How many times have you started trying to lose but then gave

Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
I know most of us have tried a few times to lose weight and then gave up. How many times has it been for you? Why is this time different?


  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I've lost count of how many times in the past I have tried, but they were always very short lived. I would order a salad a couple days in a row, and then think that meant I could have pizza for dinner since I ate a good lunch. I would do a work out video a couple of times for a few weeks and give up because I wasn't seeing instant results. The best attempt I ever gave it before this was a few years ago when I joined a gym and went 3-4 mornings a week religiously for about 6 weeks. But I didn't know how to track my exercise, and I think this actually made me eat more food because I thought I could afford to after going to the gym.

    It was finally in April of 2008 that I said darnit, I can't do this anymore. I had somehow crept up to 215 and I couldn't deny anymore that I had put on more than 10-20 pounds since high school (try more like 60-70). I also hated that in the 8 months or so that I had been with my boyfriend I had gained 5-10 pounds. I was going to be maid of honor for my best friend that fall and I was terrified of looking like a whale in the dress. That's when I found this site, and swore to myself I was going to start walking on my lunch breaks.

    It was hard at first because my shins hurt after only 20 minutes....but it felt good to get away each afternoon and I found it pretty easy to log my food and stick to it. About six weeks in I started feeling the pressure of logging and limiting myself, but I was also seeing results. I lost a pound or two in my first week, and seeing those numbers go down gave me a ton of motivation. I had never weighed myself before when dieting because I never believed the scale....I still know now that the scale is not the be all end all, but at the same time, it doesn't lie and I really had gained that much weight, and working out and eating better made the scale go down. It was like this amazing epihany to me at the time. I began walking on the weekends too at a park by my house, and there are lots of people that ride bikes too....I hadn't rode a bike in years, but I decided it looked like fun so I bought one and I have been hooked ever since. Each spring I am excited about riding again, and each fall I reluctantly put my bike away when I can't stand the cold anymore.

    It is now a year and a half later, I haven't lost the weight as fast as I would like, but I have lost 46 and I am about 20 pounds from my goal weight and I have not gained any back aside from yo-yoing a few pounds here and there. The concept really is simple when you stop denying everything and realize that it just works. I really can't see myself ever gaining the weight back, and I can't wait to lose this last 20.
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    Its different now because I focus on being healthy rather than trying to lose weight. After my dad's heart attack we focused on home cooked meals, cooking with spam, having more healthy foods at the house. when you focus on health people are more likely to join the bandwagon.
  • tanyashealth
    I suppose I've tried at least 20 different times. I'm taking a more balanced look at weight loss this time instead of the "all or nothing" approach. I'm still working on what to do regarding my poor eating habits but I figured that I could still start tracking my food and adding exercise. I suppose the difference this time is that I am more interested in making lasting, permanent changes than losing weight as quickly as I can. I can't really explain what is different other than my attitude towards weight loss.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member

    I'm hoping this time is different.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Honestly, I've only really tried to lose weight one time before. That's not to say that I didn't think about it, talk about it, complain about it. I'd work on clearing out the cabinets, shopping healthy, planning meals and then invariably quit after about two weeks.

    The last time was about 8 years ago. I began swimming and journaling my food. I lost 75 pounds, felt great and kept it off for over a year. Then, all kinds of things happened between work and my personal life and I lost focus. I gained back the 75 pounds over the course of three years plus an extra 10 pounds.

    I started this particular program in January of 2008 so two years ago. I lost 85 pounds. Unfortunately over the last 6 months I've gained back about 20 pounds. (Although I keep trying to convince myself that it's less) I'm determined that this time will not be a repeat of the last, I working on getting my focus back. I don't consider this a start-over, just another phase in this particular journey.

    What's different this time is that I educated myself. I know what to eat, how to eat, how to exercise and I have a good support system. My first time I lost weight but my eating habits were not great.....lots of Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice and I was on my own with no real support system. When I look back on it now, it's no wonder I couldn't sustain it.
  • FitnessOver50
    The reason why people stop and start is because they just do not know how to go about becoming more fit and more healthy. Their intentions are good, but because they do everything incorrectly, they become disappointed and go back to their old habits.

    I had done this for years. I always thought I knew what I was doing. However, after 3-4 months I would become discouraged and slip into the old routine. Each time I gained more weight , lost more muscle and more energy. Frankly, it sucked and it cost me money that was wasted.

    Then, I read two books that were helpful because they made sense to me. "Fit for Life and "You on a Diet". After reading the books, I decided for once and all that I was going to come out on top. I would not fail again. So I went out and hired a trainer about a year ago. Money well spent.

    Wow, what a difference. That was a year ago and I am now more into health and fitness than I ever was. I was taught how to exercise properly and how to stay motivated. It works.

  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    Great question. Honestly, I couldn't even count how many times I've tried to lose weight. I remember vividly the first time I was on a "diet".. I was in 5th or 6th grade and my mom bought me RIchard Simmons Deal a Meal and then one of the Sweatin To The Oldies workout tapes. I don't remember sticking to the meals very much (but I do remember you had cards and they listed what you needed to have [1 cup veggies] and then you slid them over on the side.. but i do remember my sisters and I LOVED the sweatin to the oldies videos- i remember doing that video ALL the time- in fact we still have it and watch it every so often for goods time sake. lol)

    I'm here now- because I've used the site in the past and it's worked and I LOVE the community support. I don't have any close friends- and I do not have enough self esteem at 298lbs to go to the gym and work out. The community boards on here are invaluable! Anytime I have questions- people are always more than willing to help and everyone is so supportive... plus all of the success stories are such a great inspiration! It's like having personal coaches who have been exactly where you have been helping you out and giving you advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Rica03
    Rica03 Posts: 214 Member
    Hundreds~~ ! That's my answer!
    My biggest problem is food. I love FOOD! My family loves Food, and every time we get together, it revolves around FOOD!
    How does one stay on track when you are always faced with temptation?
    I love to exercise and usually work out 6 times a week for an hour or so a day depending on what I am doing. I ran my first half marathon this last fall. So that is not my problem, eating is.
    I need to lose 17 pounds!!! Not much but it is so hard to stick to eating healthy, I cave so easily. WHY?? Maybe I am scared thinking about not being able to eat the foods that I love so much ever again??!!!
    I am going to do this!!!
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    I have tried many, many times in my life. Last January I decided I needed to change. I realized that I am an emotional eater, like so many other people. I still struggle with it, but I keep it under control. What I have done is not given anything up, but just make sure I eat in moderation. I think that is the problem when it comes to changing your eating lifestyle. People begin giving up the foods they love and over time, they give up the healthy lifestyle because they can't take eating another carrot. If you still have a bite of chocolate or a glass of wine or the occassional burger with fries, it won't destroy your weight loss. Just make sure you do it in moderation. Moderation really is the key.

    One thing I do differently, is when I see that I am having a bad day and want to eat everything and anything, I stop myself and tell myself if it will really make me feel better. The answer is no. It is recognizing those impulses that has helped me. You can stick with it, just don't give everything you love up or else the temptation is too much to handle.
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    How many time?? I feel like i've been doing this all my life, just unsuccessfully!!!

    This site makes it seem different though and i have lost 10 lbs since joining a year ago.
  • katiemce
    I've given weight watchers a good three or four tries. This is the first time in my life that I am not going to school or working some job I'm unhappy with, or unhappy with my finances. So, I guess I feel that since I've completed grad school and ready to start a new career, it's my time to loose weight too! I can focus on me and my health for once.
  • BamaRose0107
    Lord I could not even remember the amount of times! This time I think it was easier because I was a little older and on my own. It took me a while to realize that a diet is different from a life style. This time am eating healthier exercising and doing for the right reasons. I realize that it is not just about being hot, or sexy which was goal when I was in high school, it is about being healthy mind, body and soul so that I can make the most of my life with my family.
  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    tried too many times and for the new year i said that i would become healthy and go the right way about loosin weigh so far its been good but ive gained a lb from water weight so ive sorted that problem out so i should loose bout half a lb by tomorrow

    my family in general are not as open minded to health and weight and that frightens me etc so i wanna be the opposite to what they are and show them its not all bout junk and blah blah blah

    so this site is really helpful in motivating me and i dont feel so alone in loosing it by myself :-):flowerforyou:
  • dhissem69
    Too many times, but I have a reason for this now, trying for the Military and need to get into shape, hopefully I fould a new lifestyle this time and not a quick fix...

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  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    it seems like every week i say okay im ready to lose weight... and then that night i eat something bad and then that was it... i noticed i was bigger than other people and never realized that what i was eating was actually killing me... there were days i would eat fast food in the morning to night and drink no water for months... the other day my dad took me to this eye doctor specialist... her job is to examine ur eyes and she can tell u how ur organs are doing and what vitamins ur lacking and so on... and it shocked me that i was a mess inside... i was vitamin deficient my organs were shutting down... so now i have to do this for myself... i want to live a long life... and im only 20 and im already going through problems... no more... i need to do this for myself... im only one day in but i feel good being on my diet... and i know i have to learn and if i do make mistakes i have jump right back on it...