What motivates you?


I've been on this site for several years, but never on the boards. I've been trying to lose weight for TWO YEARS (since my son was born) and I just keep coming up with excuses. The other day I saw a picture of myself and almost fell out of my chair. I can't believe that is how I look to people!! When I look in the mirror, I'm always standing up very straight and sucking in so I think I'd convinced myself it wasn't as bad as it really is. LOL

So, I was hoping you all could share what motivates you because I need some help!! Also, please feel free add me or tell me if I can add you. I think a bigger support group might be helpful!



  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    make a few copies of that picture and put them where you will be reminded to eat better and exercise more.
  • momof3kiddos34
    make a few copies of that picture and put them where you will be reminded to eat better and exercise more.
    That wouldn't be a bad idea except I deleted it IMMEDIATELY!!!!
  • leannehoggdodd
    I know it will be awful for you but get a picture of yourself g
    from the Front, Back and side - keep it in your bedroom and look at it everyday.

    Once you get started I promise when you have your first weigh in after a week and you wave bye bye to those pounds you will feel on top of the world and there really is no better motivation in this world!

    Good luck you can do it - the first step is always the hardest.


    Feel free to add me! X
  • 13inchestogo
    13inchestogo Posts: 296 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT !!!! :D I do agree with the others about posting a picture of yourself to see everyday, although it may be depressing at first I think it will begin to remind you why you are choosing to be mindful and healthier and happier everyday! Or maybe not whatever you feel best with, but I keep pictures of myself looking not-so-hot to keep me upbeat about killing that fat that I hate with a fiery passion of hatred!

    Your question was what motivates you? What motivates me is my future, and how I don't want to look back at my life and realize that me fitting into my 'skinny' jeans or me running long distances or me being 110% confident and uninhibited was only a fantasy I had in my mind to keep me in denial of what my life really was. I want to get REAL with myself and take control and be me!!! Not stay in the denial I am currently feeling! I don't want my only feeling of joy and satisfaction to come from a false source like a day dream. I want to look in the mirror and be the me I am. I am not being myself when I feel so different from who I am on the inside and in my dreams. :smile:
  • sl1ngsh0t
    sl1ngsh0t Posts: 326 Member
    My spayed cat stomach motivates me.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    All the great looking people on my friends list
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    looked at a picture of my boyfriend and i from last year and one taken a few days ago, i now have a double chin and when i smile my cheeks look huge. and him being scrawny just emphasizes how big ive gotten.
  • RamblingRo
    RamblingRo Posts: 30 Member
    When I first started, I watched a lot of episodes of Ruby and the Biggest loser. I also love the Success Stories board on this site. All were very inspiring!
  • mandydanyele
    The Mirror.
  • gwduker
    gwduker Posts: 293
    Boobies and buns, but then that's just me! Actually, pics of my fat *kitten* self..........
  • RunnerBlonde808
    RunnerBlonde808 Posts: 257 Member
    I agree with the picture. I couldn't believe how I actually looked when picture was taken of me before I lost weight. I was devastated. It motivated me to get my rear moving. That and the fact that my 3 year old daughter told me she wanted to be fat like me when she grew up. I was like oh hell no, I've got to do something about this.

    It's hard to look at how you really look. But it definitely does help.
  • elle18287
    elle18287 Posts: 267 Member
    I have a lot of motivators. I too have been on MFP for a while... almost a year and a half. I have lost around 50lb... which is a lot slower than most people, but I am ok with it. We are changing how we live and that cannot be done quickly! I would write down all of your motivators and put them on your mirror, fridge, work out shoes, etc.


    Short Term Motivators:
    - I am in a wedding with a very form fitting dress in December!
    - I want to go on vacation with my husband over seas and enjoy the plane ride and not be worried about people thinking I am a "Fat American".
    - I want to be able to look awesome in a Bikini!

    Long Term Motivators:
    - To prove people wrong who thought I couldn't do this!
    - To live a long healthy life with my husband.
    - Become as healthy as possible, so when I decided to have kids, they will be healthy.
    - To be happy!

    now, what are your motivators?!
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    Definitely the old pictures of myself and some of my friends on mfp .......................and even some of the people who aren't my friends on here but I think look fantastic!
  • shana_phoenix83
    shana_phoenix83 Posts: 98 Member
    I either watch a past episode of the Biggest Loser or read a chapter in some type of weight loss book EVERY DAY. It sounds silly, but I have found that it helps SO much. I'm currently reading Valerie Bertinelli's book "LOSING IT" and "French Women Don't Get Fat."
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member

    I've been on this site for several years, but never on the boards. I've been trying to lose weight for TWO YEARS (since my son was born) and I just keep coming up with excuses. The other day I saw a picture of myself and almost fell out of my chair. I can't believe that is how I look to people!! When I look in the mirror, I'm always standing up very straight and sucking in so I think I'd convinced myself it wasn't as bad as it really is. LOL

    So, I was hoping you all could share what motivates you because I need some help!! Also, please feel free add me or tell me if I can add you. I think a bigger support group might be helpful!


    I've been trying to lose weight for a while as well, always made excuses and you know what i've only been "excerising" for 5 days, knowing myself i can slip right back into the excuses and stop... What's motivated me are the challenges on here. I see them and I'm like "I can do that, or I'll try that" and it makes me push for it.

    Right now my biggest motivation is my wedding. I am getting married Oct 6th 2012. I just picked up my wedding dress this past Saturday, it fits but i could lose a few inches to be comfortable in it especially if I plan on eating (which I do!)

    Feel free to add me, buddies help a lot!!!
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Just losing the first few pounds and realising it isn`t so hard. I can still eat all the things I enjoy, have a glass of wine everything in moderation. slowly moving down clothes sizes. Family/friends saying how much happier and slimmer I look. Knowing that I never want to go back to being how unhappy I felt before.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Might sound harsh but if you are waiting for some magical motivational unicorn to come and force you to start you will be waiting forever. YOU have to force yourself to do it. Make a conscious choice. Dont wait around until you "feel" like it.

    Human will power works just like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it gets.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    I agree with the picture. I couldn't believe how I actually looked when picture was taken of me before I lost weight. I was devastated. It motivated me to get my rear moving. That and the fact that my 3 year old daughter told me she wanted to be fat like me when she grew up. I was like oh hell no, I've got to do something about this.

    It's hard to look at how you really look. But it definitely does help.

    Aww that is so sweet, children always say it as it is they don`t realise it can be hurtful they just say stuff out of love :-)
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    I wanna be able to fit my wedding ring back on my fat finger again!!!!
  • FreedomReigns
    FreedomReigns Posts: 195 Member
    1. My before picture that is hanging on my fridge

    2. The fact that my dad died of a massive heart attack the same week he would have turned 60

    3. My mom who just had her hip replaced, has fibromyalgia, severe osteoporosis, and severe arthritis

    I refuse to be like my parents!!!!!!!!