50lbs to lose! Newbie :) looking for friends to add!

My name is Amber and I'm looking for some friends to add so
maybe we could help hold each other accountable :)
I've got several lbs I'd like to drop and could use the support.
So send me a request or message me!


  • EVAG12
    EVAG12 Posts: 3
    I have about 30 pounds to lose. Been working at it for close to a month. I have joined a gym & that seems to be helping a little bit. Good luck & maybe we can help each other out.
  • boydmist
    boydmist Posts: 13 Member
    Hi im stephanie. I want to lose 100 pounds. I really just started this week. Encouragement is always nice. So far i have lost 4 pounds this week:) proud of myself:)
  • llrbaker
    llrbaker Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! My name is Lee, and I'm looking for pals to help keep me accountable for this journey:) I would like to lose 113.2lbs. I'm not going to set a time frame for the weightloss goal, because I don't want to make myself miserable if I don't reach it in time (previous bad habit). I'm also going to hide my scales and weigh myself only once a month, otherwise I will end up weighing myself every day (also a previous bad habit).

    A little about me. I'm 30 years old and married to a very sweet man:) Never have I been average or skinny. Never have I been comfortable in my own body. Always have I struggled with my weight. Always have I yo-yo dieted, and ALWAYS have I wanted to be at a healthy weight. June 2012 I became a first-time mom and have a beautiful baby girl. I want to teach my daughter good eating and exercise habits, and I never want her to be ashamed or learn to be judgemental for having an obese mother.

    If you would like to add me as a friend, please do so! I look forward to gaining new friendships and helping others with their journey!
  • Hi, I'm Erika! I have about 50+ lbs to lose and I just started yesterday. I'm also looking for a few friends to help with the encouragement.

    Congrats @boydmist on your weight loss this week!
  • my name is marian and i just signe up a couple minutes ago. i have 60 pounds to lose and would love some support as well.
  • My name is Cassie. I'll be 25 this month. I am the mom of 2 monsters. :) Kaiden is 4 years old and Lily is almost 16 months. Hubbers and I just started P90X (on day 3 today) and I have over 100lbs to lose. But, Ive got my head in the game this time and I am not giving up for anything. I would love to have some more friends on here to hold me accountable. Add me :)
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    HI, My name is Christina and I have about 90 lbs to lose, but heck at this point I'd be happy just to get into "One"derland!!! Add me for motivation. I've been on MFP a little over a month now and down 11 lbs :)
  • Hi all;
    My name is Randy but my friends call me Ranz. I think its great that you are reaching out for support. I didn't start reading the community stuff until recently and realize now that it was dumb not to. I have lost 101lbs of the 105 lbs I set for a goal and I went though it alone. I am seeing many things on these forums that would have helped me on my journey now, but you know what they say, hind site is always 20/20.

    This site has done so much for me and it's time I give back. I will gladly offer any information, assistance, motivation, etc based on my experiences of course. My perspective may be helpful as long as it's considered as just one more in a large group of people that are going through the same thing. We share common demons that will try to take you from the path and the people on this forum seem to offer good guidance to keep you going in the right direction. If you think my experience could be helpful to you I will welcome a friend request.
  • I'm aiming to loser 30 pounds. I've lost weight prior to joining MFP, and have made great progress, but i'm still dedicated to reach my goal. Anyone can add me as well! :)
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 721 Member
    i have about 40 pounds to lose and the more support the better. Feel free to add me
  • I wish everyone on their fitness goals! I know it can be tough, but we can pull through. I'm looking forward to hearing about progress in everyone :)
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 721 Member
    For anyone who wants support feel free to add me. My name is LaVada and I have 40 pounds to lose. I love this site. the people are so real and have really helped. I need as much support and motivation as possible.
  • Aosuag
    Aosuag Posts: 30 Member
    Good luck to you. Feel free to add me. I joined MFP but never really used it. Im into my first week of my new journey :) So far its rough being accountable but its forcing me to watch what goes in my mouth.
  • DarlingNikki999
    DarlingNikki999 Posts: 5 Member
    I have roughly about the same weight to lose, fee l free to add.
  • aruiz13
    aruiz13 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello.. I am in the same boat! I have gained about 20 lbs since jan.. and need to lose 30.. So i can use the help aswell to stay on track! :)
  • debrussell
    debrussell Posts: 10 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 100-120 and just started last week.
  • paytonOMG
    paytonOMG Posts: 33 Member
    Hey guys feel free to add me! I went to culinary school and have been coming up with all kinds of low calorie and low carb dishes! I will add some of you too:) I need some support really bad!!!
  • I'm always here for anyone who needs a friend, support system or extra motivation :)
  • Hello!

    I need to lose about 100 lbs and can use all the encouragement and accountability you all can offer! I'd love to provide the same to you guys!

    Please feel free to add me for those who want to hold eachother accountable and encourage eachother on to goal!!

  • Jaytee79
    Jaytee79 Posts: 237 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I've been here for a year, wanted to lose 55 lbs...and it's coming off...slowly. Would be happy to offer support to anyone who needs it provided you do the same for me. Feel free to send me a friend request!