to grab things in my own house, and even at 110 my legs still looked too chunky for my liking. :P
  • maaleka
    maaleka Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you for responding to my post I have been working out about the same as you.. but I HATE going to the gym now a days because ALL of the equipment is built for taller people so I tend to work out at home and 1200 cals is just not working for me . I sent you a friends request also!
  • wyodawn
    wyodawn Posts: 217 Member
    I'm 4'10 as well, but I know what you mean about weight having nowhere to hide. Plus, I teach dance and am in front of mirrors for hours a day-so I really can't hide it! I had a hard time buying a car, especially a stick, because if I moved the seat up all the way I would bang my knees when I shifted gears. Argh. Luckily, I married a man who is 6'2, so he gets things off of the high shelves for me. It's frustrating though, because he'll think of losing a few pounds and *bam* it just happens.

    My original goal was losing 15 lbs. & I've lost 7, so not a huge goal. But, I see the muffin top and cellulite growing so I wanted to get on it now rather than later.
  • maaleka
    maaleka Posts: 22 Member
    I'm 4'10 as well, but I know what you mean about weight having nowhere to hide. Plus, I teach dance and am in front of mirrors for hours a day-so I really can't hide it! I had a hard time buying a car, especially a stick, because if I moved the seat up all the way I would bang my knees when I shifted gears. Argh. Luckily, I married a man who is 6'2, so he gets things off of the high shelves for me. It's frustrating though, because he'll think of losing a few pounds and *bam* it just happens.

    My original goal was losing 15 lbs. & I've lost 7, so not a huge goal. But, I see the muffin top and cellulite growing so I wanted to get on it now rather than later.

    I get this too.. I currently own a stick shift and when I got it the guy behind the counter was like "I didn't know little people drove big cars" I had to laugh at him right then and there.. what a joke! My husband is 6'2 and he loves every bit of me wouldn't want me taller or smaller.. I once was in dance ballet for 16 years these pregnancies are what killed it for me.. my last 2 kids were 14 months apart so my body didn't get any kind of break! I have lost 24 pounds so far and my goal changes from day to day.. but this 1200 cals is not working for me and personally I am ready to scream.. My frustrations have come from many things but the one thing that gets under my nerves so far is being told I am fat just because I don't look like a twig. I have never weighted under 114 (at the age of 16) and quite frankly I just want to lose this weight... 15 lbs is not a small goal if you ask me.. it is HUGE.. every pound has felt like I am fighting a sweet tooth bear ! LOL up hill in a snow storm and I am cold mad and tired.. LOL but thank you both for your replies ! hopefully we can encourage each other!
  • shockingpink33
    shockingpink33 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi! I'm 4' 9"!
    We really can't eat like the tall people, can we?
    I've found that around 1,200 calories a day works for me.
    I suppose if we put on a little weight, we look like we've gained a lot, but on the other hand, if we lose a little weight, we look like we've lost a lot. :)
  • anjsdav
    anjsdav Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! I'm 4' 9"!
    We really can't eat like the tall people, can we?
    I've found that around 1,200 calories a day works for me.
    I suppose if we put on a little weight, we look like we've gained a lot, but on the other hand, if we lose a little weight, we look like we've lost a lot. :)

    I hear ya. I am 4'11 and its true. A little shows a lot on me either way even though I am a little bit taller.