What type of mom are you?



  • JessigirlJb
    I will ask my family for preferences but usually the decision is left up to me.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Im talking about meals: Are you the type that asks your kids what they want to eat and make it or
    like me, the type that makes my choice of meal and they have to eat it because this is not a restaurant.
    although i let them pick whatever they want once a week, I knew a person that had 2 kids and she would make 2 different meals three times a day, everyday! thats exhausting.

    Breakfast there are usually a few options available, and lunch is options chosen from leftovers. There is one dinner, but I usually give them part of it to choose like - do you want peas or broccoli, or rice or potatoes, that sort of thing.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    She eats what I cook or she cooks for herself. :laugh:

    That sounds mean, but she's 17.....she's capable and I work 2 jobs, so ya know......lol
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    They eat what my husband cooks. But we do ask for their input when planning our meals for the week.

    Breakfast on the weekends is usually what they want.
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    I'm the cook in the house, so whatever I make, they eat! Thank goodness they are not picky eaters...LOL
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Breakfast has choices. Lunch and dinner is up to me. Sometimes I modify it a bit, like if I want spicy, I take out their portion before I season the rest. And ketchup, ranch, or hoi sin goes with any meat that isn't mixed into something already. I give them a choice between milk or water, and limit juice to one meal a day.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I decide what's for dinner. I'll give them options for breakfast, though.

    ^^^^This. I tell that it's not a diner and I'm not a short-order cook, lol.
  • MrsMrtz
    MrsMrtz Posts: 73
    I decide what's for dinner. I'll give them options for breakfast, though.

  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    They can say what they want....but for the most part..I cook what is in the fridge..but I am lucky..my kids will eat anything. My oldest wanted chicken tikka masala on monday..and thats what I made.
  • CdnPgnMom
    CdnPgnMom Posts: 172 Member
    For me it depends on the day. Sometimes I will ask the kids what they want, but give them options to choose from. Other times I will make something and they are expected to eat it, going hungry if they don't want it. Also, when I do my meal plan/grocery list, I ask everyone in the family to choose one meal they would like me to buy the ingredients for. It makes them feel like they are a part of the whole process and the kids really look forward to it.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Im talking about meals: Are you the type that asks your kids what they want to eat and make it or
    like me, the type that makes my choice of meal and they have to eat it because this is not a restaurant.
    although i let them pick whatever they want once a week, I knew a person that had 2 kids and she would make 2 different meals three times a day, everyday! thats exhausting.

    Too funny. I have actually said the words " this is not a restaurant." I do ask for feedback, and I invite suggestions. I try to make sure there are at least 2 things on the table that each person likes.
  • huron81
    huron81 Posts: 9
    I always gave the kids a choice of several things for breakfast (I never bought cereal) - & they had input into what went into their school lunches (I wanted them to eat lunch). Days when they had lunch at home & every dinner - we all had whatever I decided. Since I did the cooking, I got to decide.

    The kids are 25 now & look great so I guess it worked.

    FYI - their favourite breakfast was always a baked potato & glass of milk. Who would have thought of that? I talked to one of them Sunday & he was microwaving a potato for breakfast :)
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I give options and my husband hates that... I say "Whatever, I'm the one doing the dishes most nights" haha Most of the choice giving comes when A.) I know it's something that the little one has tried before and didn't like B.) a different veggie because the one that's offered is too much of a hassle to get him to eat.
  • estrange22
    estrange22 Posts: 210 Member
    My 4 year old is a grazer so he is always wanting something to eat and drink...literally every 20 minutes he wants one or the other. When it comes to dinner time, I decide with my husband what the main dish will be and I make several side item options that my husband, myself or my son would like...we kinda eat different meals this way but it is not much extra effort and it ensures that my underweight husband and scrawny preschooler actually eat.
  • glacier81
    glacier81 Posts: 62 Member
    I ask my daughter for input on what we should make for dinner, but she eats what I fix. The only time I'll make her somthing different is if I am craving something and I make it even though I know she doesn't like it...like something really spicy for example.

    What about sweets and snack foods/junk foods? I personally think if it's not healthy for me, then why let my kid eat it! I know moms who are on serious health kicks struggling to get years of weight gain off, but they still let their kids eat tons of candy or soda. Why not encourage healthy choices when they are young so they will hopefully never have the same struggle with weight!
  • claire7090
    For the main meal of the day I write a weekly menu plan so that I know what I need to buy that week, the kids are always asked what they would like when I am writing the menu and I try to incorporate that into one of the nights unless it is a silly request (my kids are 5 and 8). I have not got the time or money to make different meals for everyone.

    For their packed lunches I ask what they would like in their sandwich and which fruit they would like so they get more free choice there.

    Breakfast is toast or cereal they can choose which they would like. On Sundays we all have home cooked pancakes and a leisurely breakfast.
  • going2befit4ever
    going2befit4ever Posts: 225 Member
    with 6 kids they each had to cook one meal a week which was okay for all family members to eat ( 1 vegetarian, 4 with allergies) they are all amazing cooks, bakers and canners who are not scared of trying new foods and as one of my sons said when he went to college and had room mates we had totally corrupted his sense of taste when his room mate got mcdonalds for dinner and he couldn't eat it.
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    I pick what's for dinner, unless my husband requests something, I cook it, and everybody eats it or goes hungry. My attitude is that they should be happy to get fed so that they get to live another day. My 7 year old is incredibly picky, and if I give in to her, she'd end up eating nothing but hotdogs and popsicles for dinner.

    Like I said, gratitude is important. I'm grateful to my husband because he works hard to support us, and he's grateful that I cook, clean, and wash his underpants. My children should be grateful that they have parents who feed them nutritious, well-prepared food, buy them attractive well-made clothes, and give them a comfortable home.

    I swore before I had children that I would not raise brats. They don't always get what they want, but the get what's good for them. And they are great kids.

    They do get whatever they want for their birthday dinner.
  • Deedles2012
    Deedles2012 Posts: 122 Member
    I usually have an idea of what I want the night before. I will tell my son "we can have either This or That for dinner, which would you rather have?. Makes him feel as if he has a tad of control in his life while I still hold the reins. :bigsmile:
  • doriyoung
    doriyoung Posts: 42 Member
    My 7 year old is incredibly picky, and if I give in to her, she'd end up eating nothing but hotdogs and popsicles for dinner.

    My six year old could live off Nutella sandwiches, boiled shrimp, and deli turkey. I can't even get him to eat spaghetti or pizza.