Exhausted before I even start working out!

Literally just started and I'm failing already. I did the fit test for insanity and the first day but that was on a day off from work. I'm finding exercise so difficult after work.

I work 4 days a week, 2 days I leave at 8.30 and back at 8.30 pm and 2 days I leave at 6.45 and back at 6.30pm. Then I get home to 3 young children who need putting to bed/bathing/homework. How does everyone fit everything in with a family?

Is insanity too much? What time do you think I should be doing it ?

I'm so exhausted when I get him from work. I get no breaks and the commute is 1.5 hrs each way :(

Gutted I'm failing already and if I don't exercise I loose enthusiasm for the diet.


  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    I dont have kids so dont know if this will work for you but why not try getting to bed earlier and do your workout first thing on a morning. I find I do better when I get up an hour early (5.30-6 ish for me) and workout then rathen than when I get home from work when all I want to do is eat and sleep lol
    If I get to be before 10 then the early morning doesnt seem so bad and if I were you I'd have the days you leave extra early as rest days :-D
  • Stuz359
    Stuz359 Posts: 81
    What do you work as? If you are sedentary at a desk I understand it's annoying because you probably do need to integrate an exercise regimen into your life. If however, you are on your feet all day or on the move, I would forget the exercise. The activity you do during the day is your exercise, so just concentrate on your diet if that's the case.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    To be perfectly honest, when you are that tired, working out could be counter productive. Can you workout the days you are off? I would suggest strength training on the 1st and 3rd day (assuming you have 3 days in a row off) with some low intensity cardio on the 2nd day.

    If you can get a walk in during your working days, great, but I would not do it at the expense of sleep.
  • Mabohlale
    Mabohlale Posts: 148 Member
    Get up early ... (I know I'm not a morning person either, but it works) ... eat a bowl of oatmeal and then exercise 1/2 hour later. Works brilliantly for me. I have no energy if I don't exercise first thing in the morning.
  • alzaman5925
    alzaman5925 Posts: 64 Member
    What do you work as? If you are sedentary at a desk I understand it's annoying because you probably do need to integrate an exercise regimen into your life. If however, you are on your feet all day or on the move, I would forget the exercise. The activity you do during the day is your exercise, so just concentrate on your diet if that's the case.

  • IrishDaveRed
    IrishDaveRed Posts: 36 Member
    I don't know what you do for a living or how easy you can get away from your desk at lunch but I heard a great piece of advice recently.

    Just get up and leave for your workout. At first people will comment about you leaving and they might look for you while you are gone or comment about it when you get back. But if you just keep doing it, very soon everyone just accepts that you take your break and you workout during it.

    I know that advice rung true for me. There never seems to be a good time to leave for that length of time and yet I know lots of people who do and its just accepted.

    Just try it, even if it is to go for a walk.
  • bronnibee
    I know what you mean. If you can't get workouts in try just doing 5-10 mins at a time, turn it into a game with your kids.
    Dont be too hard on yourself hang in there.
  • abi113
    abi113 Posts: 12
    I'm a nanny for 7 month old triplets and a just 2 year old. So not breaks literally. Can't take them all put for a walk as they only have a triple pram and the 2 year old isn't capable of walking an distance .
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    Any chance you have or can get a fitbit? Caring for 4 kids is HARD WORK, and I bet you're getting in more activity during your nanny hours than it seems. Perhaps focus on smart eating first, and see what that does for your energy levels? Is walking with the kids an option during the day? (Not sure if they have a stroller for 4, but it's an idea.) :)

    Editing to add that we posted at the same time and now I see the walking issue, heh. Will keep thinking!

    Editing to add more: Can you open your food diary so we can take a peek and offer suggestions on that end?
  • mrscpm
    mrscpm Posts: 7 Member
    You work 4 days a week, so you are off 3 days a week. So workout on your days off.
  • emmoen1
    emmoen1 Posts: 86 Member
    I don't know how long it takes for you to get ready in the morning but I highly suggest waking up early and working out... I take a pre-workout that really helps get me going when I don't want to in the morning but as a mom I really find that to work out the best because I definitely understand how tiring it can be at the end of the day.
  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
    To be honest with you, I dont have a small child. My son is 25. I applaude people with children that are able to fit in exercise. Honestly I dont know if I could do any exercise with a small child. But you do have days off. Sit down and plan. I think planning is the key and watch what you eat.
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    You work 4 days a week, so you are off 3 days a week. So workout on your days off.


    Just starting out, don't try to do a really long or really hard workout. You want a workout that's a challenge for your level (makes your heartrate go up and/or breaks a sweat), but doesn't make you fall on the floor with exhaustion!

    It might be easier to talk yourself into a shorter workout, and you may find that it will actually invigorate you and give you more energy as you sweat out some of the toxins in your body. As you start to feel better or your workout starts feeling easy, you can add time and intensity.

    When I started exercising, I walked the treadmill for 20-25 minutes, then walk/jogged and finally got to where I could jog for that whole time. Since then, I have increased the speed and the length, but I'd never be where I am if I had expected myself to do too much all at once.

    Good luck!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I walk at night. Even if I'm exhausted. If you wait until you feel like it, you'll never do it.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    two of my friends just did the fit test for insanity. they're brothers, and have been in pretty decent shape from playing soccer all their lives, but have lost it a little due to life. anyway, they did the fit test wednesday, and were spent! they had to pause the video to rest a little longer, and the more in shape brother nearly puked.

    so don't be too discouraged.
  • abi113
    abi113 Posts: 12
    Thanks everyone. I'd like to do something everyday ideally so going to try getting up earlier. It helps with my food of I exercise everyday as I daren't spoil my hard work! I've bought 30 day shred which I think is a little shorter than insanity so perhaps better for my working days.

    I am pretty busy at work, rarely manage to eat lunch never mind sit down! I have a lot of housekeeping at work and home so generally on my working days I only manage a sit down during my commute. I get home and do my housework and sort my children out and literally hit bed!

    Thanks guys.
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    I have 3 children, I don't work and I did the insanity program. It really is too much. If you really want to do it then do it only on your days off. I tend to run to the park and back with the kids on their bikes and stroller and that's my "gym time" Maybe you could do something like this on your days off.

    As for the days you work, do some strength training for 20mins when the kids have gone to bed, you'll find you are not so exhausted but feel some burn the next day.
  • abi113
    abi113 Posts: 12
    It was def tough going! The first proper DVD gave me a banging headache and the shakes!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    OP probably doesnt eat enough for insanity.

    I'm guessing 1200?

    Do you have your settings set at sedentary but really live a moderately active life?

    I'm a nanny for 7 month old triplets and a just 2 year old. So not breaks literally. Can't take them all put for a walk as they only have a triple pram and the 2 year old isn't capable of walking an distance .

    Got it here actually.

    Probably have improper settings in MFP and isnt nourishing the body correctly.
    Can you open your diary so we can have a peek at your Macro settings?
    I'm guessing you eat the amount of protein a mouse needs.
  • Fred4point0
    Fred4point0 Posts: 160 Member
    Insanity may be a bit too much because of your commute. I use to have to commute about the same distance so I know what your up against plus having three children does not make it any easier. I would suggest downgrading your workout to one of Jillian Michael's DVDs. There are about 25-35 minutes on average and will give you almost the same intensity as Insanity! Hopes this helps.