5k a day in January?

Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Wondering if there are any takers for a challenge of walking, running (or a combination of both) 5k a day in the month of January? That's 3.1 miles... and the goal isn't necessarily speed, but consistency!

Any takers?


  • i'll try it! right now i'm in maryland where its below freezing all the time, though, so i might not start until i get back to school in a week, but once i'm back at school i'm in!
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    ive been doing 5k for about 1 month. it feels great and i love the sense of accomplishment. i would love to be on your thread but i may only commit to 6 nights/week. somedays i need a rest ( i also go the gym 6-7 days week in the morning). i try to run at night so i can increase my metabolism high throughout the night.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    5K a day! Yikes! ;) I'm working on the C25K right now so I'm doing that every other day. I can't wait to be able to run 3.1 miles every day though!
  • Im aiming for a 5k in 20 minutes. Right before getting a bad flu I was doing 3.6 in Im sure I lost a lot of time, stamina, and speed over the past 1 month that I've stopped. Dreading tomorrow. :(
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hey guys! Looks like maybe I'll have some company on this adventure after all! Thanks for joining me....
    IcePrincess.... I'm not going to be able to RUN 3.1 every day, I'll run it e/o day and walk it on the off days... maybe I will end up adding more running since I'm out there. Like you, I started with the Cto5k, it was a great way to get going!

    Cybertropics... you'll be back at your former pace in no time. I know what you mean about losing stamina, although I'm convinced the mental battle is the greatest hurdle. Just tell yourself you've got this, and how strong you are, and how far you've come, and you'll be bookin' it again in no time.

    As for 6 days a week... sounds GREAT! My goal isn't perfection (cuz how realistic is that anyway?) but having something to aspire to.

    My report for today: I was out of bed and on the road at 6:30 this morning. It was my first morning with my new running buddy, who "used to" run 4 miles in 30 mins. I've never had THAT speed. We were compatible at my moderate pace. We only went 2 miles though - I will probably head out later by myself to finish up. Was so NICE to have a running buddy though!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    i'll try it! right now i'm in maryland where its below freezing all the time, though, so i might not start until i get back to school in a week, but once i'm back at school i'm in!

    Great! Thanks for joining me! Do you have a gym where you can do laps?
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    i run at night (9pm) outside. i will post my "night before" run. last night i ran only 2 miles, i was aiming for 3.1 but with the cold weather my lungs were on fire. i am a nurse and work 12 hour shifts and sometimes when i get home my legs feel like rubber. well enough with the excuses. i will go for 3.1 tonight. just 8 weeks ago i couldnt even run around the block, keep pushing yourself because i kept pushing every week a little farther and before i knew it i was up to 5k with no problem, its amazing how your body can build stamina.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    just got in from running a strong 5.5km and then sprinted an additonal 100 yards. it makes me feels so strong to full out sprint at the end.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    just got in from running a strong 5.5km and then sprinted an additonal 100 yards. it makes me feels so strong to full out sprint at the end.

    Great job!!! :) Thanks for reporting back in - I'm inspired by your efforts - and everyone's efforts who has to do it in colder weather. I live in a temperate climate, so unless it's raining, weather is no good excuse! I'll do mine today and report back in later. Seems like this is a really do-able goal, if I just make an effort.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    just got in from running a strong 5.5km and then sprinted an additonal 100 yards. it makes me feels so strong to full out sprint at the end.

    Great job!!! :) Thanks for reporting back in - I'm inspired by your efforts - and everyone's efforts who has to do it in colder weather. I live in a temperate climate, so unless it's raining, weather is no good excuse! I'll do mine today and report back in later. Seems like this is a really do-able goal, if I just make an effort.

    lol, i live in south florida so i normally have great weather as well, just the past few days has been unseasonably cold and we have become real wimps being so used to the nice weather. cant wait for your report, i am getting to ready to get out there in about an hour or so.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I know about being a weather wimp these days! It gets down to 60 and I start whining.... :) that is, until I read about people living in Canada, or the east coast, or the midwest, who are buried under snow and ice....

    Anyway, back to the report. I was out at 7:00 this morning for a run, (the run was about 2.5 miles) but with walking / running combined, I met the 3.1 mark, probably went a little over. I have a running buddy who is getting back into shape, so the runs are a bit shorter for now, but should increase soon. And, since we're talking about weather, it's a gorgeous day so far - lots of sunshine and a nice breeze! Awesome!
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    well last night i went out but it was late 10:00pm, i only did 3km but ran the whole way. i had ran 3 miles earlier in the day inside at the gym on the treadmill (when i did that i had done intervals like put the incline up, sprinted) so i guess it counts for the day!
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    yay, went out tonight and ran 5.5k and then sprinted 100yards, didnt stop at all. it felt good to finish, when i first started running i actually counted my steps by the 100's and when i felt like quitting, i used to say, i can do one more "100" until i made it one mile, now i dont need to count my strps anymore, i have graduated to using my ipod now, now my husband and i are just disagreeing on the music choices, lol. i like a quicker beat and he has some slower stuff that wants to stop me in my tracks.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    yay, went out tonight and ran 5.5k and then sprinted 100yards, didnt stop at all. it felt good to finish, when i first started running i actually counted my steps by the 100's and when i felt like quitting, i used to say, i can do one more "100" until i made it one mile, now i dont need to count my strps anymore, i have graduated to using my ipod now, now my husband and i are just disagreeing on the music choices, lol. i like a quicker beat and he has some slower stuff that wants to stop me in my tracks.

    Right on Kgrutch! :) Awesome awesome awesome! Sounds like you've made great progress. When did you start running? And how long has it taken you to work up to where you are now?

    Today was a walk day - 1 mile with all 3 dogs, and then another 3 miles without them. Tomorrow morning is another walk/run - probably the same route we've been doing - 2.2 mile run, total 3.1 miles.

    Does your husband run with you?
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Since I'm doing the C25k I'm only running every other day. I'm doing the elliptical on my day off from running. I just started week 2 and it's going well!
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    yay, went out tonight and ran 5.5k and then sprinted 100yards, didnt stop at all. it felt good to finish, when i first started running i actually counted my steps by the 100's and when i felt like quitting, i used to say, i can do one more "100" until i made it one mile, now i dont need to count my strps anymore, i have graduated to using my ipod now, now my husband and i are just disagreeing on the music choices, lol. i like a quicker beat and he has some slower stuff that wants to stop me in my tracks.

    Right on Kgrutch! :) Awesome awesome awesome! Sounds like you've made great progress. When did you start running? And how long has it taken you to work up to where you are now?

    Today was a walk day - 1 mile with all 3 dogs, and then another 3 miles without them. Tomorrow morning is another walk/run - probably the same route we've been doing - 2.2 mile run, total 3.1 miles.

    Does your husband run with you?

    it sounds like you are doing a good amount of mileage. one thing i do if walk is i tighten my legs and butt as much as i can (yes the whole time) and i think it makes a great difference. i have only been running for about 3 months. i have always worked out ot the gym, step and spin classes, etc, but i hated running because i was terrible at it. i couldnt even run 1km. my husband started running but we dont really run together, we run at different speeds so we both run at night but occasionally 30 mins apart (my ipod is now broken so if i want music i have to wait for him to be finished, hence the disagreement about music). it is nice when he comes home and says "i did 5k", i feel so motivated to go and do the same thing but also if he says "i dont feel like going tonight", wow is it ever hard to get out of the door. i had tried a similar program years ago like the couch to 5k but it just didnt work for me. i think what really helped me was running on the treadmill at the gym on inclines and sprints and then running flat seemed so much easier. also when i first started i would run 1k and then do 50yards sprints (fast as i could) with 50-100 yards walking in between, doing that for a few miles, try it, it is really fun. it is not very often adults actually run at full speed. i have had a few strange looks, lol!!
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    Since I'm doing the C25k I'm only running every other day. I'm doing the elliptical on my day off from running. I just started week 2 and it's going well!

    great job to do the c25k, keep it up. i ran my very 1st 5k about a month ago and i had so much fun. it was one of the proudest days that i have had. you should set a date for your 1st 5k to give you good incentive to keep up the pace!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Since I'm doing the C25k I'm only running every other day. I'm doing the elliptical on my day off from running. I just started week 2 and it's going well!

    great job to do the c25k, keep it up. i ran my very 1st 5k about a month ago and i had so much fun. it was one of the proudest days that i have had. you should set a date for your 1st 5k to give you good incentive to keep up the pace!!

    Agreed - that's how I got started with running too! I started Cto5K in July, but only did 2 weeks of it. I re-started in August and have been running e/o day since. It's been great! I'm so glad to now have a running buddy to push me when I need it (like this morning - i REALLY needed a push). We did the 2.2 mile run (3.1 total). I'm guessing in a week or two, we'll add more time / distance in.

    I hear you with the ipod - music REALLY helps - especially on difficult stretches of road. It totally got me through a mean stretch today. I'm bummed - my itouch is starting to freeze mid-track - and i have no idea why. I'm thinking a shuffle or a different mini-mp3 player might be more appropriate.

    And, as for running full speed - I'll try it. I did pick up the pace quite a bit for the last leg. Tough, but I'll try to do more. Thanks for the suggestion,
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    Since I'm doing the C25k I'm only running every other day. I'm doing the elliptical on my day off from running. I just started week 2 and it's going well!

    great job to do the c25k, keep it up. i ran my very 1st 5k about a month ago and i had so much fun. it was one of the proudest days that i have had. you should set a date for your 1st 5k to give you good incentive to keep up the pace!!

    Agreed - that's how I got started with running too! I started Cto5K in July, but only did 2 weeks of it. I re-started in August and have been running e/o day since. It's been great! I'm so glad to now have a running buddy to push me when I need it (like this morning - i REALLY needed a push). We did the 2.2 mile run (3.1 total). I'm guessing in a week or two, we'll add more time / distance in.

    I hear you with the ipod - music REALLY helps - especially on difficult stretches of road. It totally got me through a mean stretch today. I'm bummed - my itouch is starting to freeze mid-track - and i have no idea why. I'm thinking a shuffle or a different mini-mp3 player might be more appropriate.

    And, as for running full speed - I'll try it. I did pick up the pace quite a bit for the last leg. Tough, but I'll try to do more. Thanks for the suggestion,

    another thing thats gets me through when i feel really tired also is i count my steps, it sounds odd but i would say "okay, 100 more steps," then start with another 100, and repeat. before u know you hit 1 mile and get a burst of energy to keep going.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    great job on running 2.2 miles, that is awesome, that is a good distance, so close to 5km. before long u will be there!!
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