Stop focusing on your Weight Only!!!



  • DaveMurphy6
    DaveMurphy6 Posts: 130 Member
    Exercise is actually not the best means of losing weight. Think about this..which is easier? NOT eating a pizza slice with 400 calories plus fat, sodium etc or running for 30 minutes? Controlling your diet is much more effective for weight loss. BUT exercise does so much more..improves your heart strength, lung strength, blood flow muscle tone etc, so even if you are not seeing weight loss results by exercising DONT QUIT.

    There are many thin people who die from heart attacks and respiratory problems because they thought exercise wasn't necessary for them because they were not overweight.

    Unfortunately, this also means that you can forget any thoughts you might have had about quitting all this exercise as soon as you hit your weight goal..Sorry

    I wish you Continued success
  • imanole
    imanole Posts: 169 Member
    Exactly... that's why I bought a pair of "goal jeans" once I can fit into those, I will be happy... no matter what the scale says!

    That is a really cool idea!! I may "steal" that from you for some peeps I am working with.
  • Shara126
    Shara126 Posts: 144 Member
    You are so right!!! I started weight training less than two months ago to help break out of a plateau that I have been stuck in for 4 months ( I lost 18 pounds on WW before I came to MFP) and I can see and feel a difference already. My arms are firming up and I no longer have IT pain when I run due to strenghtening up my quads with leg extensions. I only do 15 minutes, 3 times a week. I started doing squats with 10 pounds and now I am up to 30, it is a great feeling!!

    Now I just need to get my addiction to high fructose corn syrup under control. LOL

    Add me if you like:)
  • Shara126
    Shara126 Posts: 144 Member
    I have a pair of goal pants too....they are a real motivator!!
  • imanole
    imanole Posts: 169 Member
    You are so right!!! I started weight training less than two months ago to help break out of a plateau that I have been stuck in for 4 months ( I lost 18 pounds on WW before I came to MFP) and I can see and feel a difference already. My arms are firming up and I no longer have IT pain when I run due to strenghtening up my quads with leg extensions. I only do 15 minutes, 3 times a week. I started doing squats with 10 pounds and now I am up to 30, it is a great feeling!!

    Now I just need to get my addiction to high fructose corn syrup under control. LOL

    Add me if you like:)

    LOL. I changed my profile statement a few hours ago to "Put down the Twizzlers". That was meant for no one else but me! :)
  • louliz82
    louliz82 Posts: 7 Member
    So pleased I've seen this. I weigh myself every 10-14 days so I don't get obsessed with it- something some of my friends and family don't understand as they think I should be losing 'weight' every week. I'm glad I'm sticking to my guns. My ultimate goal is fitting in a pair of my old jeans- then I know that I'm a SIZE that I'm happy with, not a weight.
  • imanole
    imanole Posts: 169 Member
    im addicted to the scale however I also measure and check BF ... in the last month

    I gained 3lbs
    lost 1.3% BF
    lost 1 inch on my waist
    it's strange to say, but, I'm happy with that result even thou there was the gain of weight

    You should be happy with that. If you're measurements are going down (in the places we retain the most fat - which can be different for different people), and you gained weight...most likely that you have put on muscle while dropping the body fat. Good work.
  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member

    Mine is going NOWHERE right now...and for the past 12 weeks! If I'd still focused on the scale only, I would be back to my old habits. Not going to happen. Eventually I will figure out why I can't break this!

    Tandi - we're gonna figure this out. ;)

    Same boat. Plateaued for 4 months. That last 4-6 weeks I have increased my calories because I work out so much I was causing too big of a deficit, decreased my cardio but added 3-4 days of strength training. Hoping August is the month to break it. Hard not to be concerned with the scale when it hasn't moved in months. But, I have been noticing little things and they keep me going... for now.

    Sometime this week I'll try to post some ideas for the "stuck" crowd. We can all get there at times.

    I will look out for that. Loving this thread, its like we have our own personal coach and guru!!! lol

    I agree! :)

    Ditto! Looks like this post will be welcomed. I just started weight\strength training to my cardio routine last week. Hoping it helps me lose more and shrink my trouble areas that don't seem to be getting smaller despite losing weight. And yes I am addicted to the scale, but it does motivate me and make me workout harder when I don't see a loss.

    Thanks for your post!
  • Nice post, and one I needed to read today! That scale gets me in a terrible mood, even when I know how hard I have been working and how honest I have been in my food and exercise diaries (I always meet my goals, no cheating, and do what I have to every day to eat and exercise the right amount for me). I took my own body fat % measurements last night, and I also have my first fitness assessment with a trainer tomorrow. I am within 15 or so pounds of my goal weight, so I know it's going to be more about the slow steady change at this point to see the physical transformation I am working towards. I hope to start basing success on the measurements rather than the scale!
  • imanole
    imanole Posts: 169 Member
    After 30-Day Shred I haven't lost a single pound, I wasn't overweight beforehand and it was my first foray into exercise but I think I actually gained... Regardless, I'm happy, stronger and I lost 13.75 inches!!!! Scales be-damned!

    ShreddedTweet. That is inspiring. Keep up the good work.
  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    Great post! I'm trying to persuade myself that the scale doesn't dominate at the moment! It's tricky though.

    My problem is that I've always been overweight, since I can remember I've been uncomfortable with my body. This means I have no idea what my body will look like at a healthy bf%, weight, bmi or whatever scale is used. Other than using BMI to establish a 'healthy weight' for my height, I'm not too sure what to aim for! Without a goal in mind it is difficult to stay motivated. Becoming 'fit and healthy' is a little bit too vague for me tbh :ohwell: If i'm going to carry on as I am now ( ~600 cal deficit, 30DS every day, c25k 3 times a week and swimming once a week) I feel like I need something to shoot towards. An arbitrary number on the scale fills this hole, but I'd rather have something more accurate/realistic...

    if you have any advice that would be great :)
  • Pamela0963
    Pamela0963 Posts: 1 Member
    I totally needed this post today!!!!! I started working out (cardio) last week and have worked out every other day so far and have watched my calories but still no weight loss. I am getting really discouraged since I am truely motivated this time to stick with my workouts and eating right but the scale doesn't seem to reflect my efforts. I read through most of the posts and was glad to see I'm not the only one addicted to getting on the scale (naked after peeing :)) every morning. I am going to ditch the scale for a week and take my meausrements and see if I start seeing results. I also plan on adding weights to my routine for strength training since I know this helps burn more calories after working out. Keep up the good work and love the inspiration from the posts!
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    Great post! And I'm an advocate for daily weigh-ins - only because I'm a data guy and feel that more data is never a bad thing. How that data is used is often the issue - if averaged, compared, and trended it is quite useful. If a single data point is agonized over it is not a good thing.

    And as you pointed out - there are so many other data points that should be collected: bf, measurements, strenthg gains, miles run, cardio minutes, lipids, bp & hr, etc. All of this data points to a holistic picture of health and fitness. Focusing on any one data set (i.e. weight) to the exclusion of the others can set you up for disappointment and be demotivating.
  • imanole
    imanole Posts: 169 Member
    Great post! And I'm an advocate for daily weigh-ins - only because I'm a data guy and feel that more data is never a bad thing. How that data is used is often the issue - if averaged, compared, and trended it is quite useful. If a single data point is agonized over it is not a good thing.

    And as you pointed out - there are so many other data points that should be collected: bf, measurements, strenthg gains, miles run, cardio minutes, lipids, bp & hr, etc. All of this data points to a holistic picture of health and fitness. Focusing on any one data set (i.e. weight) to the exclusion of the others can set you up for disappointment and be demotivating.

    I understand. Data is's just that some people are not as good processing it and can tend to get discouraged I think. If that's what you do, obviously that will work for you!!!
  • imanole
    imanole Posts: 169 Member
    Great post! I'm trying to persuade myself that the scale doesn't dominate at the moment! It's tricky though.

    My problem is that I've always been overweight, since I can remember I've been uncomfortable with my body. This means I have no idea what my body will look like at a healthy bf%, weight, bmi or whatever scale is used. Other than using BMI to establish a 'healthy weight' for my height, I'm not too sure what to aim for! Without a goal in mind it is difficult to stay motivated. Becoming 'fit and healthy' is a little bit too vague for me tbh :ohwell: If i'm going to carry on as I am now ( ~600 cal deficit, 30DS every day, c25k 3 times a week and swimming once a week) I feel like I need something to shoot towards. An arbitrary number on the scale fills this hole, but I'd rather have something more accurate/realistic...

    if you have any advice that would be great :)

    MilliVanilli (nice name ;-) Step on the scale, but also use the tape measure. If you are gaining some muscle from workouts then you may not see the weight shed off. Eat good, do what you are doing on cals, and I would encourage you to set an achievable goal. Something to push you, but not something ridiculous. then have friends on MFP to encourage you!
  • allisonmrn
    allisonmrn Posts: 721 Member
    What a great post.. I had to stop that vicious cycle of staring at the scale every day and being obsessed with the fluctuations.... Because there were many and they were unpredictable and disheartening. I finally got it, that success is measured in the right balance of foods that give your body energy to power through tough workouts. Other things help me measure my progress, such as noticing how clothes fit differently on me and losing inches off places like my waist and around my belly button. I never totally deprive myself from fun foods, but I never give in to my food cravings all the time either. Its a balance. This philosophy of "stop focusing on weight" really helped the lbs fly off and maintain energy and endurance. Thanks for your support and encouragement. :-)
  • imanole
    imanole Posts: 169 Member
    What a great post.. I had to stop that vicious cycle of staring at the scale every day and being obsessed with the fluctuations.... Because there were many and they were unpredictable and disheartening. I finally got it, that success is measured in the right balance of foods that give your body energy to power through tough workouts. Other things help me measure my progress, such as noticing how clothes fit differently on me and losing inches off places like my waist and around my belly button. I never totally deprive myself from fun foods, but I never give in to my food cravings all the time either. Its a balance. This philosophy of "stop focusing on weight" really helped the lbs fly off and maintain energy and endurance. Thanks for your support and encouragement. :-)

    Great feedback Allison! Keep it up!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I weigh 8 pounds more than I did a year ago. I can see a difference in the photos, and it's not for the worse. :happy:
  • imanole
    imanole Posts: 169 Member
    I weigh 8 pounds more than I did a year ago. I can see a difference in the photos, and it's not for the worse. :happy:

  • ktb1962
    ktb1962 Posts: 33 Member
    Great post, great reminder, great motivator! I stopped focusing on the scale when I picked up the weights several years ago after realizing that you can be skinny and unhealthy and with no shape! it's not about the "weight", it's about lean muscle mass and being healthy. You can't change your body with diet alone and I love the changes that lifting has done. It's been the best motivator for me.

    Thanks for the reminder!