INSANITY STARTING JULY 30/. 60 Day Challenge



  • KettydeDios
    KettydeDios Posts: 125 Member
    Welcome to the group Beachyteachy and Jchrisman!!!
  • mackie121
    mackie121 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm in! i was planning on starting tomorrow anyways! i'll do the test when i get home from work. I'm really hoping this program kicks my butt! One question though for anyone who has done insanity before, i'm a runner will i still be able to get a good run in and do the program without keeling over?
    here are my stats
    measurements are at home...
    H: 5'5
    1st GW: 130
    2nd GW: 125 (if i think i'll be able to maintain it)
  • irishbabe_78
    irishbabe_78 Posts: 60 Member
    I am going to try to join in! I was previously doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, lost 21lbs, and recently gained 7 lbs back. Really bummed about it, so I figured now is the time to get back on it!

    Current weight- 143.8
    Goal weight- 130

    I will do the fitness test tonight and will post my results.

  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    Would love to join. I started it at the beginning of July then stopped because my work schedule got crazy. No more excuses though, even if it means getting up at 5am to get it done.

    Did the fit test yesterday and it was ugly LOL I started out pretty good and lost all steam towards the end.
    Made it through Plyo Circuit without tossing my cookies today...yay!

    Fit Test
    Switch Kicks: 88
    Power Jacks: 35
    Power Knees: 76
    Power Jumps: 23
    Globe Jumps: 09
    Suicide Jumps: 10
    Push-Up Jacks: 2 <---- I am a total upper body WIMP!
    Low Plank Oblique:20

    Starting weight 119.8lbs as of this morning
    waist 27.5 hips 35.25
  • irishbabe_78
    irishbabe_78 Posts: 60 Member
    Ok, just finished the fit test. WOW!

    Fit Test
    Switch Kicks: 126
    Power Jacks: 35
    Power Knees: 70
    Power Jumps: 20
    Globe Jumps: 6
    Suicide Jumps: 6
    Push-Up Jacks: 5
    Low Plank Oblique:41

    I wont be able to follow the recommended schedule due to my own crazy schedule, but I will be doing Insanity a few times a week and I go to a regular fitness class twice a week.

    Good luck everyone!
  • reisingmel
    reisingmel Posts: 50 Member
    I was just wondering who was all following the recommended Insanity food plan and how everyone feels about it? I did the calorie intake calculation and it says I should be consuming 1900 calories if I want to lose weight! That just seems like a lot! Thoughts? What is everyone else's food plans if you're not following the recommended plan per Insanity? I've read in other topics and threads that you should really eat as much as they tell you to or you won't lose. I'm just scared to eat that much and get all back in really bulky muscle or have it backfire and just make me gain in general.
  • jaqtrav
    jaqtrav Posts: 2
    My husband and I are starting Insanity on August 7th, and I'm struggling with the meal planning too. Not just the amount, but also trying to figure out options for a very picky eater (husband eats like a toddler). Would LOVE a meal plan download, because right now I have about 5 items to rotate for dinners. Not enough to get through 60 days.
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    My husband and I are starting Insanity on August 7th, and I'm struggling with the meal planning too. Not just the amount, but also trying to figure out options for a very picky eater (husband eats like a toddler). Would LOVE a meal plan download, because right now I have about 5 items to rotate for dinners. Not enough to get through 60 days.

    Omg do we have the same husband!? Lol jk. But really mine is like having another kid when it comes to food. When I started eating healthier he wasn't very strive in the way that he still would eat fast food right in from of me. I don't know what changed but all the sudden he wanted to get healthier too, yet was super picky about what I made. he even said he wanted to do insanity, but then kept pushing back the start day. Finally I got feed up and straight told him I'm doing this with or with out him. I started insanity with out him (but luckily I have all you ladies to support me and share common stories and pain loll) and I cook what I know is healthy, not leaving out anything he might not like, me and my kids will eat it and if he wants to eat he can pick out what he doesn't like or make something different. Sounds mean when I say it out loud but when your dealing with a man child you need to remember that your needs are just as important as his.
  • lismchp
    lismchp Posts: 10
    I started on Sunday July 28th. I have no endurance! I didn't even bother writing down my results from the fit test because it was so pathetic! I had no idea what I was getting myself into but, now that I have started, I am determined to finish! I don't even know if I will get any results since I can't keep up or actually do all of the exercises! The warm up is hard for me even! I hope it gets better as time goes on. Tonight is pure cardio and I am extremely nervous about it!
  • I'm starting today 8/1!!! I attempted this once before but made it through like 20 days(which i did lose 2 inches) but got thrown off.. i am now attempting to start it over again!!!
  • reisingmel
    reisingmel Posts: 50 Member
    I started on Sunday July 28th. I have no endurance! I didn't even bother writing down my results from the fit test because it was so pathetic! I had no idea what I was getting myself into but, now that I have started, I am determined to finish! I don't even know if I will get any results since I can't keep up or actually do all of the exercises! The warm up is hard for me even! I hope it gets better as time goes on. Tonight is pure cardio and I am extremely nervous about it!

    I don't think any of us will be finishing every exercise and keeping pace with that crazy dude on the screen. What counts is putting your best into every workout and you will see results because you're already doing more than you would've if you hadn't started Insanity. I just finished cardio power & resistance and I could only do the stuff at the first pace he set and when he kept getting faster, and faster... well I just kept my pace and kept moving and I know I'll feel it tomorrow! So just do what you can and see it to the end. We're all here to lean on each other when it gets tough :)
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Exactly as the above-poster said. If you can't keep up with the video just keep moving and doing something. I start out pretty strong but by the 3 set I'm modifying to low impact and trying to just keep moving. I have no upper body strength for the power jacks or level 1 drills. I try to do as many as I can which is usually one or two - lol. Then I do girlie pushup or I grab the 10 lb hand weights. I try to work what ever body part he is working. I do just lunges on some of the jumps that my legs are not strong enough to do yet. I'm still burning quite a few calories I think - I'm sweating like a pig, red faced and out of breath!
  • KettydeDios
    KettydeDios Posts: 125 Member
    Welcome to the group MACKIE121, IRISHBABE-78, BIRDIEAZ, JAQTRAV, LISMCHP, BSCARR87!!!!!
  • KettydeDios
    KettydeDios Posts: 125 Member
    I started on Sunday July 28th. I have no endurance! I didn't even bother writing down my results from the fit test because it was so pathetic! I had no idea what I was getting myself into but, now that I have started, I am determined to finish! I don't even know if I will get any results since I can't keep up or actually do all of the exercises! The warm up is hard for me even! I hope it gets better as time goes on. Tonight is pure cardio and I am extremely nervous about it!

    LISMCHP, I feel the same way you do. I can not do some of the workouts...but I know that by the end our endurance will build up...I'm nervous too, actually I'm nervous just to think about it. So you are not alone, lets keep going and dig deeper!!!
  • KettydeDios
    KettydeDios Posts: 125 Member
    I'm starting also! I only am going to weigh once a month but I will definitely check in with progress! Add me if you'd like. I've tried this before but with no support or motivation I quit after 3 days (it's really hard, mostly stamina wise). Good luck ladies!!

    Day 3 and counting...this time you are not quitting!!! BRAVO!!!!!
  • On day 7 of INSANITY...last night was my rest night! WOO-HOO! haha I am down 3.6 lbs so far, but I did not measure before I started :/ But so far so good! Cannot do half of the things they do, but that just pushs me to try harder! Good luck :) Anyone add me if you'd like!
  • KettydeDios
    KettydeDios Posts: 125 Member
    I started on Sunday July 28th. I have no endurance! I didn't even bother writing down my results from the fit test because it was so pathetic! I had no idea what I was getting myself into but, now that I have started, I am determined to finish! I don't even know if I will get any results since I can't keep up or actually do all of the exercises! The warm up is hard for me even! I hope it gets better as time goes on. Tonight is pure cardio and I am extremely nervous about it!

    I don't think any of us will be finishing every exercise and keeping pace with that crazy dude on the screen. What counts is putting your best into every workout and you will see results because you're already doing more than you would've if you hadn't started Insanity. I just finished cardio power & resistance and I could only do the stuff at the first pace he set and when he kept getting faster, and faster... well I just kept my pace and kept moving and I know I'll feel it tomorrow! So just do what you can and see it to
    the end. We're all here to lean on each other when it gets tough :)

    That is true, Well said.... Is not doing it exactly, but actually doing more than what we used to do. In a way with this we are all coming out of our comfort zone, and that alone is a lot!
  • KettydeDios
    KettydeDios Posts: 125 Member
    On day 7 of INSANITY...last night was my rest night! WOO-HOO! haha I am down 3.6 lbs so far, but I did not measure before I started :/ But so far so good! Cannot do half of the things they do, but that just pushs me to try harder! Good luck :) Anyone add me if you'd like!

    Hooray!!!! DAY 7 for you!!!! DAY 3 for me, no rest day yet.
  • KettydeDios
    KettydeDios Posts: 125 Member
    Ok DAY 3 HERE WE COME!!!!!!!
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    Hi guys! I just popped in to say 'keep pushing play' (I'm nosy and love Insanity, so I open all Insanity-related threads!) I am on day 60 tomorrow - so close to finishing my first round. Yep, I am already planning a round 2! As others have said, modify what you have to, take breaks as you need them and get back into it. It will not get easier, but you will get better.

    My 2 cents - if you haven't already, take measurements and pictures! Even if you've already started, do it now. My profile pic is a difference of 4 lbs. I would have been destroyed (and probably quit) if not for my measurements and pics. As of those comparison pics I'd lost 17.5 inches overall. Some people will drop a lot of lbs over the 60 days, but some will not. The scale can be evil during Insanity.

    Dig deeper!