Advice for only losing a little

Hi I just wanted some advice on my current weight loss position, as I only need to lose a small amount, but this seems really hard!

Stats: I'm 5'1, CW54 - 53kg (SW 60kg) and according to MFP my BMR is around 1228cal. I try to stick to my limit of 1200 but if I feel really hungry I will eat back exercise calories, and on weekends I don't eat so well.

As you can see I'm really short so my BMR is really low :( I've been walking on average about 4 -5km per day and doing 30 Day Shred for the few weeks - last day is tomorrow and then I'm going to start Ripped in 30.

I am getting better at eating well on the weekends but I feel a wee bit frustrated at the lack of results I'm getting from my current routine.

Basically - I only want to lose another 3 - 4kg, I was just wondering if anyone has been in this position and what their advice is?


  • lilylux
    lilylux Posts: 109 Member
    Bump - anyone?
  • DeAnnaMarie318
    DeAnnaMarie318 Posts: 1 Member
    how long did it take you to lose the weight you have lost already?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Based on your stats and current exercise program, you should bump up your calories to around 1500. Now, where you can see the largest improvement is if you start weight training. WT will provide greater fat loss. Also, don't worry about weight, it's an erroneous goal that wont give you the look you weight. And as I always say, weight loss makes you look good in clothes but fat loss makes you look good naked.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    The key is eating healthy. If you're already sticking to your calories and it isn't working (and you've given it enough time - remember, one pound a week is slow), then you're eating the wrong things.

    Do you log your food (and drink) on weekends? Are you averaging what your recommended net is for the week or are you over?
  • lilylux
    lilylux Posts: 109 Member
    how long did it take you to lose the weight you have lost already?

    About six months :)
  • lilylux
    lilylux Posts: 109 Member
    Based on your stats and current exercise program, you should bump up your calories to around 1500. Now, where you can see the largest improvement is if you start weight training. WT will provide greater fat loss. Also, don't worry about weight, it's an erroneous goal that wont give you the look you weight. And as I always say, weight loss makes you look good in clothes but fat loss makes you look good naked.

    Do you have any suggestions about weight training programmes? I really like workout DVDs - I'm about to start Ripped in 30. I agree, I don't actually mind if the scale doesn't ever change again, I just want my body to look good! :)
  • lilylux
    lilylux Posts: 109 Member
    The key is eating healthy. If you're already sticking to your calories and it isn't working (and you've given it enough time - remember, one pound a week is slow), then you're eating the wrong things.

    Do you log your food (and drink) on weekends? Are you averaging what your recommended net is for the week or are you over?

    One pound a week would be amazing!! I haven't seen the scale move for about six weeks.
    Yep I log my weekend food as terrible as it is :/ How do I find out what my reccomended net is?
  • lilylux
    lilylux Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies so far!
  • AmyBetty
    AmyBetty Posts: 18
    At 5ft2 and 54kgs I wanted to tone up so started doing weight training. I am now around 58kg's and the heaviest I have ever been. My advice - DITCH THE SCALES! Particularly for such a small number you want to lose. Whenever I jump on them I feel terrible about myself when I see that number come up. But you have to think about how you look and feel. I work out 4-5 times per week. If you are wanting to get into weight training and you don't have the equipment at home, I would recommend trying your local gym. Even if you get a 6 month membership to try it out and see what results you can get. Otherwise the Insanity DVD's look awesome if you want to spend the money. Good luck! That last little bit is always the toughest!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Based on your stats and current exercise program, you should bump up your calories to around 1500. Now, where you can see the largest improvement is if you start weight training. WT will provide greater fat loss. Also, don't worry about weight, it's an erroneous goal that wont give you the look you weight. And as I always say, weight loss makes you look good in clothes but fat loss makes you look good naked.

    Do you have any suggestions about weight training programmes? I really like workout DVDs - I'm about to start Ripped in 30. I agree, I don't actually mind if the scale doesn't ever change again, I just want my body to look good! :)

    P90X and chalean extreme are some of my favorite. Currently, i am doing a p90x/insanity hybrid (crazy HIIT and weight training). Not a huge fan of JM as they are too cardio based.
  • lilylux
    lilylux Posts: 109 Member
    I've looked into the beachbody programmes before - but I thought Insanity was cardio based? Its the one I considered seeing I'm not able to put up a bar to do pull ups in P90X.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I've looked into the beachbody programmes before - but I thought Insanity was cardio based? Its the one I considered seeing I'm not able to put up a bar to do pull ups in P90X.

    You actually dont need a pull up bar, just a heavy duty resistance band and a door anchor (i use one from ripcord). Btw, with clx, you dont do pull ups. I would suggest that one to start. Less crazy than p90x but still really good.
  • misswager
    misswager Posts: 67 Member
    Ok I didnt read all the replies, but thought I would add some advice. I am also only 5 foot 1.5, and today I weighed my self and I was 52.6Kg. Starting weight 60ish kgs....Typically I hover around 53 Kgs, and BF % is approx 16-18%. I know those things arent reliable but it gives me an idea.

    I use to weigh in every day, but it was depressing! I only do it once a week now. I use to crave chocolate throughout the week and I would indulge as long as I didnt go over my calorie limit. However, I did a little experimenting lol

    I noticed that even if I was under my calorie intake when I ate anything with refined sugar in it I didnt loose the weight, I didnt gain but I could definitely see the jiggle more. I train at least 5 days per week, both cardio and weight training. Cutting out refined sugar definitely helped! My calorie limit is 1200 o loose 1lb per week. I remained at 53 kgs for months. I think my personal metabolisim is quite slow.

    You might have hit a wall as well. How hard do you push yourself? Make your body sweat! lol Change your routines, your body becomes very efficient at what its doing. ie. if you run all the time your body will become accustomed to it, and you might not see progress. Changing your routine 'keeps your body guessing'.

    Weight training is an excellent source of building muscle. The more muscle you have the easier it is to mobilize body fat. I am not saying you have to get chunky. But toning helps SO much for BF loss, physique and mental boosts as well. I do body pump and I LOVE it.

    Eating clean definitely helps. I know weekends are hard. However I do treat myself on Saturday's. For me it works, others it might not. Everyone is different :-) I dont go way overboard, just a little treat. I have come a long way having a little treat everyday, to only one day a week. Sometimes I dont even have a treat. When you begin to eat clean, your body adjusts, and you actually find that the cravings for such foods subside.

    Eating the right things at the right time helps to curb those cravings. I think at times all the artificial crap that is in some foods doesn't help. If you can avoid buying processed foods, make your own goodies (if you cannot live without them), buy fresh ingredients and hit the gym, swim, biking whatever you like! Your body will be greatful for it :-)

    Remember muscle weighs more than fat! So if you weight train and gain weight its not a bad thing :-)
    Good luck!
  • rhondagraymond
    It gets tough at the end. Don’t lose hope and keep going. An effective weight loss plan ( (that helped me anyway!) was a low carb, high protein diet. I eliminated all kinds of starchy carbs and included healthy veggies such as spinach, broccoli, lettuce, cauliflower, onions, tomatoes, aubergine, peppers etc to my diet of lean meat. It worked like a charm! Lost 27 pounds in 10 weeks!