really need help with my mindless eating

everyone feel free to ad me please. i am at a point that i really feel hopeless. i am 55 lbs overweight and i just cant stop eating. i know how to lose weight it is very simple. calories in vs calories out. count my calories exercise. but i stress eat and i do good during the day. its once i get home at night and i sneak eat after my fiance goes to bed. i have no problem exercising i love it but it literally does me no good if i continue to sabatoge myself like this. i end up going eating about 3000 calores a day and half of it is after 8 pm :( i really need support or suggestions. i just literally put tape up across the entry to my kitchen because for what ever reason this may help me at least think about not going in there!!! i feel horrible pyshically and mentally. i am obessed with thinking about food all the time. i just want to be normal and stop this horrible thinking and behaving. you would think as much as i fight myself thinking about food i wouldnt do it but i still do. i would love to go to a Food annoymous meetings but my schedule just doesnt it allow it.

thanks everyone in advance


  • luvs2teachincali
    luvs2teachincali Posts: 207 Member
    Hey there. We're already "friends" on here. Just wanted to say that I have a SIMPLE IDEA that MAY work. Go to bed when your honey goes to bed. :D I don't have my mind in the gutter!! Although.... that'd be burning calories too ya know. Haha. :wink: No, but seriously, you said you SNEAK eat after he goes to bed.... so.... if you go to bed at the same time. Problem solved. :smile:

    Good luck!!
  • GeorgiaOnlyDaughter
    Wow, most days I feel the exact same way u feel and I could use some suggestions as Well. I will send friend request. Hopefully there'll be some good helpful responses on here.
  • misstwistedshine
    that would be a great idea, but i really have insominia that serquel and ambien do not help. very frustrating and that is part of the reason i eat so much bc if i get full enough i can finally hopefully maybe be able to go to sleep. its a large horrible circle.
  • LifestyleChange33
    LifestyleChange33 Posts: 169 Member
    That is an awful cycle to be in (and I have been there). The guilt that comes with giving in usually lasts for me and I kick myself for it. If it's often enough, it is a habit- and those are hard to break!
    Perhaps you could try eating celery instead. Perhaps find a hobby to keep your hands and mind busy during temptation time?

    All in all, try not to kick yourself too much, and take little steps at a time.

  • chippy83
    chippy83 Posts: 92 Member
    General Advice: See your doctor about the insomnia-- maybe you can get a good medication or be checked out for other issues that may be interfering with your sleeping/eating. Also maybe seek some counseling so you can deal with your issues.

    Bedtime Advice: Find a good bedtime routine that relaxes you-- do the same thing every night and then your body will get used to falling asleep.

    Try drinking tea or lots of liquids to fill you up instead of food-- or try to do something else like browse message boards, write in a journal to think about your feelings, etc

    I like to sip peppermint tea before bed, wash my face & brush my teeth, watch a 30-minute TV show and chat a bit with my husband, and then lights out!
  • misstwistedshine
    thanks everyone ;) i do have a doc apt for monday i have a low thyroid and i want to see if my medication needs to be changed, hopefully this may help something. i will def take into account all of these ideas