Does anyone lose wt. eating 1200 calories or less?



  • hillbillyannie
    hillbillyannie Posts: 139 Member
    Yes I try to keep mine between 1100 and 1240 (the number MFP recommended) and as you can see I've lost almost 100 pounds but I don't exercise.
  • it is different for different people, but think about this long term. Can your body sustain itself on that few calories forever? Not likely and you are likely missing out on valuable vitamins and minerals that you need. If you feel comfortable in doing this, than okay, but I don't see why someone would choose to do it.

    This is a weight loss phase for most, not the rest of their lives. It's as easy to get vitamins and minerals in 1200 calories as more.

    Dieters always fear this horrible starvation myth. No one seems to fear the 'death by overeating' nearly as much. Our bodies have excess stored fat which can be used as energy, just like food calories can. That's biologically what it's for. We're made to use it up as needed. To burn it off, you create a deficit. More deficit = faster weight loss. Starvation mode is a myth. People do better without psychological starvation fears and feelings of deprivation that come from very low caloric intake. But their bodies and their metabolisms are fine. It's far better for your health to do what you have to do to get the excess weight off once and for all than to worry about meeting some mythical caloric minimum, in my opinion.

    Think about the term 'essential fatty acids'. They're called essential because your body can't synthesize them from other compounds, such as stored calories in the form of body fat. They're a tiny portion of our nutritional needs. The rest, the body can synthesize from the compounds in the foods we eat and our stored fat. Eating a balanced diet is good for various reasons but for basic calorie metabolism, you can burn anything that makes a calorie, including your body fat.

    Very good information and thanks for posting it. I personally believe everyone is different and will lose weight in various ways. What works for one may not work for another.
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    I work with elderly people every day. Most of them are lucky to get 600 calories in them a day unless people are shoving ensure down there throats. They still have energy , there insides are not burning away and I don't see any signs of them being in starvation mode. I am not saying for active young people to dip this low but I feel the magic 1200 calorie thing is a myth as well as starvation mode. But that's just my opinion.
  • doreen101010
    doreen101010 Posts: 1 Member
    hi i have started the my fitness pal on sat 28th july 2012 i was told to eat 1200 aday i am 52 years old weigh 119.3 and i am wondring if i will losses weight on this diet help the hospital told me this is good for me xx
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Yes. In fact a woman my size generally needs to eat a little less when I'm not exercising regularly.
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    I do have to say that I understand a lot of what everyone is saying here, but keep in mind that you've suffered from binge eating. I get that you're losing at low calories and feel fine now, but why did you binge before? Was it just emotional eating, or did you binge because you ate too little generally?

    I put on my weight for that same reason - I ate low 6 days out of the week and then would just snap and eat a ton one day. Consider upping your calories and giving it time to settle in. When you up your calories, your body will need to adjust to the increase in food. It can be frustrating at first, but so long as you stick with eating more and it's still below what you need to lose weight, you will still lose! And eating more during the week might prevent future relapses to binge eating.

    I still struggle with this a lot. Some days I struggle to get over 1200, but I try to make sure I always do.
  • PinkEnvyx
    PinkEnvyx Posts: 172
    In my experiance as a trainer for over 15 years it depends. For me who fits in natural workouts in all day as I can and was always a natural size two frame most of my life found it hard to loss weight when i ate more than 1000 calories a day after i gained 20 lbs. I am 5'6 and from this BMI I was underweight most of my life. This was not true. I was a triathete who ate well to maintain a strong body anf my body fat was 20%? I think if 1200 a day is less than you have been eating you will loose weight at first but reality is if you are eating more calories than you burn you wont loose much fat.
    My friend with bigger bones can eat 1500 a day and do the same workouts as me and loss weigh were i have to restrict more to loss. It simply does not burns as many calories to carrying around a smaller frame i guess.
  • KimL122
    KimL122 Posts: 236 Member
    Yup I loose with eating 1,200, but I also put in a lot of cardio as well.
  • I think you are eating to little. Yes, first such formula works just fine, but as soon as you get back to your old routine or even eat an extra 100cal, even more lb will come back. You will be putting on weight from salads...You are slowing down your metabolism by eating little! Just add physical exercise and eat reasonably.

  • marijasmin
    marijasmin Posts: 160 Member
    Sadly with a thyroid that doesn't function, I maintain on 1,200 cals plus excercise. I gain on 1,600 plus exercise.

    I try to cut to 1,100 every alternate day to loose half a lb a month.

  • nom9nom
    nom9nom Posts: 11 Member
    Wow this is all insanely unhealthy. I won't bother saying why, it's been regurgitated enough, but this is probably coming from mostly sedentary/non-active women who probably do only cardio if anything at all. It's not gonna last long guys. You'll gain it all back. And if you think you'll try lifting later and adjusting your calories, you'll see just how hard you've run down your metabolism. You're not all special little snowflakes with super unique metabolisms and all that. Women especially think starving themselves is gonna work. My mom does this too. It's so bad for her. :(