Wisdom teeth removal(stories)

_dreaface Posts: 41 Member
Hi everyone!

So tomorrow i'm getting my wisdom tooth pulled out. I'm scared(to say the least). The tooth isn't fully grown out yet but sometimes it just hurts so bad for like a week and then it goes away. My stepmom is a hygenist and she reccommended I get it pulled. Does it hurt?? I mean esspecially since mine isn't out all the way? Can anyone tell me what to expect?


  • skinnyfithealthyme
    It's not that bad. You are completely out, even though you are able to talk during the procedure you won't remember it at all. I was pretty darned sore the first couple days but it starts to get better really quickly and you'll have plenty of pain meds. Just follow what they say about eating/drinking because dry sockets are a whole other story.
    Relax though, it's no fun but it's far from the worst thing. I found that it hurt to run for a little bit after words, something to do with the increased blood flow. So just be careful when you get back to exercising :)
  • dirtydmvkid
    I had all four pulled at the same time. They put me to sleep so I don't remember a thing. The drugs afterwards though... My mom stopped to get me a milkshake after surgery and she said I was yelling at the lady in the drive-thru window in spanish... I'm not fluent in spanish HAHA! Make sure you clean the wounds! It's not the worst thing that can happen to you but it's not fun either :)
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    It's not bad at all. I am a scaredy-cat when it comes to the dentist and hadn't been in almost 20 years before I went back b/c I was in so much pain. Like most have said, you're kind of out of it. There wasn't much pain at all afterwards b/c of the pain meds. I got. You'll be okay and you'll be sooooo glad you had them out.
  • bubmaster
    your going to be ok and think how much better you will feel when its over with :)
  • RoughDiamondUK
    RoughDiamondUK Posts: 151 Member
    I had two wisdom teeth pulled earlier in the year... it really wasn't bad, either during or after. I wasn't knocked out, just a local, and I remember it all. Oh, and no pain meds, other than the injection prior to the procedure -- nothing afterwards.
  • mandi_2007_b
    I had 6 pulled! 4 wisdom and 2 randoms. I was asleep, don't remember anything the first whole day lol, was a little bruised and didn't need any pain meds, just don't drink from a straw and just relax, no exercising. Ull be fine
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Of course there will be pain. They're removing a bone from your face. However, the actual procedure shouldn't hurt. They'll either give you a local anesthetic, or they may need to put you completely under for it. Your dentist should have already discussed which method they'll use for you. Recovery can be painful, but your dentist will tell you how to manage that pain, and as long as you stay on top of your medication, taking it when you're supposed to instead of waiting for it to start hurting, it shouldn't be too bad.

    I had mine cut out when I was 16. None of mine had grown in through the gums, and the lower 2 were impacted. I don't remember much of the week following the procedure, because I was doped up. But I had more pain than you will, since I had all 4 of mine done at the same time. Remember to keep the socket clean, and follow your dentist's instructions as to how to take care of it. When I had mine done, I was told not to drink through a straw because the suction would create too much pressure and prevent healing, but I don't know if that's the same for everyone. My point in telling you that though is that whatever the dentist says, even if it doesn't make sense to you, do it anyway. He has a reason for giving you those instructions.
  • Shayzeepoo
    Shayzeepoo Posts: 178 Member
    I had all four taken out at the same time.. They were all through the gums and only one was impacted.. All I felt was a huge amount of pressure and heard the super gross cracking sound which bothered me the most.. I hadn't eaten yet that day so we grabbed some McDonald's afterwards, I just got some fries and ate then super carefully. Everything I ate for a while I had to just rip bites off and eat them.

    I got a dry socket in the one tooth that was impacted, well the spot anyways. That was the most horrible pain that lasted for 2 weeks. It kept me awake at night and made it very difficult to eat. It happened about 5 days after I got them pulled.. A dry socket is when the clot falls out or dissolves early leaving all the nerves and bone to be exposed to the air and food/germs. Not fun at all, this is the reason they tell you to stay away from straws or smoking. Listen to them! :)

    Good luck!
  • Ironman2be
    Ironman2be Posts: 140 Member
    Oh boy, mine was awesome....Had all 4 removed at the same time In Marine Corps boot camp San Diego...Virgin Dentist.. I was her first extraction. well. .the first two went okay...the 3rd broke off at the gumline. they had to cut the gums and extract the rest....
    Next morning it was off to the dentist to make sure everything was okay, then it was off to hand to hand combat training....

    The instructor asked us who has had dental work done in the last 48 hours and i eagerly raised my hand only to be asked if the teeth were still in my mouth...no sir was my answer and i was instructed to remain in training. Ahhh the pain was wonderful :)

    My drugs sucked.. i was in boot camp so i got ibuprofin for a botched 4 tooth extraction. I did run in to that dentist later on in boot camp when i was on mess duty and mentioned this to her and we had a good laugh even though i wanted to yank a few of her teeth out.

    oh and only local anesthesia aka Novocaine, frickin navy doctors
  • sherrybaby81
    sherrybaby81 Posts: 257 Member
    I had 5 wisdom teeth! Four were out and one was in the gum. The four that were out were all impacted. I had my teeth taken out at the hospital (that is how this specific doctor did it). I was put right out for the procedure. After, I felt little to no pain. I am pretty lucky because I appear to have a high tolerance for pain in my gums and teeth (not sure why). I had no bruising and didn't even use the Tylenol 3's they prescribed me.
  • ThustonHowell
    Warning, this is an honest answer.

    It all depends on your level of anesthesia. Partially erupted extractions don't hurt any more or less than fully erupted extractions. You're still going to have inflamed and irritated gum tissue, injection sores and some possible bruising. All of this will go away in a relatively short period of time, 1-2 days.

    If your going with twilight sedation or a stronger IV sedation you'll fall "asleep" and it will be over by the time you wake up. Most of the sedatives have an amnesia agent that will make you forget. You'll be more numb than Jim Morrison when you wake up, so you shouldn't feel much pain then. They might give you Vicodin or something like that for once the Novocaine wears off, but Motrin will help best with the throbbing pain caused by irritated gum tissue.

    If you are just having one removed with regular Novocaine then I you will feel pressure. First they might have to cut away some of the gum that is overlapping the biting surface of the tooth and then start the process of loosing up the periodontal ligaments. The problem you are having now is called pericoronitis in which that flap of gum over the tooth becomes a infected when food gets under it.

    Good luck, it's for the best. Eventually the tooth could become decayed and develop an abscess which is 10xs more painful.
  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    Everything went pretty smooth with mine until about a week later when somehow food got lodged into one of the sockets, then the gum started to grow together on top of it, and it basically rotted and got infected. I had to go back in and the doctor punctured back through the healing skin to spray it out, no pain killer on that trip.
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    I actually had 2 extra wisdom teeth lol, so i had all 6 taken out because I had braces at the time and they were keeping my teeth from being straight. Mine was kind of extreme with the healing since there were so many but I bet yours won't be so bad.

    Going to have them taken out was was pretty awesome though haha they had me high as a kite!! I didn't believe them when they said they were done and kept arguing that they needed to take the rest out lolol
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    My wisdom teeth story:

    Went into the office nearly in tears as I completely hate the Dentist. But once that laughing gas started, I was ready to go! Told the Dentist to just shoot that needle right in my arm (some other drug that he need to put in my by IV.) Told the Dentist, I was "feeling f*cking amazing!" Started laughing like a moron, then everything was black.

    Wake up in a holding room. Then black. Wake up again in my brother's car. F*cking high as ****! My lovely brother actually video taped our drive back home. ***You need to have whomever is driving you back home to video tape you, trust me** My God, when I was actually back to normal the next couple of days, and watched that video, I just about died. It was just too damn funny.

    Now, the pain: It wasn't too too bad, but make sure you're taking your meds exactly as prescribed, don't wait to *feel* the pain, because then you're just going to have to wait longer for it to go away, and man does it hurt. I swelled up pretty badly too, but thankfully only my bottoms had to be removed, so my swelling was stationed at my jaw.

    I took a week off of work, though it was much longer than actually needed. I just didn't want to go in looking like a tard.

    Good luck!
  • talon8
    talon8 Posts: 15 Member
    It's not bad at all. I had all four out, two were impacted. I did end up with dry socket on one but asprin/tylenol was all I needed for the discomfort. The worst part was while being sedated I was worried I would tell the oral surgeon how handsome I thought he was! If I did he never let on! Good luck!
  • ImpishScoundrel
    I vaguely remember the whole ordeal. But, apparently when I was good and juiced on the N2O, I was making passes at the doctors assistant. She was extremely attractive and I had just temporarily lost all of my inhibitions. God I love nitrous! After that, I don't remember much until I woke up. Other than the fact I was on a liquid diet for the first day after, it was easy peasy.
  • RDalton84
    RDalton84 Posts: 207
    I had my wisdom teeth out last year. They did all of mine at the same time . I was put under for mine and it seemed like when I woke up they were just starting so I have zero memory of the whole thing. I was numb all through the evening so I slept fine the first night. I didn't have too much pain, I did not use the prescribed pain medicine. I did a regimine of Tylenol and Advil (alternate every 4 hours) this seemed to help a lot with the pain and swelling. For three days I pretty much lived on Jell-O, pudding and broth lol but after that I could eat solid food again as long as I was careful and do be careful not to use a straw for a least a week because you don't want to develop a dry socket. Good luck! I'm sure everything will be fine!
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    It won't hurt while the teeth are being pulled, though there's some soreness and bleeding for a couple days afterward. I had all mine pulled at once, and used only local anesthetic. I could feel what was happening as pressure and scraping, but no pain.
  • stomachflu
    stomachflu Posts: 134 Member
    Had mine done ages ago in the hospital because of the position of the teeth and a few other reasons. Found out me and General anesthetic do not get along at all.

    Anyway, all 4 came out at once, not much pain, never needed the pain pills.

    Something to watch out for is bone fragments. I had a couple come to the surface, usually could flick right off but one I had to go to the dentist and have removed.

    The jaw is honeycombed (i hope that is the right term) and pulling out the teeth can dislodge fragments. Does not always happen but don't freak out if it does!
  • Fatal1ty2k5
    Fatal1ty2k5 Posts: 333 Member
    Oh boy, mine was awesome....Had all 4 removed at the same time In Marine Corps boot camp San Diego...Virgin Dentist.. I was her first extraction. well. .the first two went okay...the 3rd broke off at the gumline. they had to cut the gums and extract the rest....
    Next morning it was off to the dentist to make sure everything was okay, then it was off to hand to hand combat training....

    The instructor asked us who has had dental work done in the last 48 hours and i eagerly raised my hand only to be asked if the teeth were still in my mouth...no sir was my answer and i was instructed to remain in training. Ahhh the pain was wonderful :)

    My drugs sucked.. i was in boot camp so i got ibuprofin for a botched 4 tooth extraction. I did run in to that dentist later on in boot camp when i was on mess duty and mentioned this to her and we had a good laugh even though i wanted to yank a few of her teeth out.

    oh and only local anesthesia aka Novocaine, frickin navy doctors

    Hell yea military dentist storys.

    Heres mine,

    Mine was in Afghanistan, the wisdom teeth on the right side of my mouth came in completly sideways. It got painfull after awhile until eventually I had to tell my squad leader that I couldn't take it anymore I HAD to get to a dentist. I had to wait 3 more days until we finally did a convoy to Bagram.

    I get to the supposed Dentist office and there aint even a dentist, just some pfc fcker thats a dental assistant, fcking great. So my squad leader holds me down while this guy pulls the 2 teeth out with some kind of dental pliers, hurt like hell no novacain or putting me to sleep.

    I got a ****load of vicoden though and was pretty high for the next week. Also got to skip all the patrols and work details.

    The teeth coming in sideways made all the rest of my teeth crooked though, straighting my teeth back out with invisalign now.