Breakfast ideas!!!



  • KeisterBunny
    KeisterBunny Posts: 33 Member
    I am a big fan of breakfast burritos. On the weekend, I make a huge batch using egg beaters, turkey bacon or sausage, a little potatoes and whatever fresh veg I have on hand. I use whole grain tortilla shells. That way I have a quick breakfast to grad on the run, instead of grabbing a fatty option at fast food or gas station.
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    I make egg whites in my microwave (the pasteurized ones that come in the box) - 3 egg whites for about 1 minutes, a little kosher salt, lots of pepper. I put that on a high fiber english muffin and am amazed at how filling it is. You could add any cheese, veggies, meat you might like. I also love greek yogurt with a little honey and Kashi GoLean - also stays with me for a long time.

    Oh another tasty breakfast that does not have eggs - sounds strange but it's yummy. Toast a whole grain blueberry waffle and make a mini sanwhich with a veggie sausage patty. You can add cheese if you like. It's sweet, salty, and a good dose of protein.