p90x disappointed

pcbta Posts: 227
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
No, I'm not disappointed in the program. I have tried all the workouts and like them a lot!!! My back is making it very difficult...I cannot do some moves as much as I'd like, and despite all the stretching am SO sore the next day, I don't think I'll be able to officially start tomorow afterall.
I have done the stretch dvd a few times, and it helps...just not quite enough for whatever reason.
anyhow, just wanted to vent...I am officially BUMMED right out. have been looking forward to this for months...



  • I highly recommend the Beachbody Recovery Drink. It really does help with the soreness.....and is quite tasty! However, if you don't want to spend the money on it you can substitute with low fat or fat free chocolate milk. It has the same carb/fat/protein ratio that will help rebuild your glycogen levels.

    Hang in there. The pain will start to disappear and the workouts will become easier!
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    I hear ya! I did a round of p90x last summer & followed it w/a round of INSANITY. Both programs made it feel like someone had ripped the muscles from my skeleton in the beginning! I also suggest a recovery drink of some sort after the workouts. On really tough days, I also put some cytomax in my water bottle to drink while doing the workout. I have also read many places that when you're sore it seems like all you should do is relax & stretch since it hurts so much to move...however, keep on moving 'cuz that is actually best.

    Good luck & I hope you do the program. It changed my life, my attitude, my nutrition & my body. I start a hybrid of P90x/Insanity/OneonOne tomorrow. I'm sure the soreness will be just as bad as the first time I ever did the workouts!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I did the fit test today and am going to start tomorrow!!!
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    Have you consulted a medical professional about your chronic back pain, like we recommended in the other thread? I'm not trying to sound like a jerk and I apologize if I do, but chronic back pain like you described in your other thread really shouldn't be taken lightly, as it's the keystone region to so many exercises.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Have you consulted a medical professional about your chronic back pain, like we recommended in the other thread? I'm not trying to sound like a jerk and I apologize if I do, but chronic back pain like you described in your other thread really shouldn't be taken lightly, as it's the keystone region to so many exercises.
    I agree! I see a chiropractor every week, because I went through a windshield in a car accident in my teens and have had a problem every since. Would not be able to do any of my fitness if I did not have regular adjustments!
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    Yes, for almost 7 weeks I've had chiropractics, acupuncture, massage, and physio...one or two of each per week. I took a week off of any exercise during Christmas and low and behold, my back muscles relaxed and I felt much better. started up again, and back to tight and pain.
    sooooo...I was thinking I'd be stubborn and do p90x anyhow, but it hurts and I'm not sure I CAN.
    Anyhow, bummed but thanks everyone for the responses!!! it's really appriciated...

  • Here's to starting p90x 1/04/2010!

    Remember diet is 80% of any exercise! Even if you cannot do a regular p90x or Insanity, you can modify. I modify for plyo because of hereditary knee issues, and modify some shoulder excercises due to a strength imbalance on my left shoulder.

    "Just do your best and forget the rest!" - Tony
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I'm not sure it's a good idea to start it if you have back pain. I'm sure you've probably already heard this but I'll say it anyway, many times back problems come from a weak core. It could be that you just need to strengthen your core muscles (even bulging disks, and lower back pain can be alleviated by strengthening your core). Just make sure you research in proper techniques. Especially with core, you must be extra careful to keep your body stable and using the muscles intended or you can do further damage.

    I know my wife has a bulge in her L3 and has serious issues with her back. By strengthening her core and being vigilant, she's been able to overcome this and once again teach her body pump class, and do her other classes like spinning.
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    Yes, I have heard that too. Ironically, my core was stronger than it's ever been when this all started...but yeah, I'm working on it further...
    So...I;m not sure what to do yet. I'm leaning towards waiting...

    thanks a lot!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Yes, I have heard that too. Ironically, my core was stronger than it's ever been when this all started...but yeah, I'm working on it further...
    So...I;m not sure what to do yet. I'm leaning towards waiting...

    thanks a lot!

    there are lots of high intensity activities you can do while keeping a stable back. Also, you may want to check into equipment that will stabalize your back. A lot of people with back issues have it because their connecting tissue is too weak to support the spine (not sure if that's the case for you). There are neoprene wraps that you can put around your back to support it. But this only works if it's a specific type of issue. Ask your back specialist if it would help. They usually cost around 40 or 50 bucks.

    here's one

  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    Well, I'll say it again -- it's really something you may need to talk to a physical therapist about, one who can evaluate you and your specific issues one-on-one and in person to find a cause, rather than treating the symptoms. Since "pain" can be so wildly different from person to person, and pain can also run the gamut from "a good ache after a workout" to "something is terribly wrong," a bunch of random responses from the Internet can sometimes do more harm than good.

    For example, we can't take x-rays of your back and evaluate them or even effectively provide modification suggestions for P90X if you have an undiagnosed spinal condition. If it's an injury, don't push through it and ignore it. Get it checked out to find out what's really the problem.
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    I've been told I've got muscles that have spasmed. is that a diagnosis? I suppose it is...
    Well, I'm doing my best to stretch a LOT...sometimes it helps,
    Anyhow, thanks for all the suggestions...I'm seeing my physio again so I will discuss things a lot further...
    Thank you!

  • mdale2
    mdale2 Posts: 79
    I'd be careful with some of the P90X workouts if you have chronic back pain. The big offenders that come to mind are Plyo, Ab Ripper X, and Legs & Back.

    I know a lot of people say to "work through the pain" but I would NOT recommend doing this with P90X. Some of the workouts, however good they are, can cause serious joint damage or back pain. Nothing a recovery drink will wash away...believe me. I can thank a year's worth of doing Plyo for recurring knee pain. Even just a few poor landings while doing plyometric training can mess up your joints pretty bad.

    If you have any chronic pain, modify! Remove the offenders, reduce the number of pull-ups, stay away from Ab Ripper X AND Plyo, and try foam rolling or stretching after the other workouts. Substitute crunches on a fitness ball for Ab Ripper X and 30 minutes of lower impact cardio for Plyo.

    I've stopped P90X completely at this point, but I did do nearly two rounds of it. It's a good program, but some parts of it are not for everyone.
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    Thank you. that is really good to know. I was already sure I was staying away from Plyo. I'd like to say "I did plyo"....but like you said, it's not worth it.
    What I might try my first week...is the lean program...probably have to modify cardio quite a bit too...no jumping...and then do the last half of stretch x after each workout.

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