


  • Rav3nfan
    Rav3nfan Posts: 24 Member
    I love zumba and usually back-to-back one hours classes on Tuesday and Thursdays!!! It's awesome and I've met a lot of nice people.

    I've been taking zumba classes for almost two years. Try it twice and you'll get addicted.
  • nszocinski
    nszocinski Posts: 156 Member
    Look for an Aqua Zumba class at your local YMCA or aquatic center. Burns as much or more than land zumba. I do it 3 times per week and it is the reason I love the gym. No one can see whether or not you're coordinated since most of your body is in the water. Easy on the knees and a great workout. Love Aqua Zumba!
  • bbchickpea
    bbchickpea Posts: 48 Member
    Really glad this has come up and kind of fate. I have had my mouse poised over the 'book' button for the zumba class at my gym twice today but keep fretting.

    I went to book a while ago and the instructor mentioned that you can't wear normal trainers for the class. What does everyone wear on their feet?

    Thanks for any replies : )
  • bbchickpea
    bbchickpea Posts: 48 Member
    Look for an Aqua Zumba class at your local YMCA or aquatic center. Burns as much or more than land zumba. I do it 3 times per week and it is the reason I love the gym. No one can see whether or not you're coordinated since most of your body is in the water. Easy on the knees and a great workout. Love Aqua Zumba!

    Thanks for the tip. They've just introduced this at my gym and I might give it a try - no worries on which footwear for that : ) I'm guessing you just wear swimming costume as you would to go for a swim?
  • Sevio
    Sevio Posts: 181 Member
    LOVE ZUMBA!!!! I am addicted! But I guess it's a good thing to be addicted to right!?!?!
  • stockholmhasago
    I loved it--I did it with a girlfriend twice a week and had a blast. I'm terrible at moving and couldn't move my hips the way the teacher did, but I always worked up a sweat and a lot of laughter. Keep with it!
  • StacyLynnBennett
    StacyLynnBennett Posts: 28 Member
    I absolutely love Zumba it is so much fun. I have been going for a long time now and go 4 times a week plus other exercise class. They offer RIPPED right after one of the Zumba classes. It doesn't matter how skinny or if you are a bigger person like me or if you are uncoordinated it is a fun class and you get to meet some really cool people. I take all my classes at the YMCA so it is really fun and the instructors are very encouraging as well. Going to Zumba at the gym is a lot more fun than doing it at home by yourself though. I am addicted to it as well and that has got me motivated taking other classes. Just try them all to see how you like it and go from there. :happy:
  • kingsqueen306
    kingsqueen306 Posts: 12 Member
    I had only seen a few seconds of a zumba class (driving by thru the window), then when my husband and I got our Wii system, he encouraged me to get a dancing disc for myself to help me have fun and lose some weight. I wasn't real sure about it, but got the Zumba 2 for the Wii. I tried it and had a LOT OF FUN! It's not hard to follow the steps, and you can get cheat spots where they show you what step the "instructor" is gonna be starting next. The more you get into it and enthusiastic you are, you get fireworks to go off on the screen and the higher your "score". I try to do a "short class" (4-5) 2-3 times a week. Even my 2 children (B 2, G 5) love doing it with me. :love: :laugh: :happy:
  • tashmash2011
    I have just recently started Zumba! and i have to say i love it! I can't dance at all and my hands and legs don't work together when i try to. But i love just the whole fun atmosphere, no pressure to learn the steps perfectly and the fact you are none stop moving for a whole hour. I might not be the most co-ordinated person in the world but i always finish my class laughing, out of breath, and sweating buckets!! I cannot recommend it more, for anyone like myself who hates any form of exercise its a great ice breaker!
    I also have it for the wii but i'm yet to try it, i don't think i'll get the same great atmosphere as a class, but its cheaper and i can do it to my own schedule...

    ... Happy zumbaing everyone!
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    Really glad this has come up and kind of fate. I have had my mouse poised over the 'book' button for the zumba class at my gym twice today but keep fretting.

    I went to book a while ago and the instructor mentioned that you can't wear normal trainers for the class. What does everyone wear on their feet?

    Thanks for any replies : )

    I am a Zumba instructor currently - I LOVE this tread! :)

    As for what to wear on your feet...I have 3 pairs of "Zumba" shoes that I rotate wearing - one pair IS a "normal trainer" pair. I think a lot of it depends on how much you're doing. This topic comes up a lot with instructor's, too. The main thing to remember is to NOT be on the balls of your feet all of the time. Try to get your heels down as much as possible - both to engage other muslce groups and to avoid plantar fascitis (which seems to haunt Zumba instructors). Pick a shoe that has good support (or use insole inserts), one that allows for pivots and lateral movements. Many people use regular running shoes, but those are designed for forward movement, not lateral, and they usually end up complaining after a few classes.
  • bbchickpea
    bbchickpea Posts: 48 Member
    Really glad this has come up and kind of fate. I have had my mouse poised over the 'book' button for the zumba class at my gym twice today but keep fretting.

    I went to book a while ago and the instructor mentioned that you can't wear normal trainers for the class. What does everyone wear on their feet?

    Thanks for any replies : )

    I am a Zumba instructor currently - I LOVE this tread! :)

    As for what to wear on your feet...I have 3 pairs of "Zumba" shoes that I rotate wearing - one pair IS a "normal trainer" pair. I think a lot of it depends on how much you're doing. This topic comes up a lot with instructor's, too. The main thing to remember is to NOT be on the balls of your feet all of the time. Try to get your heels down as much as possible - both to engage other muslce groups and to avoid plantar fascitis (which seems to haunt Zumba instructors). Pick a shoe that has good support (or use insole inserts), one that allows for pivots and lateral movements. Many people use regular running shoes, but those are designed for forward movement, not lateral, and they usually end up complaining after a few classes.

    Thanks for your reply. Many many years ago I danced and somewhere have a pair of capezio split sole dance boots, sounds as though they would do the trick.. just have to try and find them now before I book a class! Or I might book a class for tomorrow with normal trainers and try and find the capezios for next week.

    I'm keen to get going and don't want to put it off too long
  • bethira
    bethira Posts: 132 Member
    LOVE LOVE LOVE Zumba! I do the 6am Zumba class at my gym on Mondays and Wednesdays and it's an awesome way to start the day. Super, super fun and don't worry about coordination. If you can't do one of the steps, just keep moving. That's what my instructor always tells news people. Don't worry if you're going left when we're going right, you're moving! And I can assure you there are NO professional dancers in our class. We're there for the cardio and the fun.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    Really glad this has come up and kind of fate. I have had my mouse poised over the 'book' button for the zumba class at my gym twice today but keep fretting.

    I went to book a while ago and the instructor mentioned that you can't wear normal trainers for the class. What does everyone wear on their feet?

    Thanks for any replies : )

    Um... I wear normal trainers (I'm in the U.S., so I call them "tennis shoes" or "athletic shoes"). I don't know why anyone would say you couldn't.

    I really enjoy zumba. Some teachers are more "dancy" than others. At our gym, there are three zumba instructors; one is "dancy" and uses a lot of music I really can't stand (hip-hop, lots of Pitbull, ick). I never feel like I get a very good workout in her classes. The other two focus on getting a really high-energy workout, and I like the music they choose a lot better, so I go to their classes and avoid the other instructor.
  • bbchickpea
    bbchickpea Posts: 48 Member
    Really glad this has come up and kind of fate. I have had my mouse poised over the 'book' button for the zumba class at my gym twice today but keep fretting.

    I went to book a while ago and the instructor mentioned that you can't wear normal trainers for the class. What does everyone wear on their feet?

    Thanks for any replies : )

    Um... I wear normal trainers (I'm in the U.S., so I call them "tennis shoes" or "athletic shoes"). I don't know why anyone would say you couldn't.

    I really enjoy zumba. Some teachers are more "dancy" than others. At our gym, there are three zumba instructors; one is "dancy" and uses a lot of music I really can't stand (hip-hop, lots of Pitbull, ick). I never feel like I get a very good workout in her classes. The other two focus on getting a really high-energy workout, and I like the music they choose a lot better, so I go to their classes and avoid the other instructor.

    Thanks : ) Maybe i'll book the class for tomorrow then. It will be a different instructor from the one who told me I couldn't wear running shoes so i'll give it a go.
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    LOVE Zumba! They just added another day into rotation at the gym I'm going to (Thursday mornings). So now I can go 3 times a week! And I've been going so long, I've looked up a lot of the songs on iTunes and put together my own 1-hour routine for Friday/Saturday/Sunday exercise at home since I know all the moves for most of the songs!

    When they got rid of aerobics on Thursday mornings at the gym and put Zumba (this is only the 3rd week), a few older ladies in aerobics pitched a fit, saying they couldn't believe they were getting rid of a class that burned so many calories and replacing it with "THAT." This lady hasn't even tried zumba. I burn more calories in Zumba than I do in step aerobics!
  • ladybug8814
    ladybug8814 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm curious about zumba. It's dance right? Because I'm completely uncoordinated so was just wondering whether it would be worth it.

    I love Zumba and I am uncooredinated as well. Trust me give it a try it is great fun.
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    Wow! There's a lot of love for zumba right now! Ok, you've all convinced me. I shall give it a go. Need to find someone to go with now....
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I LOVE Zumba! :love:

    I was so nervous to go the first time, figuring I'd be in a room full of fit and coordinated people. Wrong! There are people of all shapes, sizes, fitness levels, ages. Nobody cares if you mess up on the steps. They are concentrated on doing the moves themselves. I REALLY encourage anyone thinking about it to try it a few times! You'll be hooked!
  • Alexis214a
    Zumba is amazing. I usually burn 650 -900 calories in an hour, depending on how much I jump around :) I've lost over 40 lbs with zumba! It works!
  • cc7315
    cc7315 Posts: 72 Member
    Add me to the Zumba lovin crowd!! I take 3-4 classes a week and burn about 450-500 calories in that hour. Fabulous workout for the entire body!