40 something women out there that need support?



  • Julyfly70
    Julyfly70 Posts: 59 Member
    42 on Friday. Please add me! Couldn't stick with it without the support I receive here.
  • nelsonsmum
    I turn 40 next month. Can I join?
  • elifmemis
    elifmemis Posts: 31 Member
    I here ya!!! The scale moves much slower than a decade ago. It's all consistency. More core conditioning. It's so hard...I'm trying to make it fun too. Please feel free to add me!
  • Christ3nn3
    I am 43 years old and new to the site! I am desperate to get back into shape. I used to be fit and trim and very active, but I've just gotten, well basically, lazy in taking care of myself since my daughter was born. She is 10 years old now and I need to take my life back for my health and well-being, and so I can be around for her. Before baby, I exercised every day and was active in Ryu Kyu Kempo martial arts (earned a Black Belt) - after she came along, I stopped taking care of myself. :bigsmile:

    I'm ready to take control!.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I'm 42, reached my weight goal just trying to fine tune everthing.. Feel free to add me if you like..
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    40 year old here! I just started this back in January (when i turned 40). It really is harder to shed the pounds 'post-30s'!
    Always looking for similar friends with similar goals!
    Feel free to friend request me!!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Yayy \o/! it's great to get fit.:)MinMin
  • lambch0ps
    lambch0ps Posts: 79 Member
    Feel free to add me anyone - 48 1/2 - I thought I replied to this yesterday, but I guess there were two threads! Anyway, we definitely support at this age!
  • Bealach_Bug
    42 year old here, been on the site since end of April and its changed my life (well my eating habits anyway) I'm finally beginning to believe I'm getting the jiggly bits under control...!!! Always happy to add new friends.

  • Lisaherbalmomma
    Hi, I'm 47 and need to lose 60+lbs. I'm in it for the long haul and need to kept accountable to food choices and exercise routine! Anyone else wanting to support each other-feel free to add me! Lisa
  • khendren8
    khendren8 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am 47 and need to lose 15-20 lbs and lower my body fat percentage. I am a wife, mom, work full-time and am also going to school to become a certified personal trainer. I've lost about 30 but have really been struggling the last several months. I need to re-group, focus and get back on track.

    I start the last of my classes in 1 month, so I am really under the gun here. Most of the people in the Personal Training Program I am in are in their early 20's so I am significantly older than most of my class-mates. While I don't have a problem with that, I do have a problem being the most unfit.

    SO....I'm looking for help staying focused and on track. I'm willing to return the favor!.
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    I am 47 and I have been working at this for a few years, but only successfully this past year. I have lost nearly 100 pounds and I feel like I am in the home stretch. I have figured out how to make this a lifestyle change, so when I reach my goal, I won't have to change a thing. I really enjoy the way I eat and I don't feel deprived. The positives are really starting to add up now.

    If anyone is looking for some support, feel free to add me.
  • Barbaraschneeberger
    Hi! I'm 48 and trying to get healthier also :)
  • sillab
    sillab Posts: 39 Member
    I turned 40 this year, and love the support that I get from this site. Y'all can add me as well!
  • rascallycat
    rascallycat Posts: 248 Member
    43 but I refuse to call it middle-aged! I just celebrate anniversaries of my 21st birthday! Feel free to add me
  • smallbore
    smallbore Posts: 14 Member
    I too am back again, having gained back all but 10 pounds. At 41, I feel different... this time I am not dropping like I once could. But it seems more important than it used to ... where did the shoulder and knee pain come from? Never had it in my 30's. This time we can make it together!
  • dchienku
    dchienku Posts: 625 Member
    hi there
    I think we could all use extra support of others. Feel free to add me.
  • buffyanne1
    buffyanne1 Posts: 19 Member
    Im 45,anyone feel free to add me to.
  • Renechristine165
    I'm 46 and its getting harder and harder to lose this weight, but I'm up for the challenge. I am new to this site and can use all the encouragement I can get. Not quite sure how to add people? :happy:
  • falconemomma
    40 just a month ago, mom of 3, and daughter getting married in 30 days! Time to get serious about something I've been working on for past year- I realize now how important good nutrition is for my energy level. Feel free to add me as a friend