Took a few days off...

Last week I had one of those insane weeks at work, where any sort of taking myself (ie eatting at all, sleep, exercise, dressing in clothes that match, etc) went totally out the window. By friday, I was able to pull it together a little bit, but gave in to a pizza suggestion by the boyfriend so that I wouldn't have to cook! Then the weekend happened, which included a few gatherings, and needless to say I took a few more days off.

My pattern is that this is where I get mad at myself and give up. Not doing it this time. I really feel like this site has gotten me off to a great start and I am officially not quitting. I logged my terrible day from yesterday and I am starting off today right. I'm hoping to even get to the gym later!

On another note, I got my first "have you lost weight?" from my fabulous grandmother. It felt good to hear it from someone else! I'm ready to shake off my bad week and make some progress in the right direction!


  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    Last week I had one of those insane weeks at work, where any sort of taking myself (ie eatting at all, sleep, exercise, dressing in clothes that match, etc) went totally out the window. By friday, I was able to pull it together a little bit, but gave in to a pizza suggestion by the boyfriend so that I wouldn't have to cook! Then the weekend happened, which included a few gatherings, and needless to say I took a few more days off.

    My pattern is that this is where I get mad at myself and give up. Not doing it this time. I really feel like this site has gotten me off to a great start and I am officially not quitting. I logged my terrible day from yesterday and I am starting off today right. I'm hoping to even get to the gym later!

    On another note, I got my first "have you lost weight?" from my fabulous grandmother. It felt good to hear it from someone else! I'm ready to shake off my bad week and make some progress in the right direction!
  • dogwdots
    dogwdots Posts: 146
    We all blow our diets from time to time. The important thing is that you are getting back on track again. I have a hard time with holidays and with Mother's day yesterday, I treated my mom and got caught up in treating myself too. I am back on track again today though. I realize that I didn't gain the weight overnight, not can I get rid of it overnight.

    Good job getting back on track!
  • blondeheat
    blondeheat Posts: 254 Member
    I know where you are at. Had co workers visiting from another site. That always means social lunches and dinners plus tons of stress = eating troubles! Also had a Girl Scout campout this weekend. I am really discouraged cause I have been in a pattern of losing 2-3 lbs then letting loose for a week and seeing it all come back! However I am sure this is the right path so I will reset this morning.