about ready to give up :(

Hello all, I have been a visitor on and off this site for quite some time now. Pretty quite I like to read the posts. But now I need some advice. I have been working out (Chalean Extreme everyday plus her turbo jam (20- 40 mins/day)) for 2 weeks straight. I haven't changed my diet drastically (but it is better) for two reasons, I don't really eat bad, I think if anything it's portion control for me. Also I hear when your working out like that, that you don't want to cut out to many calories. I have.........ready for this........gained 2 pounds. What the heck!! This is the first time that I've come close to sticking to something, and nothing not even a pound...but I've gained. ( I know the whole muscle weighs more, but with the cardio.....I have enough fat to have some weight loss) I'm looking to lose 50 - 60 pounds. Can you all tell me how long it took for you to see weight loss and real benefits at least 10 pounds. Thank you all so much, this is the first place I thought to come.

So sad!


  • mommyHJ0709
    im sorry you are having a hard time but dont give up you can do it.i need to loss 50lbs i just had my second baby 6months ago so i know it will be hard for me but you can do it just remember your goal and dont let that 2lbs get you down just keep at it.Good luck.try the jillian michaels dvds i hear they really work and fast to i know a ton of people that lost 5lbs the first 1 week and as much as 25lbs the 1st months
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    ktala24, I feel your frustration I've been struggling with the same 5 lb for the past 2 years now. It's going down now, but I refuse to get too excited as I have been HERE before. But the past month or so, I started concentrating more on small changes in lifestyle, different forms of exercise, tweaking a little of my eating.

    You said you like to read the posts? My suggestion, get involved. What helped me what joining two groups on here and keeping in contact with these wonderful ladies on an almost daily basis. Listening and griping with them makes the frustration seem less.

    Don't give up. Step away from the scale for a few days to a week, drink a TON of water, cut down the salt, and you will probably see a difference.

    You'll succeed in your weight loss and a healthier body!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Don't give up yet! Have you measured yourself? I would be willing to bet that you are going to see changes really soon with all that cardio and strength training. What have you gained (non weight wise) ? Do you feel better? More ready to tackle the day. Do you feel stronger? Are the workouts starting to get easier? YOu may just find that you have so many benefits that are not on the scale--to me the weight is secondary. I want to feel and look good. It doesn't matter what the scale says in the long run as long as I am happy with how I feel and I feel wonderful when I am eating my fruits and vegies and exercising.

    Are you tracking what you eat--writing it down? You may find there is something that you do consistently that could hold you back, too many sweets (I'm guilty :blushing: ) not enough vegies, that sort of thing. At this point you should be reevaluating what you are doing and continuing on. I have a feeling you are going to see big changes ahead. Keep up the good work!:flowerforyou:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    You may also be interested in this board of success secrets. I know it has really helped me to get back on track! :flowerforyou:

  • ktala24
    ktala24 Posts: 17 Member
    Wow, you girls are awesome. I can't believe I already received responses back from my post. I went to take a shower logged back on and you all just made my day. Thank you so much for the advice and words of encourgement. Lulabellewoowoo, I will watch my salt intake and I hate water, but I'll get down more than what I am. Debnu you are right, I am getting stronger and the workouts are getting a little easier ( I can do 2 regular push ups now, couldn't get close to 1 before.) I'm so unorganized I'm not good at writing down, but your right I should really start that.
    Lulabelle thank you for telling me to get more involved, I will do just that.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    It is quite possible that you are retaining more water now that you are working out. Make sure you drink all of you water, at least 8 glasses a day, more on the days you exercise. Hang in there and you will start to see changes, make sure you log all of your food so you can see where you are going right, and wrong.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    What Erick said. 2lbs is not really enough weight to claim that you gained it. When you're working out hard, your body tends to retain some water for the purpose of muscle repair (kinda simplified explanation), so don't fret, keep up the hard work, try to put variety in your workout routine and intensity and you will see a difference!
  • ktala24
    ktala24 Posts: 17 Member
    I never heard about retaining some water for the purpose of muscle repair. Everyone is making me feel better. I'm going to make more changes and stick with MFP.com, everyone has been soo nice, good advice. I visited the success secrets thread, it's very motivational.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I never heard about retaining some water for the purpose of muscle repair. Everyone is making me feel better. I'm going to make more changes and stick with MFP.com, everyone has been soo nice, good advice. I visited the success secrets thread, it's very motivational.

    Yes, it's a common theme. Someone begins a new and intense workout routine, and they gain a few pounds. This is OK, it's normal, and it's healthy. When we begin to use muscles more intensely, we incorporate more muscle fiber and need more readily accessible energy for them. This forces our body to make and store more glycogen (glycogen is a sugar compound in a water solution used by muscles for quick energy production). Glycogen is heavy, and gaining a few lbs is quite normal. don't sweat it, and no, you won't lose this weight (although you'll probably lose weight from other areas, so that's good) as long as you continue working out.

    Know that this is ok, as it is GOOD weight, think of it the same way you think of new muscle growth (which most likely isn't what is going on, it takes far longer than 2 weeks to gain even 1 lb of new muscle in most situations), it's healthy and will help you work harder and longer. It also doesn't increase the way your body shape or size is, so don't worry about that.

    NOTE that this is different from bloating or water retention, which is a temporary rise due to temporary chemical changes in the body.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I think everyone already said what I was going to suggest (water weight from working out), but I wanted to thump you on the forehead and remind you that giving up really isn't going to get you where you want to go. What kind of logic is that? :wink:

    You're doing great! Keep exercising, and if you haven't already, try weighing/measuring and logging every single thing that passes your lips for a few days. You may be surprised at the actual amount of calories you're consuming. Keep exercising and eating well and you'll definitely see major improvment to your health. :drinker:
  • ktala24
    ktala24 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice.:flowerforyou:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Have you taken the time to measure yourself with a tape measure? That will be your best friend......especially when the scale is being your enemy.

    There have been some weeks where I haven't lost any weight but I lost an inch on my hips so that made it all worth it!

    If you haven't done it yet DO IT!!!!!!!