How come every time I get back on the horse I get sick?!!

It never fails, about one or two weeks into logging well and exercising I get SICK!! UGH.

Anyone else have the same experience??


  • SkyMusic
    SkyMusic Posts: 43
    Maybe you're transitioning too suddenly into your lifestyle change. Maybe slowly change what and how much you eat. :)
  • medicinemantoo
    thinking that maybe you're not ready to change your lifestyle.

    when you're ready you'll know it.

    don't look at the past, look forward to a wonderful future.

    when you're ready and doing it, we're here for you.

    you can do it and you will do it when you know you're ready.
  • KaidaKantri
    Could be eating to few calories. Could be your not getting enough nutrition.. etc. I get migraines frequently. I stick to my calories still (usually I'm way under) and just move on the next day.
  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member
    You could possibly be shocking your system, is your immune system usually low? If you are cutting calories and working out a lot, your immune system could be weaker due to the stress.Try taking a daily vitamin and make sure that you are eating properly - getting the right nutrients helps your body fight off weaknesses.

    Edit to add, if your baby is still only a few months old, and you are breastfeeding, you should be very careful about your diet. If you are getting sick, its possible you will pass illness to the baby. You might need to wait a few weeks and see how you are feeling before trying again, and try to do it slowly, giving birth takes a HUGE toll on your body, and you need to allow it to recover =)
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    it's your body getting rid of toxins. Let it be and KEEP ON GOING!!! :-)
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    It could be the toxins releasing from your body. Before I started drinking Shakeology I was getting a sinus infection once a month for 2 yrs. One of the reasons why I started drinking it was to boost my immune system (I drive a germ mobile aka school bus lol). 3 weeks into drinking Shakeology I get a 103* fever, the first fever I had in 5 yrs. Had that fever for 2 loooong days. I later found out it could have something to do with my body starting to detoxify. I haven't had a sinus infection or fever since then but it just struck me as weird b/c the last time I had a fever over 99* was in 2006 when I got tonsillitis. But when I read about ppl getting sick and fevers during detoxification cleanses and stuff like that, it made sense...
  • MeadowSong
    MeadowSong Posts: 171 Member
    What kind of sick?? What else is going on? Are you making healthy choices? I realized I was sick more than I was well--head cold, congestion kind of stuff, but really getting me down--and went to an allergist. Two years and some bucks later, I am rarely sick at all. So worth it. But are you 'stomach' sick? perhaps there's a food handling issue? Perhaps you're stressing out--for some folks this always starts in their stomach. I'd log what else is going on and see if there's a cause. If you need to get healthy--do it. If you need to see a dr--do it. If you're just making excuses--well, they won't fly here, figure out whats right and DO IT. [ I just said that in a totally uplifting and friendly, but still no-nonsense way!]
  • jennadelane
    jennadelane Posts: 127 Member
    This used to happen to me every time I tried to start a work out program. So I googled it and found out that your body needs to transition into exercise slowly. If you go all out right from the start a lot of people get sick because it is a shock to the body and the immune system is temporarily weakened while it adjusts to your new lifestyle. The way I finally kicked it was to do about two weeks of low key walking for 20-30 minutes just to get my body used to moving. It was hard to hold back and I knew that my heart and lungs could handle more, but I kept it light anyway. After the first two weeks I kicked it up. Haven't had a problem since. Regular exercise does boost your immune system, but at the very start it is weakened due to the new stress. Good luck!
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    What kind of sick? You are not eating enough dairy products. You're breastfeeding . . . start tracking your calcium and get it up to 100. I eat lots of it, you can check my diary if you need ideas. Are your bones aching? Protect your skeleton !!!
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I actually notice the exact same thing happens to me. But I might have figured it out! Whenever I've done this in the past, I would go kick *kitten* at the gym for about two weeks before I ended up sick as a dog (usually a cold or other respiratory infection). It completely thwarted my efforts each time, too (due to my medical history, when I get sick, I get siiiick).

    This time around though, I had no money for a gym membership. Instead, I got some home equipment (resistance bands, dumbbells, exercise mat) and voila, no illness. I think that between the lowered calories, increased activity, and exposure to tons of people's bodily fluids in a closed space, starting at the gym is just primed for getting you sick.

    Best advice I can give you is to rest up, don't do too much too fast, and get back on the horse as soon as you're ready (and a little bit at a time). Feel better soon!
  • queenjme
    queenjme Posts: 26 Member
    The problem is that the immune system is actually temporarily weakened for a short duration. your new workout/program will actually supress your immune system before strengthening.

    it normally happens between 7-10 days after you start a new program. the best thing you can do is keep up your fluids, have a box of tissues close by and keep pushing play