

  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    Its foolish to denounce Zumba as a cardio session just because it is dancing.

    It certainly couldn't be considered anaerobic exercise. I would love to see someone try and dance without breathing. therefore it is aerobic aka cardio.

    This is probably the stupidest comment I've ever read on a forum. Do you really believe that anaerobic exercise means you aren't breathing? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Anaerobic exercise means YOUR BODY CELLS are creating energy without oxygen....not that you aren't breathing. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I am still laughing about this comment. Does he really think that when people train anaerobically, they are just holding their breath? BAHAHAHAHA.
  • GToya
    GToya Posts: 2
    I enter it under dancing.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    Its foolish to denounce Zumba as a cardio session just because it is dancing.

    It certainly couldn't be considered anaerobic exercise. I would love to see someone try and dance without breathing. therefore it is aerobic aka cardio.

    bless his heart, he thinks that people exercise while holding their breath, that's precious.

    Seriously, I am dying at my desk. One of those laughs where I am chuckling so loud that I'm throwing my arms around and clapping.
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    since zumba is such a low tier exercise you could try inputting it as walking

    I don't know which Zumba class you took but I have worn a HRM to my Zumba classes & burn about 550-650 calories per class. It depends on the level of your exertion & how hard you work. I work very hard and it shows when I'm sweating like I ran for miles in the heat as well as the results I have gotten. Get a heart rate monitor and log it. If your class is slow paced and low impact then some of these people saying low tier are right. If it is fast paced and challenging it's probably at my level.

    Zumba Love! :flowerforyou:

    PS it also depends on your body composition. I might weigh less or more so my burn is different. Someone who weighs 200 pounds will burn more putting the same effort in as I do. And it's not a dance class.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    This is a typical hour class at my gym. Thrown yourself around like Shahana, and you'll burn MASSIVE calories.

    I am normally in that hole right in the front acting just as crazy as her.

    Zumba is NOT easy.

  • I have added Zumba as well as Aqua Zumba in since I've joined MFP. So if you do a search under cardio you should find it.
  • IndigoVA
    IndigoVA Posts: 164 Member
    I've done Zumba with several different instructors. A few I would classify as low tier exercise, but I think they're the exception rather than the rule. The normal Zumba I do is very similar to HIIT. It's not just dancing. There's tons of jumping, lunges, burpees, etc. I burn about 600 calories/hour, which is actually more than I burn running.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I have added Zumba as well as Aqua Zumba in since I've joined MFP. So if you do a search under cardio you should find it.

    The exercise diary doesn't work the same as the food diary. Users can add exercises to their database, but that doesn't add them to mfp's database.
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    But I'd put a good Zumba class on par with HIIT.

    lol, 10/10, made me laugh.

    When in an entire zumba class do you sprint/dance for an entire minute. It is impossible to swivel your hips hard enough to equate to an all out minuet long sprint.

    A normal HIIT is sprinting for a minute, and then walk minute, sprint another, rinse and repeat. Zumba doesn't offer that kind of work effort.

    *raises hand* In my class. And most of the time it's longer than a minute. And I use moves from a variety of workouts Insanity, P90X, Hip Hop abs and Brazilian Butt lift just to name a few.
    I know there are some "low tier" Zumba instructors who teach with a lower intensity. But that isn't all of us. And if you bothered to educate yourself before spatting out the mouth, you would know that. Take a high intensity class and give me some "experience" feedback. Douche.
  • ninic010386
    ninic010386 Posts: 70 Member
    since zumba is such a low tier exercise you could try inputting it as walking

    I would not classify Zumba as low tier. It is trully a total body workout. It takes a lot of agility, coordination, and cardio vascular endurance to get through 60 minutes of jumping and girating.
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    I love doing Zumba. I did Zumba for 2 months when I started with MFP and lost a pound a week. Then I started doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred and now Insanity 3-4 times a week. I'm losing weight but gaining muscle and the scale has not gone down, but I"ve lost 17.5 inches total. I want to incorporate Zumba back into my routine 3 days a week to add more cardio. Zumba is a great and fun way to lose weight. The more you put into it, the more you will burn. I burn, according to my HRM, between 600-800 cal depending on which DVD I do.
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    LOL at the guy that compared Zumba to walking. He doesn't have a clue, does he?

    Obviously not, but wouldn't it be fun to watch him try Zumba? :laugh: My daughter's ex-football player boyfriend used to be like that to ... until she dared him to try Zumba. He couldn't last 20 min, and said "No way your mom does that!". (yes, she does)

    **like** you show'd him !!!

    I have to agree. I've had guys flat out refuse to try it..."OH, hell NOOOO." And I've had guys that try it, and they are dying on the side of the room within 15 minutes. Also, I had a guy I liked try my kickboxing class. He couldn't keep up in that either. I find it so funny how men they are they superior since they lift weights. Strength has NOTHING to do with stamina and endurance. Women are way more in shape than men because of these cardio classes. Also, I lift weights too, so I just kick their *kitten* in all aspects. :laugh:


    Hey, not all men. I do Zumba, Body Combat, Body Attack, spin, Martial Arts, running, etc. I also enjoy my weight lifting as well.. And i've been doing all of those classes for years now. Some of us DO understand the value of cardio classes...
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    I love love love Zumba! Its my 4 times a week cardio! I made my husband try it out last week. He's in much better shape than me and he lasted only 30 minutes. Zumba is NOT a low-tier exercise! No way! My HRM says 700 calories burnt in an hour. I have to give most of the credit for that to our instructors. My gym has some amazing instructors! They really know how to kick butt :bigsmile:
  • Its foolish to denounce Zumba as a cardio session just because it is dancing.

    It certainly couldn't be considered anaerobic exercise. I would love to see someone try and dance without breathing. therefore it is aerobic aka cardio.

    bless his heart, he thinks that people exercise while holding their breath, that's precious.

    Seriously, I am dying at my desk. One of those laughs where I am chuckling so loud that I'm throwing my arms around and clapping.

    I was laughing too. I was trying to picture a person trying to work out while holding their breath and I couldn't stop laughing either. Too funny.