Buying clothes just a little too small?



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't buy anything that doesn't fit right and look good.

    My body hasn't just shrunk, it's changed shape. So a pair of jeans that might have been just a little too tight when I bought them might end up still being tight in the tush or thighs, but huge in the waist. Or a dress might end up huge on top, and not fit on the bottom. Or the opposite. I can't predict how my body will change.
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    I just made myself a gorgeous new dress, one size too small, and today for the first time I was able to pull it on over my head. It's still snug, but that dress has been great motivation. I think that the hours I put into it make it even more desirable.
  • jms3533
    jms3533 Posts: 316 Member
    I do that. When I'm in the shopping mood, which isn't often, and I see something nice on sale and in a smaller size, I pick it up. I'm going through sizes fairly quickly now, and just keep in mind it will fit soon enough!
  • sharonfincher1
    sharonfincher1 Posts: 311 Member
    I bought a pair thinking they should fit with out ever trying them on at the store, and I could barely get them up my thighs..... I set them as my goal pants.... I am actually wearing them today.... and they fit perfect.... so I say go for it
  • Surisaddai
    Surisaddai Posts: 142 Member
    I do this all the time I call them my "goal (pants, dress, shirt, shorts)". It helps me set a goal for my self, which is not to just fit them, but for them to eventually be loose :D I have gone through 2 different pairs of "goal pants" and a few "goal shirts" :smile:
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I used to do this all the time in High School so before I left to college I had a closet of clothes that did not fit.
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    Yes, though by the time I fit into them, they were out of style. ;)
  • SashaMegan
    SashaMegan Posts: 110 Member
    I have to admit... Guilty! :bigsmile: :blushing:
  • milkandtea
    milkandtea Posts: 116 Member
    I've been trying not to buy new clothing but I do this sometimes with jeans. When my old pair gets too big, I buy a new pair that fits and then another pair in the next size down for motivation. It's an amazing feeling when you keep trying them on and they finally fit.
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    I don't need to I've already got tons of clothes in my closet & drawers that are too small! Can't wait to wear them again, sometimes I put them on to see if they are fitting any better, then I usually feel like a fatty all over again :/
  • I own a pair of camo shorts I bought them thinking it was my waist size but they run small and didn't fit when they first came in the mail. That was 2 months ago...they now fit almost perfect, just a wee bit snug. Another month and they'll be perfect.
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    I've done that in the past and, I have to admit, it's never worked out to my advantage. LOL.
  • I can't really afford to buy clothes that I can't wear, but I do plan on keeping all of my "fat" clothes and reconstructing them all into a smaller size since I can't seem to bring myself to give ANYTHING away.
  • rhe280
    rhe280 Posts: 71
    :happy: i do! i bought 3 pairs of jeans when i started this at the beginning of July (uk18, uk16, uk14) just for motivation (I HATE WASTING MONEY! so they WILL fit lol.) Yesterday the 18 fit me (snugly) but it was an awesome boost!
  • TexasSunny
    TexasSunny Posts: 87 Member
    I used to have a photo of myself in a bikini that I would put on the fridge for motivation. Then I hung a new bikini in the kitchen as motivation..... I think I'll do that again! And creeping out the kids (all grown) is a nice added BONUS!!!!!
  • I just did this about 2 weeks ago. i went to the mall and bought about 6 shirts that I know I cant fit right now. I hung them in my closet right where I can always see them when i open the closet door. Its great motivation.
  • Brengild
    Brengild Posts: 127
    I hate to throw things away so i just shop in the "never gonna fit that again" section of my closet! I have pulled a few out that fit recently, got my eye on a cute blouse I havent worn in years, wish me luck!:happy: