The Rice Diet Solution - thoughts?

KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
So somebody on my Facebook had mentioned this and so I read about it and even though I don't do stuff like this (I just do the general trying to eat healthy type of thing) I was just curious what you people though about it.

I prefer you read about it before commenting. Yes it's called The Rice Diet but you don't ONLY eat rice.

"Ricers, the affectionate term for those following the Rice Diet Solution, eat more than just rice -- but not much. Though rice is part of the plan, it is one of 30 foods available at any given meal.

The plan allows for whole-grain starches, low-sodium beans, fruits, vegetables, nonfat dairy and very lean protein sources. "Eating a diet high in fiber from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables will keep you feeling full and satisfied," says co-author Kitty Rosati.

The Rice Diet Solution plan has several phases:

Phase 1 -- one week

1 day: Basic Rice Diet (800 calories and 50 mg sodium)

2 starches and 2 fruits at breakfast, lunch, and dinner

6 days: Lacto Vegetarian Rice Diet (1,000 calories a day and 300 mg sodium)

Breakfast: 1 starch, 1 fruit, 1 nonfat dairy

Lunch and dinner: 3 starches, 3 vegetables, 1 fruit

Phase 2 -- one week

1 day: Basic Rice Diet

5 days: Lacto Vegetarian Rice Diet

1 day: Vegetarian Plus Rice Diet (1,200 calories per day and 500 mg sodium)

Breakfast: 2 starches, 1 fruit

Lunch: 3 starches, 3 vegetables, 1 fruit

Dinner: 3 starches, 3 protein (or 2 dairy), 3 vegetables, 1 fruit

Phase 3 -- Maintenance. Same as phase 2, adding about 200 more calories per week, until you stop losing weight.

1 day: Basic Rice Diet

4 days: Lacto Vegetarian Rice Diet

2 days: Vegetarian Plus Rice Diet

The authors of The Rice Diet Solution note the diet is too low in calcium and vitamin D and suggest a once-daily multivitamin."

Here's the link about it...

Soo now that you've read about it...what do you think? I'm just randomly curious (plus info in case some people want to try it out?)


  • seems like the first week is way too low on calories to me

    just over complicates things too i think xD no need for a crazy diet.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    That sounds like most boring diet EVER!

    Couldn't do it.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    no thanks.

    i do think i recall my mother doing a 'diet' like this when i was a child. it was all the craze!

    brown rice and some other grains are fine, but why not just integrate them with some other healthy choices, eat within a deficit that is right for you, and not call it a diet?

    would also likely not seem so boring.
  • Reminds me of the twinkie diet.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I love rice and could eat only that forever but the calories count is too low to my taste and wow carbs. I am not a fan of low carbs but since I have PCOS, it would be a desaster!!!
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    Reminds me of the twinkie diet.

    But way less fun.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    I tried it for a week and lost about 10 pounds of fluid the first week. After the first 2 days I was not very hungry. I thought is was great. I then I realized this was not a diet I could maintain long term, just too many lack of choices, to many sodium choices in every day foods. I then started to add the sodium back, and then quickly gained all of the weight back and then some.
    Lesson learned: moderation is the key. Cutting back too much on any nutrient to the point of deprivation (fat, protein, carbs, sodium, sugar etc) will leave deficiencies in your diet, and make long term eating habits hard to maintain.
    This diet should only be attempted under the advise/management of medical professionals.
  • lllooper
    lllooper Posts: 14 Member
    Several years ago, I did the Rice Diet at the Durham location for about a year and a half, lost a lot of weight and got off all medications (for diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure). It was a challenge for me to maintain "at home" after I finished up at the "Rice House," so I've regained a chunk of weight. However, I just got diagnosed with gastritis a couple days ago, so I'm rediscovering the Rice Diet as I figure out what foods are better than others for my stomach. I've also started reading the latest book about the Rice Diet, called The Rice Diet Renewal. Here's the Amazon link:

    At this point, if "boring" makes my stomach better, I'm all for it! :-) Since the "gastritis diets" I've found on the web restrict a lot of the same things, I'm returning to what I learned, and in time I plan to adjust it for my own "dieta" rather than calling it a diet.
  • natasha00100
    natasha00100 Posts: 17 Member
    To lllooper!!

    Are you still doing the Rice Diet? I only just come accross is and started a couple of days ago. Is it successful, and what kind of weight loss can I expect?

  • domie_b
    domie_b Posts: 1 Member
    I am also just starting the diet. My mother has done it at home several times to KICK START weight loss. She has been successfully loosing weight for a year now. When she hits a plateau in weight lost she uses this diet; gradually adding foods back to it after a couple of weeks. If you repeat this cycle it helps you keep eating habits in check, so she says.....and we all know, mother is always right. lol
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Fad is bad. Stick to healthy macros!
  • FireBrand80
    FireBrand80 Posts: 378 Member
    A diet low in calories, fat and protein. What could go wrong?
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    A diet low in calories, fat and protein. What could go wrong?
    Exactly. Who needs all that ol' darn lean body mass, anyway? :bigsmile:
  • cjc166
    cjc166 Posts: 222
    Certainly a whole foods plant-based diet is good, but it doesn't have to be low in calcium. Check out books from other veggie doctors. Fuhrman, Esselstyn, McDougall, etc.... They all have good plans that are very healthy. I'm personally a fan of Dr. Fuhrman.
  • TattoosnDaisies
    TattoosnDaisies Posts: 1 Member
    I did this a couple of years ago. Within a month, I lost 30 lbs. It is extremely hard to not get bored. And you really have to work at being conscious of sodium, finding ways to have variety while staying within the guidelines.

    I was going to try it again, but the lack of variety is killing me this round.

    Plus, the more I read on PCOS and carbs, the more I realize this is not for me.
  • I just say get to a healthy lifestyle. A lot of rice is genetically modified. {GMO} If you choose to do it, choose organic brown rice. I think it sounds awful, though!
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I would like to see ANYONE maintain a constant day-to-day diet such as this.... Ridiculous.

    I see fad diets like this a way for people to get around actually educating themselves on how to eat a decent diet to lose weight. I also lump weight watchers into fad diets...But I usually start a *kitten* storm with that one, so I won't comment further.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    No protein for the first week?
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    no thanks.

    i do think i recall my mother doing a 'diet' like this when i was a child. it was all the craze!

    brown rice and some other grains are fine, but why not just integrate them with some other healthy choices, eat within a deficit that is right for you, and not call it a diet?

    would also likely not seem so boring.

    I was thinking it was pretty typical of the low fat diets that lead us into the diet food industry.
  • Yeah!