900 calories diet - can i go on for it for months ?



  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member
    it's not enough.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Interesting data at http://www.ncl.ac.uk/press.office/press.release/item/diet-reverses-type-2-diabetes/ - 2 months on low calories. More fully described in http://www.diabetologia-journal.org/Lim.pdf 30 lbs loss in 8 weeks, 90% of which fat, 6 lbs regained 3 months after end of diet phase. Obviously done for a specific purpose - to achieve significant fat loss quickly - but worth a read.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    i did around 900 a day for months back in '05. i lost a lot of weight, but i also lost a lot of muscle. i ended up having to go back and do a portion of it again after the diet was over because my metabolism was a bit messed up. the second leg of my diet was slower, but it was actually healthy, and the weight has stayed off this time.

    honestly, i understand the reason for picking this kind of ultra-low cal thing, because you want the the weight gone right now. there's probably nothing anyone could have said to talk me out of it at the time. however, my recommendation is to lose the weight the right way (with a proper calorie deficit and exercise), and keep it off by doing maintenance for life.

    anyway, best of luck in whatever you choose.
  • xoalyssaox
    xoalyssaox Posts: 320
    Yes, a 900 calorie diet is a GREAT idea if you want to end up malnutritioned and sick!

    Your body needs food to SURVIVE and function properly. I have lost 30 pounds in 3 months by eating 1300-1400 calories a day.

    Your starving yourself.

    Oh and by the way, I am a recovered anorexic who finally learned that eating and exercising actually causes more weight loss then starving and I feel amazing instead of weak and moody :)
  • runmybunsoff
    runmybunsoff Posts: 224 Member
    .....You must be new here. =) Keep us posted on what you decide to do!
  • jerseyjenus
    jerseyjenus Posts: 103 Member
    Im 5'2 and weight 142lbs I currently eat 400-900 calories a day [depending on my mood] I've been doing this for a month, and lately I've been starting to get lightheaded, although Im sure I've lost some weight due to doing this. I would also recommend if you were planning to do this, to buy iron supplements and other vitamins!

    You are not eating enough!! At this rate, you will make yourself sick.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I am 250 lbs. and had 900 calories for breakfast..... If you wanna go that route by all means be my guest but if you want long term sustainable results I would suggest you eat more especially if you are going to add in exercise.... I am still in a calorie deficit to lose 1/2 lb. a week and consume 3400 calories a day.. Food is fuel it is not the enemy... Best of Luck...
  • xoalyssaox
    xoalyssaox Posts: 320
    Im 5'2 and weight 142lbs I currently eat 400-900 calories a day [depending on my mood] I've been doing this for a month, and lately I've been starting to get lightheaded, although Im sure I've lost some weight due to doing this. I would also recommend if you were planning to do this, to buy iron supplements and other vitamins!

    Anything under 900 is considered an eating disorder btw!
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    How about 700? Maybe 600? Truth is, if you deprive your body of calories, it will react negatively. It is like tellin a 4 year old that he cant read a book because he colors in them. I say, increase your intake, as well as your workout. If you have nothing else going on besides work, then you can EASILY fit in about 1-2 hours of working out. It is all just a choice. If you have other obligations, then you are going to have to work that out. 30 min a day of "light" workout is not going to cut it. I work out about 10-12 hours a week, and eat over 10,000 calories easy. I am 5'8", 215. By the end of this week, I am aiming for 212. Put simply, If you work out more, and burn more calories, you can eat more. Just reduce the fat, and increase the proteins and fibers. If you eat the same amount of cake as opposed to carrots, or a salad, you will not do anything.

    Too Much Sugar destroys any kind of diet. No Ifs ands or buts.

    Vegetables give your body potassium, which allows your body to regulate its sodium level. Eliminate Chips, sweets, fast food, top ramen, and un-lean ground beef, along with other things. Eat lean, and stay consistent. You will do fine.

    Not all sugar is equal. There is a world of difference between natural fructose and refined processed sugar. Your body is built to process fructose. Don't confuse her even more dude.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    900 calories ... um no :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:
    I am 220lb, started at 254lb and I have been eating 1800 - 2000 a day and have lost 32lb in 4 months. You are going to ruin your metabolism! STOP.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    I like to direct people here to figure out how many calories they should be eating. This guy spent a lot of time laying it all out for us.

  • jennco3
    jennco3 Posts: 72 Member
    I will not lecture but I will say it is unsafe. No doctor, good doctor, will tell you it is ok. Never stay below 1200 a day.
    My experience- I was doing something like that. And sure I ended up with a lot of lose on the scale. All was fine until i realized I was dizzy and it was too late. I ended up passing out. I was lucky and didnt suffer any heart damage. But I literally was starving. Ended up loosing my gallbladder and will forever have stomach problems.
  • emo1234
    emo1234 Posts: 13
    my personal trainer actually had me on a 900 calorie diet, i think i lost 1.5 kg in three weeks and that was it! he also had me doing 4 workouts a week were i would have to burn 900 calories. he was shocked that i didnt lose anything more. but it was way too low and in my opinioin really unproffesional to put me on a diet with so few calories. i was really cranky, tired and really stressed! trying to only eat that much. It did teach me how to cook low calorie and nutritional meals though. Like everyone here I believe that aiming between 1100- 1200 cals a day is for the best, its an amount that you can manage to consume and sustain for a life time. 900 calories is not something you can keep up.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    If you have nothing else going on besides work, then you can EASILY fit in about 1-2 hours of working out. It is all just a choice. If you have other obligations, then you are going to have to work that out. 30 min a day of "light" workout is not going to cut it.

    For someone making a change from a sedentary lifestyle, 30 min x 3 would be a huge Improvement and a great start. I thnk suggesting that someone just starting out try to do 1-2 hours a day is just setting someone up for failure.
  • fatmom51
    fatmom51 Posts: 173 Member
    If you have nothing else going on besides work, then you can EASILY fit in about 1-2 hours of working out. It is all just a choice. If you have other obligations, then you are going to have to work that out. 30 min a day of "light" workout is not going to cut it.

    For someone making a change from a sedentary lifestyle, 30 min x 3 would be a huge Improvement and a great start. I thnk suggesting that someone just starting out try to do 1-2 hours a day is just setting someone up for failure.

    ^This. Any additional movement is good. As you get smaller and more fit, you'll be able to do more -- may even want to do more. I know it's frustrating to feel like you're at your breaking point, but really, dropping to 900 is not sustainable. The risk, beyond the long term risks to your body, are that you may get so tired of the deprivation (especially if the pounds don't start melting off) that you'll say ***-it and give up completely.
    Because I stated in my goals that I wanted to lose 2 lbs. a week (my start weight was 256 and I'm 5'3", so I'm pretty close to your stats), my daily goal is set for 1,200 calories. That said, I frequently end up eating 1,500 to 1,600 (and sometimes even eat at my maintenance level of 2,060, like yesterday and Monday.) Still, I have been losing 2-3 pounds most weeks. (Sometimes I exercise a bit and eat back a fair amount of the calories, and those are the higher loss weeks, but even on the lower exercise weeks, I do OK.) Twice now, I've gained a little bit (1-2 lbs.) because I ate way over and had wine and didn't get much exercise, but that corrected itself the following week or within two weeks.
    It can be done. Eat healthy. Take your time and you'll see results that will last and you'll develop an eating plan you can live with long-term. You didn't gain all the weight overnight and it's not going to come off overnight either. But if you lose steadily and slowly it will stay off. I'm finally getting it this time around.
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    I'm 5 ft 3, and been weighing between 110 - 120 most of my life, been eating 1200 - 1500 most of my life. Even with a sedentary job, there are times that I still feel hungry, and needing to eat 1800-2000, esp when I move around alot. Of course, this is not usual, once awhile. cannot imagine how anyone can live without eating much. Please do not starve yourself. And there is no need for supplements if you are eating right.

    By starving yourself, you may lose weight, but will cause a lot of harm to your body in the long run.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    People who have had weight loss surgeries eat like this all the time.

    but they are typically under the care of a doctor who specializes in the field.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My 20 pound Pekingese eats about 500 calories a day. Surely you need more than two Pekingeses?!
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Lots of people are going to tell you NO, DON'T...BUT
    IF you do this WITH A DOCTOR. You're fine. =) When you start exercising, eat those calories back! Only a dr can tell you to go ahead with that low of a calorie limit.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    People who have had weight loss surgeries eat like this all the time.

    but they are typically under the care of a doctor who specializes in the field.

    And only for a few short months, with meticulous attention to nutrition, then they start eating more. A friend who's more than a year post surgery eats 1200-1500, and she's just a little tiny thing at 4'11 and 115 pounds now.