Time to revive CBA AKA no winers!

kalmf Posts: 351 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
This is the cutting back on alcohol group. The old thread is closed and this is my major area of downfall. Especially with all the yummy, well priced blends out there right now, it's just really hard to be a tea-totaller. Anyone interested?


  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I am definitely interested and decided to cut out alcohol starting today - and it is Saturday night!!!

    That is my downfall too. I lose 2/3 pounds each week and gain them back by Monday. I find Friday nights the hardest. I am ready to relax after a week of work. I am a legal assistant, doing family law, and I find it stressful.

    I am also 55 now and I can't drink like I used to and still recover. I finished supper - had 4 oz of lean steak, turnip and veggie stir fry. I usually also have a glass of wine. Instead I had a glass of diet cranberry juice in a wine glass. Almost felt like I had alcohol.

    I now brushed my teeth so I am not tempted to have a drink. Any other suggestions!!!. If I can conquer the alcohol I can lose the weight because I did it before - 5 years ago.

    I now have 35 pounds to lose.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Me too!!! I'm 53, my husband is English and the pub is such a part of his culture so we have wine every night. I like the brushing the teeth bit and I'll do the cranberry thing. I wish I had some great suggestions. My sister orders a white wine and a glass of ice and just keeps adding the ice to the glass - that has worked for me.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I just had a hot bath and read a diet book when I wanted to have a drink right now. So I feel nice and drowsy without the 3 glasses of wine. So maybe I will get through this Saturday night.

    Good luck to you and good night.

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Sunday morning and no hang over. One more good reason to cut back on alcohol:happy:
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    Count me in!

    I've really cut back over the past 2-3 months actually, i was drinking at least 1 glass red wine a night. I stopped that hoping to help with the weight loss and now have a cup of tea and feel better in the morning. :happy:

    I only have a glass now on special occasions. saving money too!!! :bigsmile:
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Welcome. I used to only drink on the weekends, but then started drinking with Amazing Race and Survivor - I don't know why. Thank goodness those shows are over for the season.

    Good luck - keep in touch
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Monday morning and back to work after being off since Dec. 24 for holidays. No alcohol since Thursday. Down 2 pounds:
  • qkristi
    qkristi Posts: 2 Member
    This would be a great group for me!! I love a a glass of wine, or two or three! I know that it's empty calories and slows down my metabolism and it needs to be gone from my daily habits. I am just starting (again) today, and want to lose 40 lbs.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Congrats to all who've cut down. Me...not so much!! But I start back at night school on Wednesday - so that'll keep me from getting bored. A bottle of wine, as I remember is 750 calories. So each four bottles saved translates to 1 lb. The money saved adds up too. Our typical every day table wine is about $10 so maybe I'll start a Hawaii piggy bank.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Congrats to all who've cut down. Me...not so much!! But I start back at night school on Wednesday - so that'll keep me from getting bored. A bottle of wine, as I remember is 750 calories. So each four bottles saved translates to 1 lb. The money saved adds up too. Our typical every day table wine is about $10 so maybe I'll start a Hawaii piggy bank.

    Karina - thanks for starting this thread. It is really helping me to have to fess up if I slip up. Good for you to re-committ What classes are you taking at night school. I didn't drink last night but I did snack too much after supper - even though I stayed under my calorie limit. I am up half a pound today. Makes me wish I had a drink. i did take a day off exercise. Perhaps that is the key. I have trouble staying below the sugar limit!!! - even with low fat menu items. Oh well - persevere. Good luck.

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Hello everyone. Up for the weekend challenge. I blew it last night. Went to Scotiabank place In Ottawa in a limo to see Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engell and Larry the Cable. My face still hurts from laughing - but we had champagne and wine in the limo - too much I am afraid. So I was up .8 of a pound this morning. No too bad for all I consumed.

    Back to trying to cut down tonight and tomorrow night.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Hello Sunday Morning. I survived the weekend without drinking. This is a huge accomplishment for me. I just hope it shows up on the scales tomorrow morning or I may just give up!!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    My new favorite non-alcoholic drink is Ginger Wonder syrup and Pellegrino. It's great for immunity and digestion and only 16 calories. I got it at Whole Foods. Any other favorite replacements?
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I am excited. 10 days on this program and I am down 4 pounds on my scales. I have a weight watcher's scale and i show parts of ponds so it may only show 3 on my ticker. Lasted the whole weekend without drinking alcohol.

    Exercised every day and was under my calorie count every day (some days by a lot). Yesterday I was the closest to making the calorie count and lost the most. So I guess you really do have to eat all you are supposed to eat. Less is not more here.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Congratulations!! I am 7.5 lbs down since I started, but I am getting close to my first plateau weight (if history is to be believed) I slow and then if I keep moving my body and keep my fingers out of the peanut butter jar, I pick up again and am good for another 6 - 7 lbs till it slows again. Lindora called it your body resetting itself or something like that. I just know it takes extra effort to keep cruising through the plateaus.

    I'm over on my calories on most days, but I'm becoming more and more conscious - which is changing the choices I make. It just feels most important to be intensely physical at some point every day.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    You are right. If I don't exercise, I don't lose.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I was bad on the weekend and overindulged with wine both night. So I not only didn't lose - I gained back a bit. Hopefully I get back on track
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    I'm not doing brilliantly, but I am still losing weight. I've learned to pour 3 oz glasses of wine and count by the fluid ounce. It seems to be working out, because they used to be 6 ounces and then I whittled them down to 4 ounces. Sometimes all I can do is just become more and more conscious.

    But here we are in another week, blank slate and all that!! Good luck! If there's anything I can do to support you, let me know.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Great Idea. The wine glasses are so large now. I have to start measuring too. I didn't loose for another week. I know why - the alcohol. I am leaving for a holiday in Florida Feb. 11 and desperate to be down. I just have to focus. Thanks for the encouragement.

    I will be good for a week and if the scale doesn't move I tend to give up and consume alcohol anyway.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Susan, my husband thought I was the tackiest person in the world, but after he poured me a glass of wine, I would dump it into the measuring cup until I could eyeball the amount. Usually if you go just to the widest part of the glass ( which is better for the wine anyway) it's about 3.5 oz.

    With white wine, I oder ice cubes on the side and add them. Even if it's considered sacreligious it slows me down and one glass is all I want.
    And even if you decide not to hold back, I find it helpful (if somewhat humiliating) to continue to record actual consumption in the log - it will give you a marker for when you slow down again and you may start to see patterns when you look at the numbers with a little distance.

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