New year, new body!

Thought I would start a group for all you resolutioners, recommiters, or just anyone in general who wants to join in.

Holidays suck but we made it through, maybe with a couple extra pounds added back on. I did good until the week before Christmas and it all went right out the window. So here I am, dusting myself off and ready to kick some butt.. I'm recommitting for the new year. I will have my new body in 2010!

Who is with me?


  • Justacouple
    I'm there with you! I lost quite a bit of wieght after my sisters wedding and then I gained 5 pounds in the past couple months so it's time for me to get back at it! I want it gone plus some! I just joined the site I hope it helps. Good luck and stay motivated!!! :)
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I am with you! We should set up personal goals and schedule a day to all weigh in.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I am thinking since the new year starts friday that we could use that as our weigh in day. We could all post on friday with our start weights and our goals for the year, and then check in every friday to see how everyone is doing.

    Do fridays work for you? We can always do a different day, I'm open to anything... whatever works for everyone works for me!
  • beckyk1979
    beckyk1979 Posts: 11 Member
    I'd like to join. This past year I have gained back 25 of the 35 pounds i had previously lost. I could just cry with regret and frustration at myself. It's my time to get back in gear.
  • run_girl_run
    I'm in. I'm starting over (yet again) on Jan 1st
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Awesome... anyone else want to join?
  • getnhealthy101
    I'm with you! I just found this site a few days back.....I have a lot of weight to lose (about 70 or 75 pounds). I spent last year working on better eating habits, but had so many stressful things happening, I just didn't really commit. I have committed now and I'm ready, willing and able!
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    I would love to join this group. I have been looking to find a group that is simple and has a close-knit feel to it. Simply checking in on each other and being accountable. Plus, now that MFP has a mini-feed we can add each other as friends and help one another that way as well. Count me in on January 2010!! Good luck to everyone that tries to improve their body in 2010.
  • Najila
    Najila Posts: 18
    Count me in as well! I've lost a few pounds since joining MFP so I am in love with this site and I log on every day.

    I think logging in on Fridays with our start weights and personal goals would be perfect. And yes, we could all add each other as friends so we can see what we're all up to. :)

    As for me, I've added a lot of weight through marriage and pregnancy (twins) - right now I'm at 173.5. My pre-pregnancy weight was 165 but I was considered "overweight" on the charts back then. So my ultimate goal weight (for now) is 150. I think that's an attainable goal... so I'm working on that one!

    My biggest obstacles are (1) sugar (I love it, in every way, shape, and form - fruits, pies, cookies, crappy processed fake foods), and (2) I just don't enjoy exercise. I love the way it makes me feel afterward, and I love the energy boost, but while I'm doing it, I hate it. :(

    Best wishes to everyone and talk to you soon!
  • asha1769
    asha1769 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm totally thre with you too! The holidays caused me to gain a few extra pounds as well :0( and I'm sick of it! I want a new body in 2010! whoo hoo..
  • amberselveywest
    Room for one more?? I am going to really try in 2010. I have wasted to much time being fat, but not anymore. I would love to join.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Always room for more, in case anyone else wants to join in! :smile:

    Is everyone ready to face the scales tomorrow? :blushing: I peeked at the scale this morning for the first time in a couple weeks and I am not happy at all at the damage I've done through the holidays. :mad:

    Hope everyone has a good and safe night tonight. Talk to you all tomorrow! :drinker:
  • etey7
    etey7 Posts: 44
    Me too! I'll join you! :flowerforyou: I'm in MFP for quite a while but the holidays sucked all my willpower and discipline, causing me to gain a lot.. i'm getting back on the wagon now and lose weight and inches..

    happy new year everyone!!!! :drinker:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I am thinking since the new year starts friday that we could use that as our weigh in day. We could all post on friday with our start weights and our goals for the year, and then check in every friday to see how everyone is doing.

    Do fridays work for you? We can always do a different day, I'm open to anything... whatever works for everyone works for me!

    I'd like to join...and Fridays are my usual weigh in day so that's perfect for me!

    Does anyone have a specific goal like running a 5k/10k? Or a specific number they'd like to lose?
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'd like to lose 55-60 lbs, and I really want to be able to run a mile without stopping someday.

    I weighed in today at 200 lbs. I'm so mad at myself. I originally started at 219 and when I got down to 199 I said 'never again', got all the way down to 194 and then the holidays screwed me up. So here I am back at a weight that a couple months ago I said I wouldn't ever get back to. My ultimate goal is to be 140-145... haven't been there since 8th grade :noway:

    This time I swear I'll never see that scale start with a 2 if its the last thing I do! :tongue: Its a brand new day/month/year and I plan to take full advantage of it!

    My goals for this week are: get back in the 190's, log my food - good or bad - every single day (I need to get back in the habit) and to workout at least 3 days this week. This year I'd like to accomplish most of my weight loss, if not all of my weight loss, go back to school and get working towards my degree, and finalize my ideas and start planning my wedding.
  • beckyk1979
    beckyk1979 Posts: 11 Member
    My first weighin of 2010, after a day of binge eating yesterday i weigh in at 202. I have not been this heavy for 4 years and will NEVER be again!!=)
    My goal is to first lose the 27 pounds i have recently gained back which will bring me to about 175, which is what i weighed a little over a year ago, and is also my lowest weight ever as an adult. When i get back to 175 i will then decide what to do then. At this point 175 would be just great and i think i would be happy because i have struggled my whole life up and down with this 200 pounds.
    My heaviest was 230 around mid highschool but i averaged around 210 for most of my life until the last few years where i actually was able to hold 185 for a few years and dip to 175 for just a few months before i found out i was getting laid off from my job of 9 years and the emotional eating took off, i also had to cancel my gym membership and now find it really hard to get myself to exercise regularly.
    But, I'm ready to get to work and get healthy again. I bought some workout DVD's and plan to use them but most importantly will be controlling my eating, which it darn near impossible sometimes. Wish me Luck! and good luck to everybody Happy New Year!!!!!
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    Starting Weight: 223
    Jan 1 Weigh-In: 216
    Goal Weight: 140

    We can do this!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    My starting weight was 203, which stinks because before I went home for Christmas I was like 197...but that's okay, I had fun and now I'm going to have fun getting back to routine and getting that weight off, and then some!

    Jan 1, 2010 - 203
    Jan 1, 2011 - 143! :drinker:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    How is everyone doing so far? I'm working on battling the holiday gain... lost 1 out of 6 lbs that I gained so far.

    The good news is that since it was put on rather quickly, that it should come off fairly quick too. Heck, a good chunk of it could just be excess water weight (I drank too much soda, not enough water over the holidays).

    I'm doing good so far with my weekly goals - I've gotten 2 workouts under my belt and have logged my food everyday so far. I feel so out of shape, I did 20 mins on the elliptical and was totally drained. Before Christmas I was up to 40-45 mins on the elliptical. Oh well, working my way back up... I'll get back to 40 minutes again and then keep going.

    Hope you all are kicking butt this first week of the new year! :flowerforyou:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I was hoping it would come off quicker than it is, but it's going pretty well! I went to the gym twice yesterday (got off of work early so I figured instead of sitting home and eating, I'd occupy my time some other way).