Lose for Labor Day



  • mandigharlay
    I'll join I'm 183.4 I'd like to be in the 170s and clear of the 180s by sept... Im going to visit my grandma for a week in aug so this challenge should help me stay focused!
  • sterphy
    sterphy Posts: 68 Member
    Better late than never! :) I started changing what I eat and exercising 3 weeks ago and have not weighed myself since, when I weighed myself on 7/9 I was 215. I would LOVE to be 200 by the time Sept 3rd rolls around! Staying off the scale has really helped me stay motivated...I am not obsessing about my progress...I can't wait to finally weigh myself though. ;)
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 315 Member
    I AM IN! Late, but still here. Let's see, I'll commit to going from 244.2 to 235. It's a lot, but if your dreams don't scare you, maybe they're not big enough, right?! Hope everyone's doing well!
  • peanut1012
    peanut1012 Posts: 81 Member
    My current weight is 156 I would like to be under 150 by Labor Day!!! I'm kinda new at this so I may need some instruction on how to post!!! If you want to add me as a friend you can!!!
  • thewestwifey
    thewestwifey Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome to all the new joiners! This is really casual, I always try and update my progress weekly (Sunday Night/Monday Morning) - please feel free to log your progress as well! I'm so thrilled that my mini goal for myself has motivated so many! Good Luck to you all! :)
  • LollipopViolet
    LollipopViolet Posts: 121 Member
    I've given up fizzy drinks in the hope it'll help with the weight loss.

    It's day one, and let's just say I am slightly cranky, although I've just eaten an apple which has helped a) with the hunger I was feeling and b) it's got rid of the craving for something sweet.

    Must not cave in to fizzy-ness!
  • twosons08
    twosons08 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm in! I too want to be out of the 200s by labour day. I will avoid sweets and cut down on wine etc. Good luck to everyone!
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    Labor day falls on my birthday this year....I can't think of a better way to ease the pain of getting older than to be down 20 pounds!
    So my labor day goal is to lose 20 and be walking 3 miles a day!
  • DeadMarsha
    DeadMarsha Posts: 203
    Must not cave in to fizzy-ness!

    haha, O Carbonation, we all crave you from time to time!

    I'll be checking in tomorrow! I resisted the urge for an early weigh in this morning... we shall see if stricter calories and more exercise have made a dent...
  • DeadMarsha
    DeadMarsha Posts: 203
    Here's my official check-in: 161... That's a total of 1.5 lost since last Thursday! =D I'm pretty pleased about that. =)

    Unfortunately we are getting lots of smoke from fires around here so I may have to postpone my workout tomorrow and just do a day of indoor Zumba/yoga. =( Not as fun as C25K...
  • thewestwifey
    thewestwifey Posts: 50 Member
    Here's my official check-in: 161... That's a total of 1.5 lost since last Thursday! =D I'm pretty pleased about that. =)

    Unfortunately we are getting lots of smoke from fires around here so I may have to postpone my workout tomorrow and just do a day of indoor Zumba/yoga. =( Not as fun as C25K...

    Congrats on your progress! You are well on track to meet your mini goal! :)
  • cathiaflock
    cathiaflock Posts: 112 Member
    Hello fellow Challengers I gained a bit of weight after my husband's birthday (July 27th) weekend - week celebration. The cake is all gone and I've even got out the food scale for the first time ever and am weighing everything.

    Here are my stat's for the first week- I don't weigh in until Fridays ( I skipped last Friday because I'm doing a Zumba challenge of lose a pant/dress size in 10 days).

    July 30th Stats are as follows:
    Weight: 177.8 lbs
    Bust: 39 inches
    Hips: 44.5 inches
    Right Thigh: 24 inches
    Left Thigh: 23.5 inches
    Right Arm: 14 1/2 inches
    Left Arm:13 inches
    Neck: 14

    Something exciting people at work are asking me if I'm losing weight. It's a great feeling!

    Good Luck everyone!

  • emogoestopoland
    emogoestopoland Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! I'd like to lose fifteen pounds by then if that is possible! I'm 140 now so my goal is to be 125 by labor day!
  • Zalli
    Zalli Posts: 132 Member
    I need this challenge because I'd like to lose six more pounds by September 12th, my 20th wedding anniversary. That would put me at what I weighed on my wedding day.

    However, Labor Day is when I arrive back home from three weeks vacation so it will be a challenge indeed to still be going strong by that date. Wish me luck!
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    I am 210 and have been for months I want to be 200 by labor day since its by b day!! Thanks for this thread.
    It's my bday too!!
  • LollipopViolet
    LollipopViolet Posts: 121 Member
    It's my weigh in tomorrow. I'm a little nervous after gaining a pound last week.

    Well done to those losing so far!
  • thewestwifey
    thewestwifey Posts: 50 Member
    It looks like everyone is well on their way! We are in the last and final weeks, just 4 more to go! Push hard! You will be happy with your results! :) Welcome to all the new joiners, I will try and post my stats tomorrow! Good Luck!
  • poohrlc
    poohrlc Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in ...late start but will aim for 5 pounds by labor day :)
  • thewestwifey
    thewestwifey Posts: 50 Member
    It's been week since I originally started this thread! I hope you all are making progress towards your goal. This week I have been trying to tweak my caloric intake that best works with my body for weight loss and I think I wa successful! I will post my results for this week below. Seven more weeks to achieve my goal of getting under 200! Whoot whoot!

    [WEEK ONE]
    Weight: 212
    Bust: 37"
    Waist: 38"
    Hips: 48"

    Now I did have a bit of a binge over the weekend... It was my sisters 21st birthday celebration! So I'm probably going to have to work extra hard this week to achieve my goal. However this is a new life style and sometimes it won't work out like we want, but I'm dedicated to get back on track tomorrow morning!

    I hope everyone is doing great! Looking forward to seeing your progress! :)

    [WEEK TWO] Monday, July 23, 2012
    Weight: 211.5 (-0.5)

    Bust: 36.5" (-0.5)
    Waist: 37.5" (-0.5)
    Hips: 47" (-1.0)
    Neck: 15"

    Like I said, the weekend of July 14th I was out celebrating my sisters 21st birthday - so lots of empty calories in drinking and eating out! I had gained three pounds after that weekend! Ugh! But I worked extremely hard and I lost .5 lb! Small victory (because in my head it was really 3.5 - since i had gained)! Good Luck! I hope to rock it out this week!! :)

    [WEEK THREE] Sunday, July 29, 2012
    Weight: 207.0 (-4.5)

    Bust: 36.5" (-0.0)
    Waist: 37.0" (-0.5)
    Hips: 46" (-1.0)
    Neck: 14" (-1.0)

    I'm not sure what I did to loose that much this week, but I will take it! Holla ;)

    [WEEK FOUR] Monday, Aug. 6, 2012
    Weight: 207.5 (+0.5) :(

    Bust: 36.5" (0.0)
    Waist: 37.0" (0.0)
    Hips: 45" (-1.0)
    Neck: 14" (0.0)

    Well you can look at my diary, I did not have a great week (it happens) so I stayed pretty much the same! I am getting back in gear and kicking butt this week! I also did a lot of training for my triathlon, so I do not know if my muscles have gained (therefor the weight gain)? This week I vow to drink half of my weight in ounces of water! Please police my diary and yell at me if I am not logging 12 cups of water per day! Good to all! :)
  • jlynn6810
    jlynn6810 Posts: 68 Member
    Is it too late to join?? I have been with MFP for 3 weeks and have lost 5 lbs. Down to 214 as of last week (and I am pretty sure I lost a few since then but plan to weigh in again Wednesday) I would really like to be down another 10 lbs by Labor Day. I can keep you posted on my progress. Good luck everyone :)