Nervous about pregnancy weight gain



  • ruggedBear
    ruggedBear Posts: 295
    First 2 kids (at age 32 & 34): Start weight 220 (I'm 5'3"), gained 15 lbs. No exercise, good nutrition, healthy babies. Lost the 15 pounds after #1, never really lost it after #2.

    Current pregnancy (8 wks at 43 years old - yikes!): Start weight 167. VERY different lifestyle now:

    - Exercise daily for at least an hour (I'm still running 3+ miles a day and lifting the same weights).
    - No weight gain at all in these first two months, so we shall see.
    - Goal is to gain as little as necessary (I still have at least an extra 10lbs of fat padding my body so gaining any additional fat isn't necessary to build the energy reserves required to grow the baby - kind of the same situation I was in at 220 lbs).

    One other tip: Exercise beats the yucky preggo symptoms! There were 3 days a couple of weeks ago where I was working 10 hour days and just too tired to put on my running shoes or go to the gym at night - those were the days I felt the worst! Once I got back to my normal routine, most of the worst first trimester symptoms abated.
  • staceface519
    TOOOOTTALLLLYYY understand. . . i lost 100 pounds THEN got pregnant and gained 32 pounds back. . . i lost 10 pounds in teh first year after having my daughter. . . shes now 2 and a half and im 10 pounds shy of my origional weight. . it has been harder to work it off ( i dont go to a gym, work full time and am a single mom). . . i was told by my doctor that the next time i want to have a child (whenever that will be).. to continue exercising while pregnant (walking, stretching, etc) will help to keep my body in shape after the baby arrives as well as helps labor and the msucles. :) . . even though your bummed about gaining weight the baby does need it, whether you have some left over frmo another child or not. . . remember to stay hydrated and eat!
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    My last pregnancy I worked out my whole pregnancy (maintained) at the gym. I counted calories and even ate some extra at the end. I gained 24 pounds all of which melted off after a month after having baby.

    My first pregnancy I gained 80 pounds because I sat around eating mayo and pickles.

    With most normal pregnancies you don't have to get out of shape and over weight. I have done it both ways and I much prefer the healthy way. I looked good and felt better.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    I think everyone who plans on getting pregnant is concerned about this. I just had a baby in Feb. I gained 33lbs and lost it all by the time she was 4.5 months. I gained 32 with my son *8 yrs ago and lost that shortly after too. I think about a month later.

    The difference this time was I ate better, and exercised more the second time around. It definately helps to eat the right food, that way the weight you do gain will come off easy. If you eat nothing but junk it's going to be hard to lose it. I have found that finding time to exercise is harder now, but I have managed to get in close to an hour walk 5 x a week. Now that baby is a little older and on a good schedule I plan to start doing another workout after her bedtime and my son usually works out with me just for fun. :)

    Most doctors will tell you to continue doing what you normally do or are used to. As long as your body allows you to, you will be able to keep working out. I know a girl who ran a 10 minute mile everyday up until 2 days before she delivered.

    * I lost the weight with my son way faster, usually don't take as long as it did w/ my daughter, but I had a few complications, so I wasn't real concerned about even trying to lose weight in the beginning.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Yup, you can still exercise throughout your pregnancy. Just listen to your body, and slower intensity as needed. Don't "eat for two". You need about 300 extra calories for the baby in 1st trimester, 350 in 2nd, and 500 toward the end of the pregnancy. More if you are having multiples. You will be fine.
  • heartsoulshannon
    heartsoulshannon Posts: 59 Member
    I have never gained more than 25 pounds while pregnant ( I gained ZERO during my last pregnancy because I started out overweight and decided to eat healthier for my baby. Then I ended up with gestational diabetes and had to eat even MORE healthily.) On TOP of that, I am on pelvic rest AND am required to take it easy due to cervical incompetence... Just realize that you are NOT eating for two :)
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    I can relate! I have a 3 year old son, and my weight loss/exercise journey didn't start until he was about 18 months old. I actually ended up getting into better shape than I have ever been in my life at that point, so needless to say I was terrified to get pregnant again and undo all my hard work.

    Well, here I am at 31 weeks pregnant with my 2nd. I have still been tracking my calories every day (just set to maintain and then adding the appropriate amount for each trimester). I tried to stay as active as possible on days when I felt up to it, just taking long walks or doing prenatal pilates videos at home. I know I will get back into my regular exercise routine once the baby is born, because I actually miss it terribly. Oh, and since i have a toddler and work full time, i have no time to go to the gym. I would do exercise videos at home (30 day shred, pilates, other jillian vids, etc) after my son went to sleep.

    It is possible! you just have to stay in control of it and make healthy decisions. And this quote i read on a blog once helps remind me of that:

    "Pregnancy is not a sentence for a lifetime of excess weight. It’s just a pregnancy."

  • wabecca
    wabecca Posts: 19 Member
    My humble opinion...

    Put weight loss out of mind during this time. The health of your child for his entire LIFE will depend on your actions during pregnancy. There are a host of problems that can occur with eating too little during pregnancy ranging from minor to major such as not being born with a spine or brain! (Get that folic acid!)

    The health of your child is WORTH shelving weight loss goals for 9 months.

    Of course... this doesn't mean I recommend devouring bags of Doritos and Bon Bons!

    Yes, the only time I tracked my calories when pregnant was when I had morning sickness and was losing weight, I started tracking to make sure I forced enough food down. After that I didn't worry about how many calories I consumed, just that I ate (mostly) healthy foods and not all junk. :)
  • skinnyjenn1
    skinnyjenn1 Posts: 7 Member
    With my first pregancy I gained a HUGE amount of weight. In fact, so much that at one of my visits my ob grabbed me by the shoulders, looked me hard in the face and said "you HAVE to stop gaining weight". With my first little one, I fell into the trap of believeing that when you were pregnant you could eat anything you wanted and you had to lie around because you were "delicate". So, it took me having an awful pregnancy complete with preeclampsia to figure out that isn't how it has to be. With baby #2, I learned that you don't have to change how you eat (provided you are eating healthy and refraining from cafine and too much sugar), and until you reach the uncomfortable stage you don't even have to change your exercise routine. Unless you are having complications like spotting or cramping, you can do things just the way you are doing them now. Plus there are tons of great workouts for pregnancy. My favorite is YoMama Prenatal Yoga. Then after the baby comes, and you've given yourself the pre-requisite amount of healing time, you can jump right in where you left off. Newborns sleep nearly all day, so finding time to workout in those early months shouldn't really be a problem. Then as your baby gets older there are lots of ways to work around his/her schedule. All four of mine adhered to the "two rule": they took two, two-hour naps until they were two years old. Those four hours give you tons of time to get in a good workout. Another thing that helps keep you focused when you are nursing is to remember that what you eat your baby eats. So unless you want her to down a grande mocha latte or a super sized order of fries, don't put it into your body! Healthy mommies make healthy babies!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    In Ye Olden Days (my kids are in their 20's) we were only allowed to gain 20 lbs, of which I still kept 5 lbs from each pregnancy. These days, the weight gain is much higher and it seems to me that, with a newborn, it must be pretty hard to lose it.

    A child is much more meaningful than 5 lbs of fat, however. And if you eat right and exercise during the pregnancy, you will be in good shape and hopefully good health.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Just do the best you can. Eat healthy. Make sure and talk to your dr. About what and how much you should be eating. I have three kids and every time I went in at the beginning of the pregnancy the dr told me I can do everything I was doing prepregnancy. Of course as you gat bigger you may have to modify some things. MOST importantly, the blessing and joy from a child is worth every stretch mark, pound gained and lost sleep. They are worth it! When you get pregnant ENJOY it. You will only have that baby growing in you for a little while. When that baby is born, ENJOY it. They will only be little for a little while.
  • AndiJ2011
    AndiJ2011 Posts: 82 Member
    Don't overeat and you will be fine....

    I have a six year old and an 11 month old.

    With both my preganancies I gained almost 80lbs. Went from 120's to 200. I ate alot though. Boredom being on bedrest. With 1st I was back to pre-pregnancy weight in about 9 months.

    This last baby I am 15 pounds away from goal weight and she will be 1 next month. But also with two kids I had less time for myself (homework, afterschool activities, etc...) so it has taken a few extra months. but its all up to you. Raising kids is no walk in the park, but it's not hard either if you enjoy that lifestyle. I workout with a 6 year old shooting cap guns at me and a lil baby climbing on my back while I'm doing push ups. IT IS WHAT IT IS.. I go to the gym when I can. And if we get a family day at the gym the hubby and me switch off and go do laps in the pool.

    Eat right and you will lose the weight. Don't make exercise a chore and you will stick with it. Having babies is so fun. Weight loss/gain is a non-issue to me in the grand scheme of things.
  • sbrooks0387
    sbrooks0387 Posts: 167 Member
    I worked extreamly hard once i hit college to lose weight i ended up losing 65 lbs before i got married (about 3 years latter) and then the babies started. my first i gained almost all of that back. i like my kids close so i got prego again when baby 1 was only 9 months old. i had lost alot of the baby weight but not quiet all of it. baby 2 i only gained 25 lbs. and now baby 3 i am track to gain about 25-30 lbs again.

    big difference with my first pregnancy and the next two. with my first my hubby was away a lot (military) so i did not cook that great for just myself and i did not feel safe walking by myself in the town we lived in. so bad diet and poor exercise. but with baby 2 even if hubby was gone temp. i had to cook a healthy meal for my toddler to eat so i ate healthier. and hubby was home alot more so we went for walks (about an hour with no stops) every night he was home in time to go.

    in between baby 2 and baby 3 i did try going to the gym but it just wasn't for me now that i have kids. you can still go to they gym, you can go latter once baby is asleep or have hubby/grandparents pitch in an hour 3-4X a week so you can go. if you are fit when you get prego you can keep exercising (running and cardio) but it does get harder to do the bigger you get. weights you would have to check with your doc and see what they say for that. now that i have kids my exercise is nightly walks that usally end at the park. you would be amazed how much of a workout going up and down the slide over and over and over is.....

    as long as you ate healhty and watched your calorie intake (being prego is not permission to eat what ever when ever you want) i don't really count my cals now that i'm prego i enter them sometimes just to see about what i'm eating and i am doing very well. as long as i make healhty choices i am happy with how my cals end up right now. and keep active even if it is walking every night you should be fine while prego.... and after you have a baby again keep eating healhty (plus it makes a great role model for you kids to see you eating healhty, i am very proud of the fact that with banana bread and cookies on the counter my toddler picked cheerios and water for a snack the other day) and use the baby to help get exercise. pushing a stroller takes more energy than walking by yourself and carrying the baby in a baby carrier takes more energy. there are also lots of books and videos for pregnancy workouts like yoga.
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    Before I got pregnant with my first (now 3.5 yrs old), I was one of those skinny people who could eat basically whatever they wanted and I didn't have to exercise. (I know - hate me now). But I had no skills regarding how to control my diet or limit gain. I never ate large portions, so that's probably what kept my weight from going up, but even if I gained a few, I could always lose it again pretty easily.

    When I got pregnant, I kept up the status quo. I ate when I was hungry, I didn't exercise. I gained 40 pounds. I kept telling myself, "I'll breastfeed and the weight will melt off." So I breastfed - and I was starving all the time. I was afraid not to eat when I was hungry because I didn't want it to affect my milk. I thought I was one of the unlucky ones who wouldn't lose the weight until after I finished nursing. At this point I was holding onto about 15 pounds (those pounds I gained over 25). After I stopped nursing, I didn't really gain, but I didn't lose like I expected either. I was baffled - I lost weight so easily before, what was my problem?

    It took me two years to get it through my thick skull that my old ways just weren't going to work this time. I had managed to lose about 5 pounds on my own but then stalled. I found MFP and started logging meals and exercising. By this time I was wanting another baby and I was bound and determined that I wasn't going to start another pregnancy heavier than I started my first. It took me 2-3 months to lose those last 10 pounds.

    Once I got back down to my starting weight, I got pregnant again. The difference this time was that I had the skills in place to know how to watch what I ate, and to eat a healthy number of calories. You really don't have to eat much more than maintenance levels while you're pregnant - only 100 to 300 calories a day during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. I was in better shape this time, and I was determined to keep exercising. Unfortunately I had some crippling morning sickness and other complications during my first trimester and I was put on pelvic rest.

    Even with my limitations on exercise, I gained 30 pounds with my second pregnancy, compared to the 40 pounds I gained the first time. I looked and felt better during my third trimester. Afterwards, when I was nursing, I was able to keep in mind what a healthy diet is and not gorge myself. I had the skills to do everything more healthily than the first time around. And I lost the weight much faster, in large part I believe because I was in better shape to start with. My younger daughter is not yet 6 months old. Unfortunately I had to quit nursing when she was 4 months old. I had reached my pre-pregnancy weight, but having to quit nursing and then going on vacation caused me to gain about 8 pounds. A lot of that is because I wasn't able to eat dairy while I was nursing so I let myself go a little bit, knowing that I would gain and need to buckle down when I got back.

    Anyway, my point is that you'll be starting your first pregnancy where I was before my second. You have the knowledge you need to be able to gain less and exercise during pregnancy, and you'll be in good shape to start with so you'll have an easier time on the tail end.

    Now I have a 3 yr old and a 5 month old and I'm doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. I don't have a lot of time in my day to exercise, but you can and will find time to fit in what you can. I'm doing the 30DS to get the biggest bang for my buck, so to speak.
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    Oh and I just wanted to add, those 8 pounds I gained after quitting nursing were mostly water weight. It's been 2.5 weeks since I got home from vacation and I've lost 6 pounds.

    And - as far as working out with children goes, my 3 year old is doing my 30DS exercises with me. She loves it! She jumps all around and even does pushups. And she'll start saying, "Go, mommy, go! Go faster!" It's awesome, great motivation when I'm struggling.
  • Mewlingstork
    Mewlingstork Posts: 266 Member
    I've heard swimming is good exercise while pregnant, since it's low impact and easy to do while carrying the extra weight of the baby. Do they make maternity one pieces??

    I'm 30/31 weeks along, gained 22lbs so far. I do aqua aerobics 2-4 times a week and walk at least 30 min every day. I have a maternity suit, but its a two piece. It's comfortable and super cute!

    Otherwise, one can definitely exercise while pregnant, as long as doctor gives the ok. Most say if you were doing it before you were pregnant, by all means continue! Although, this didn't obviously apply to my ice hockey, bummer. Don't restrict food and get good nutrients, but keep exercising - its the way to keep the weight gain under control, in my opinion.
  • okeedokee5
    okeedokee5 Posts: 46 Member
    Wow! Thank you to everyone for your responses! I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one who has or has had concerns about this. I was starting to think I was being very selfish, and now I'm learning that I'm just acting normal. :)

    It's good to hear that so many of you have been able to stay active throughout the majority of your pregnancy, and that the baby weight will come off eventually. When/If I get pregnant, I'm hoping to stay around 25-30 pounds gained.

    My gym does have a daycare as well, and they're really good. I'm not sure how old the child has to be before they take him/her though.
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I have 3 boys (8,6,& 14 mo) and I am currently trying for #4. I am worried about gaining the weight back too, but a healthy baby is what the ultimate goal is. I gained 50+ pounds with all three of my kids and I had a hard time getting the weight off until now. I have lost 32 pounds so far. I tell myself and all I need to do is keep eating right and get as much exercise as I can without harming the baby and things will be just fine. Obviously, some women will gain a lot of weight regardless of their exercise and eating habits, so you don't really know how your body will react. I hope that I can maintain the weightloss afterwards, but we will see. I am now at a healthy weight for myself and am ready to embrace being a mommy for the 4th time!! :love:
  • tbisca1
    tbisca1 Posts: 142
    I'm hoping to find someone (anyone?) on here that might be in the same boat as me.

    I've been married for almost two years, and inevitably, its time to start thinking about having kids. My husband wanted to start trying awhile ago, but I've pushed off. I've been on this weight loss journey (successfully) for 6 months now, and I still have a ways to go. My husband has been VERY supportive through all of it, and has agreed to wait another year until we start trying for kids. He's 30 now, and I'll be 30 later this month.

    Anyway, the part that makes me anxious is that I've put in ALL THIS EFFORT towards weight loss and getting my body where I want to be. So far, I've been successful, and I feel good and confident about myself. I am VERY concerned that once I get pregnant, staying as active as I've been will not be possible, and I will gain weight. Not just the typical 'baby weight' you gain, but beyond that. Additionally, after having the baby, I'm concerned I will be so time-crunched that I will not have the time to hit the gym as much or be as dedicated as I've been.

    So I need your support here. Are any of you moms of young kids (infants, toddlers) and have been able to make it work between raising a kid, hitting the gym, and eating right? Was the baby weight gain all that bad? How active can I stay while pregnant?

    Anyone else here without kids have the same concerns as I do?

    I wasn't sure if I was the only one who felt like that! I have lost 148lbs and the idea of gaining 10lbs much less 25lbs or more complete terrifies me. Luckily my husband isn't pushing for children at this point since we have only been married for 5months! I hope everything works out for you and just take the knowledge you have learned on your journey and use it throughout the pregnancy. (I know easier said than done :happy: )
  • okeedokee5
    okeedokee5 Posts: 46 Member
    I wasn't sure if I was the only one who felt like that! I have lost 148lbs and the idea of gaining 10lbs much less 25lbs or more complete terrifies me. Luckily my husband isn't pushing for children at this point since we have only been married for 5months! I hope everything works out for you and just take the knowledge you have learned on your journey and use it throughout the pregnancy. (I know easier said than done :happy: )

    WOW! A loss of 148 is huge!! Congratulations on that!